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    • 1、阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。AWhat is body surfing?Bodysurfing is related to riding on a wave with no help from aid tools such as a surfboard. Thats why it is called the “purest” form of surfing. In fact, it is one of very few extreme sportsfree climbing and cliff diving are. othersthat can be practiced using nothing but the human body.How do you do it?To catch a wave, swim to where the waves break and, as one approaches, start swimming towards the beach. You must try to travel at the same s

      2、peed as the wave and, if you do it correctly, you will feel the wave lifting you and pushing you forwards. Then try and cut along the surface of the wave.What do you need?It is more enjoyable and safer if you use flippers (large flat rubber shoes). This is because they enable you to swim faster and surf along them more easily. A wetsuit is also advisable. Another aid is a handboard, a mini-surf board about the size of an iron, held in one hand to speed up along the wave. If you are lucky enough

      3、to be surfing in warm water, make sure you have your boardshorts at the ready.Unofficial world championshipBodysurfing is not a professional sport, but in Hawaii there is such a festival called the Pipeline Bodysurfing Classic each year. Local bodysurfers compete against athletes from places such as Australia, Brazil, Japan or France. Famous bodyboarder Mike Stewart has won the event no fewer than 12 times, and Kelly Slater, the greatest surfer in history, has also competed.1. How does a bodysur

      4、fer surf while in the sea?A. Only using the human body.B. Only relying on a surfboard.C. Only following a wave.D. Only swimming along the beach.2. Which can make you surf faster?A. Flippers and a wetsuit.B. A wetsuit and a handboard.C. A handboard and boardshorts.D. A handboard and Flippers.3. What can we know about the Pipeline Body surfing Classic?A. It is for local bodysurfers.B. It is held annually in Hawaii.C. All famous bodysurfers favor it.D. Mike Stewart attends it every year.【语篇解读】本文是一篇

      5、说明文。文章主要介绍了一项非专业的运动人体冲浪。1. A 【解析】细节理解题。根据文章第一段Bodysurfing is related to riding on a wave with no help from aid tools such as a surfboard.和that can be practiced using nothing but the human body.可知,人体冲浪是在没有冲浪板等辅助工具帮助的情况下在海浪上冲浪。故选A。2. D【解析】细节理解题。根据文章第三段It is more enjoyable and safer if you use flippers (large flat rubber shoes). 如果你使用脚蹼会更舒适、更安全,和Another aid is a handboard, a mini-surf board about the size of an iron, held in one hand to speed up along the wave. 一只手拿着冲浪板可以加速冲浪。故选D。3.B 【解析】细节理解题。根据文章

      6、最后一段Bodysurfing is not a professional sport, but in Hawaii there is such a festival called the Pipeline Bodysurfing Classic each year. 在夏威夷每年都会有一个名为管道人体冲浪经典的节日。故选B。BPromise Sawyers, a 10-year-old girl in Nashville, Tenn., is inspiring people old and young after making a video before going to school “bigger and better” with her natural hair, just one day after she was made fun of for her afro.Promise Sawyers motivational video was posted online by her mom Qui Daugherty, after the 5th-grader secre

      7、tly recorded it on Daughertys phone. In it, Sawyers explained that she was feeling “some type of way” after her classmates had mean things to say after she wore her natural hair the day before. But she was determined not to let it bring her down, and wore it the same way the following day. “Dont allow anyone to steal your joy,” Promise said. “Dont give them that much power.”Daugherty says that Promise has been surrounded by that type of positivity her whole life. Shes always taught her daughter

      8、to “meet a negative with a positive”, even when somebody is trying to bring her down. And although this example seems like one of the more disheartening( 令人气馁的) ones that Promise has faced after starting at a new school, her video proved that she took her moms advice to heart.Now, nearly 2 million views later, people everywhere are responding to the video. “We had no idea the impact that it was going to make and the amount of messages,” Daugherty said. “Its made a huge impact behind the scenes t

      9、hat has blessed me personally.”Daugherty jokes that Promise doesnt understand how influential her words are. Instead, the 10-year-old is just excited about the millions of views.“I just tell her not to focus on the numbers,” Daugherty says. “Lets find a way we can be impactful behind this and make an influence and inspire people. Thats all we want.”4. What does the underlined word “afro” in Paragraph 1 refer to?A. A hairstyle.B. A disability.C. An attitude.D. A video.5. What did Promise decide to do after being teased by her classmates?A. Seek some advice from her mother.B. Make herself look bigger and better.C. Record her sadness on video silently.D. Keep wearing the same hair to school.6. What will Daugherty advise Promise to do when theres something disheartening?A. Switch to a new start.B. Look on the bright side.C. Make necessary changes.D. Share her joy with others.7. H


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