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    • 1、贵阳市南明区2023年考研英语一深度自测卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)My dad always collected coins. He would walk to his long-time bankers and 1 they put at least some new coins aside for him 2 coins were issued. He gave them to every 3 member. It gradually became a special family 4 to get coins from Dad.When my dad died, I felt a sense of 5 . My father and I had been so close. I was

      2、 lost without his 6 and support. I wondered if I would 7 feel my dad around me again, watching over me. It was right after Hurricane Katrina. At the end of a motivational meeting, I felt so 8 as I looked at these devoted volunteers. To my surprise, when I glanced at the 9 , I saw a coin from the state where my dad was 10 and raised.Later, I went to the bank to 11 a check. The bank manager, who had known me, called me into her office, showing me the coins for all the states my dad had 12 .Ever si

      3、nce that time, I have always 13 coins at the most extraordinary times, when I needed support the most. 14 , nowadays when I need emotional support during a tough time, a coin will always 15 in a strange place.Now every time a coin appears in our house, one of my 16 says, “Oh, its Grandpa! ”We all feel a sense of 17 every time a single coin turns up in a (n) 18 place. We have all accepted it as a 19 of love, guidance and support from Dad and 20 coin makes us smile.1、Apoint out Btalk about Clook a

      4、t Dmake sure2、Abecause Bwhen Csince Duntil3、Aclub Bbank Cfamily Dteam4、Aprinciple Btradition Cdiscovery Dmemory5、Arelief Bduty Cguilt Demptiness6、Apromise Bbelief Cguidance Dexpectation7、Aever Bjust Calready Deven8、Anervous Banxious Cdisappointed Dgrateful9、Aceiling Bfloor Cplayground Dwall10、Aplayed Bsaved Cborn Dchosen11、Awrite Bpost Ccash Dprint12、Ashared Bordered Creceived Dcollected13、Afound Bcounted Cdropped Dcollected14、AUnluckily BGradually CAmazingly DObviously15、Abreak out Bend up Cfad

      5、e away Dshow up16、Astudents Bcolleagues Ckids Dfriends17、Acomfort Bachievement Cpride Dloss18、Aunexpected Bfixed Csimilar Ddistant19、Asupport Bmessage Cresult Drecord20、Aanother Bevery Ceither DotherSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1 Imagine jet-setting from Tokyo to Paris, enjoying first-class travel, a four-course dinner and a city

      6、 tourall without leaving the ground. This is the future of air travel according to Japanese company First Airlines, which has used the power of virtual reality to create dream vacations.Passengers avoid the costly airport transfer, the baggage fees or busy airport terminal(航站楼)and instead enjoy the privileges of business or first-class travel and an expensive tour of Parisall while remaining motionless in Tokyo. As well as Paris, First Airlines also offers the virtual destinations of New York, R

      7、ome and Hawaii.After boarding, guests can settle down for the two-hour flight on their advanced Airbus seatsurrounded by decoration that is modeled on the inside of an aircraft, for maximum realism. There is flight service and VR, foods, music for every destination. Passengers will be served a delicious meal by air stewards, alongside drinks and other desserts. The menu depends on the destination of choiceManhattan clam chowder and cheesecake for New York and salmon tartar and onion soup for Par

      8、is. After landing at the destination, guests can enjoy a 360-degree tour of the destinationall thanks to projection(投影)mapping and video.It makes for a supposedly stress-free vacation, perfect for those whose ability to travel abroad is limited by cost or health. Virtual reality is becoming increasingly present everywhere at all times in the world of travelallowing travelers to appreciate the wonders of the world, all without leaving their house.At just 4,980 yen($ 46)for business class and 5,98

      9、0 yen($ 56)for first classthese two- hour flights are far more affordable than their real-life flights. Tokyo citizens eager to experience First Airlines can book a trip on the website, with reservations currently being taken until May 2018.1、What can we learn about the future of air travel from Tokyo to Paris?AIt is high-flying.BIt is money-saving.CIt is power-wasting.DIt is time-consuming.2、When can passengers enjoy the beauty of the destination?AUpon arrival.BDuring the flight.CAfter boarding the plane.DOn getting o


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