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    • 1、八年级英语下册 Unit 3写作预习指导一、知识点【语法】(一)could用法1.Could you please do sth.? “请你做.好吗?”肯定回答:Sure/ Certainly/ Of course/ No problem./ With pleasure.否定回答:可先拒绝再说明理由Sorry, I cant/ Id love to, but I .2.以could引出委婉请求时,答语中不能用could,用can.Eg: - Could I go out with my friends tonight, Mum?- Sure, you can.- 妈妈,我今天晚上可以和我的朋友出去吗?- 当然,你可以。【知识讲解】1.Something to drink 喝的东西Something to eat 吃的东西Eg: Could I have something to drink?我可以喝一些东西吗?2.Hang out 闲逛Eg: Could I hang out with my friends after the dinner?我可以晚饭后和朋友去逛逛吗?3.Pass (

      2、动词) “通过;传递”常见搭配:pass sb.sth.= pass sth.to sb.把某物递给某人Pass the exam 通过考试Pass away 过世Pass by 经过Eg: Please pass me the book.= Please pass the book to me.请把那本书递给我。4.Borrow sth.from sb. 从某人那借某物(向里借)Lend sth.to sb. 把某物借给某人(向外借)Eg: I borrowed the bike from Mike.我从迈克那借的自行车。Please lend the bike to me.请把自行车借给我。5.Here you are. 给你6.No problem. 没问题。7.Hate to do/doing sth. 讨厌做某事Eg: I hate to do chores.我讨厌做家务。8.Do chores = do housework 做家务Eg: My mum often does chores after dinner.我妈妈经常晚饭后做家务。9.Ask sb.to do sth.

      3、 要求某人做某事Eg: My mum asked me to finish my homework before dinner.我妈妈要求我晚饭前完成作业。【写作】本模块写作主题为“家务活与许可”(一)常见短语1.Do chores 做家务2.In ones opinion 在某人看来3.Develop ones independence 培养某人的独立性4.Sweep the floor 扫地5.Wash the dishes 刷盘子6.Take part in 参加(二)常见句型1.It is important for sb.to do sth. 对某人来说做某事很.2.It can make sb.know . 它可以让我们知道.3.Doing chores is good for us. 做家务对我们有益。(三)写作思路第一:谈谈自己对做家务的看法。第二:谈谈自己做家务的体验第三:表明自己对做家务的看法范文:Different people have different ideas about whether we should do chores at home or no

      4、t.In our daily life, some students think they neednt do any housework, because they believe that their only job is to study.But in my opinion, it is important for us to learn how to do chores and help our parents with housework.Firstly, doing chores helps us to develop our independence.We can do some chores, such as sweeping the floor, washing the dishes and so on.Secondly, doing chore is a good way to relax.We can become stronger and healthier.Last but not least, it can make us know how hard ou

      5、r parents work and understand them better.In a word, I think doing chores is good for us.Everyone should take part in doing chores and keep our houses clean and tidy.二、练习题一、单项选择( )1.Could you _ watch TV? Im sleeping.A.please dont B.dont please C.not please D.please not( )2.- Could I borrow your dictionary?- Sure, you _.Here you are.A.could B.can C.couldnt D.cant( )3.- Would you mind _ the rubbish on the floor, my boy?- Im sorry.I wont do it again.A.dont drop B.not to drop C.not drop D.not droppi

      6、ng( )4.Learn to relax.Too much _ may not be good for your health.A.joy B.stress C.space D.situation( )5.- _ you please take the dog for a walk?- OK, but I have to fold the clothes first.A.Must B.Should C.Could D.May( )6.When learning English, _ you practice, _ mistakes you will make.A.the more; the more B.the fewer; the moreC.the less; the less D.the more; the fewer二、短文填空(根据首字母提示填写单词)I work in a cleaning company.Usually people call us, and we 1.p_ house cleaning service.One day, I got a 2.c_ for

      7、m a man named David.“ I want to help an old man.He jsut had surgery (手术) and is still 3.i_.Can I pay for it without letting him know” he asked.David was a very kind man.He called us because he was worried about his neighbor, Mr.Smith.Mr.Smith just came back from the hospital.His hours was in a 4.m_, but he couldnt do any housework.Even 5.s_ the floor was difficult for him.He didnt tell his children because he didnt want them to 6.w_ their time taking are of him.David wanted to help Mr.Smith with

      8、out bringing him any 7.s_.And then we asked David what would happen if Mr.Smith would refuse to let us come into his house.“ I have to at least try, and 8.a_, I really want to help him.” he said.Luckily, Mr.Smith let us in and our workers did a good job.9.S_ we promised David not to tell his name, we didnt tell too much to Mr.Smith.Mr.Smith was touched by the gift from someone he didnt know.Sometimes we dont expect to 10.d_ on others, because we are afraid of letting them get into trouble.However, there is always someone who cares for you and tries his best to help you.三、任务型阅读Life is always full of stress these days.How do you usually relieve (减轻) stress? 1._ In fact, doing something like washing dirty clothes may really make people relaxed.“Doing some housework such as folding the clothes or sweeping the floor is a good way to relieve our stress without taking any medicine,” says Carol Clark, a successful psychologist (心理学家) in New York.2._ “While washing something,” she says


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