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    • 1、考研英语一昔阳县2023年深度自测卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)My mother has spent the past 9 years working with Special Olympics. But her 1 of love, compassion and patience started 20 years ago when my younger sister, Natalie, was 2 . You see, my sister is mentally delayed and has always required 3 help; help that my mother never 4 to give. My mother decided 5 after my sister was

      2、 born that she would do whatever she could to give my sister as close to a(n) 6 life as possible. So Natalies 7 was not going to stop her from living her life to the fullest. In the 20 years since my sister was born Ive 8 my mom fight for my sisters rights, and the rights of those like her, in the schools and community.When our family moved to Washington State in 2000, my mother got a job 9 a para-educator at one of the local middle schools. My mother has always said that is when her eyes were 1

      3、0 opened to all the different things that were 11 to people with special needs.It was November 2001 that my family was 12 forever. That is when my sister 13 Special Olympics. At first we would just go and watch my sister, 14 we quickly started to get more 15 . My mother and I started to 16 , and my dad was the driver. We were 17 involved in basketball, soccer, and softball.When my family moved to Idaho State in August of 2012, we were sad to 18 that our small town didnt have Special Olympics tea

      4、ms. So what did my mother do? She took it upon herself to 19 teams in our small town. Now five years later my family is still in full Special Olympics 20 . My mother is not only my hero, but the hero of the over 30 Special Olympics athletes in Rigby, ID1、Aquality Bvalue Chope Dstory2、Ahurt Blost Cborn Draised3、Asmall Bextra Ckind Dmental4、Ahesitated Bneeded Cdecided Dliked5、Alater Bunwillingly Cquickly Dnervously6、Ainteresting Bspecial Cnormal Dwhole7、Aenthusiasm Bdisability Ccourage Dstrength8、

      5、Awatched Bhelped Cheard Dfelt9、Afor Bwith Cto Das10、Anever Bhardly Ctruly Dsometimes11、Adangerous Bavailable Cdifficult Dstrange12、Achanged Bastonished Ccompleted Dsettled13、Aleft Bvisited Chated Djoined14、Aand Bso Cbut Dsince15、Adisappointed Binvolved Cmoved Dfascinated16、Acoach Bspeak Cprepare Dact17、Aslowly Banxiously Cgradually Dactively18、Alet out Bwork out Cfind out Dmake out19、Abreak up Bstart up Csend out Dgive up20、Amode Bgames Cthought DstatesSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirec

      6、tions:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1I look around and cant recognize where I am. It seems familiar but distant. I see my friends gather by a stage where music is playing and I run over. As I begin running towards them, they become further and further away. I keep calling them, but no one hears me. I start hearing a distant alarm-like sound and I am transported away. I woke up i

      7、n a daze sitting in my bed.“Oh, it was only a dream,” I said to myself. I have always had vivid and intense dreams. It feels like I havent even slept because I have been living out my dreams during my sleep.Today, dreaming is being studied even more than ever. Some say that dreams are how your receptors make sense of random thoughts while you sleep. Some say that you cant dream of a face you have never seen before, so everyone you see in your dreams you have at least laid eyes on at one time or

      8、another.Other people think dreams are ways of expressing stress or internal feelings you may be experiencing. A lot of people say that they have dreams about being chased.A common interpretation of the “being chased” dream is that you are feeling threatened. Some dream interpretation websites say you should try to reflect on what or who is chasing you to get a better idea of what is making you feel this way.Another dream that is often experienced is flying. This dream has a much more positive in

      9、terpretation, which is that you are feeling free or have broken out of a bad situation such as a relationship turned sour or a job you hate.Unfortunately, you may forget half of your dream within five minutes of waking up and within 10 minutes, you usually forget 90 percent of it.Dreamologists, people who devote time to the study and interpretation of dreams, suggest if you want to try to remember and study your dreams you should keep a journal beside your bed and write down what you dreamt as soon as you wake up so you ca


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