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    • 1、考研英语一襄樊市南漳县2023年全真模拟试卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)Grady threw down his backpack and slammed the car door shut.“This is going to be a really 1 week,” he said unhappily to no one 2 . He looked around the campground. Hundreds of blue-green fir trees,some as tall as church towers, 3 the mountainside, giving it the appearance of a lush green carpet. The sun would be se

      2、tting soon. Then, Grady thought, maybe the 4 wouldnt feel so bad. Even up here in the 5 , the hot stickiness of July clung to him.Grady hated camping, but it was something his family 6 every summer. His father liked cooking over an open fire, telling stories about how to 7 things like bear attacks and swarms of bees. His mother and younger brother Jared liked to hike and take 8 of animals. Jared had a collection of bug pictures that hed 9 to the walls in his half of their room. Grady thought the

      3、y were just scary and proof that Jared was a 10 kid.They set up camp two 11 , one for his parents and one for himself and Jared. While everyone else started 12 dinner, Grady, looking for some place to cool down, set off for the nearby stream, which was deep enough to 13 in.As he 14 the stream, something caught his eye. There was a/an 15 black bear cub no more than two feet tall with a lovely face.It was playing 16 at the waters edge, 17 its surroundings. Grady moved closer to get a 18 look.Then

      4、Grady heard a sound behind him. He 19 his father saying that bear cubs would never be 20 . Then he turned around and saw the cubs mother moving swiftly towards him .1、Along Binteresting Cpeaceful Drisky2、Ain advance Bin brief Cin particular Din silence3、Ablocked Bcovered Creflected Dscarred4、Adust Bcampground Cheat Dsun5、Amountain Briver Csky Dtower6、Abelieved in Binsisted on Ccame cross Dlived through7、Aencourage Bexplore Crecognize Dsurvive8、Acare Bcontrol Cpictures Dexamples9、Aguided Bpinned

      5、Ctaken Dthrown10、Asensitive Bsmart Ctough Dstrange11、Abeds Brooms Ctents Dplates12、Aaltering Bhunting Cordering Dpreparing13、Adig Bswim Chide Dsink14、Acrossed Bimagined Cleft Dneared15、Aadorable Baggressive Cinjured Dlarge16、Acautiously Bjoyfully Cforcefully Dnervously17、Aattacking Bdestroying Chating Dignoring18、Abetter Bbrighter Cfixed Dlasting19、Afound Blearned Cremembered Dmisunderstood20、Aalone Bawake Ccute DscaredSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four text

      6、s. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1 The clock always seems to be ticking rather too fast in the doctors office and the queue of patients outside the door seems to be pressing rather too hard. Some say its high time for the model of short, sharp one-to-one appointments to give way to shared medical appointments(SMAs).SMAs are doctor-patient visits in which a group of patients receive patient education and couns

      7、eling (咨询),physical examination and medical support in a group setting. Typically SMAs are designed to have one or more doctors attend to a group of patients who share a common illness or medical condition. In contrast to one-to-one visits, SMAs provide a longer appointment time-frame as well as the opportunity for patients to have improved access to their physicians and meanwhile pick up additional information and support from peers.However, doctors who have pioneered the shared appointment app

      8、roach report that there are significant challenges involved. Dr. Sumego , director of shared medical appointments, Cleveland Clinic,identifies culture change as the most significant challenge. Physicians and nurses are trained in a model of personal service and privacy; the SMA approach is a fundamental challenge to those fixed ideas. They need shared goals and a way of testing the innovation against agreed standards. Dr. Sumego says,“The physicians may be worried about the possible chaos and ef

      9、ficiencies that are marketed. They also have to make the patients understand what their appointment is, and what the expectation is.”“So, if an organization was looking to start shared medical appointments, I would advise them to start the buy-in from a few champion physicians, develop the work-flow and develop some experience. Provide some support behind what that best practice should look like. Create some standards so that, as the concept spreads, you can employ that experience to start the next shared medical appoint


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