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    • 1、同步分级阅读人教版八下Unit2Illhelptocleanupthecityparks.一、阅读单选 【语篇来自二十一世纪学生英文报 试题原创】 Help in the garden Where can you see some of the most beautiful gardens in the world? The UK! Every spring, there is the Chelsea Flower Show in London. It is one of the most popular garden and flower shows in the world. People show off their creativity with trees and flowers. But you dont have to be an expert to garden. Anyone can do it. This is why in Britain helping with the gardening is popular with kids. As a child my

      2、dad was the “master” of the garden. He often asked me to help him with the outdoor work. He would mow the lawn as I watered the trees and plants. Gardening is more interesting than indoor housework. It is relaxing as you hear the birds sing. It is also great to see flowers grow from a small seed into a big plant. This teaches kids patience and dedication: two useful skills for life.1. There is the Chelsea Flower Show in London_. Aevery dayBevery weekCevery monthDevery year2. People show off thei

      3、r creativity with_ in the Chelsea Flower Show. AbuildingsBgrassCtrees and flowersDleaves and flowers3. The author helped his father with the _when he was young. AhouseworkBoutdoor workCindoor workDwork4. The author thinks that gardening is_ indoor housework. Aeasier thanBmore boringCas interesting asDmore interesting than5. Gardening can teach kids_. ApatienceBskills of workCcreativityDimagination 【语篇来自二十一世纪学生英文报 试题原创】 I love to help At least once a week after school I go to my schools library t

      4、o help tutor students in math. I check in at the main desk, and I pick up my badge: “Math Tutor”. It is quite an old badge, which some tutor made by hand years ago. I sit down at a desk, and I take out my own work. Some days are quite slow, and I might as well get a little homework done while Im waiting for someone to help. Sometimes, there is more than one person who requires help, and I just sit at the head of a table and supervise people doing their homework. I answer any questions that come

      5、up along the way. But I mostly work on my own assignments, and they ask me for help whenever they need it. I walk them through a problem, and they finish the rest of it themselves. However, other times, there is just one person that comes to me, and they are in need of more than just homework help. Perhaps they have missed a couple days of school, or they simply dont get the concepts that the teacher is teaching, and need extra help. I sit down with them, and talk to them about their problem. As

      6、 I slowly go over each problem, I love watching the expressions on their faces change from frustration and confusion to understanding and triumph. I love being a volunteer tutor because of the wonderful, warm feeling I get when I know that I was able to help someone understand or learn something new. I hope to continue doing it for the rest of high school.6. What does the author do in his schools library after school? AHe studies.BHe helps the librarian.CHe teaches students math.DHe does check-i

      7、n at the main desk.7. The author supervises students _. Areading booksBdoing their homeworkCplayingDworking8. Does the author like helping solve the students other problems? AYes, he does.BNo, he doesnt.CNo, he never helps students.DWe dont know.9. The author is a_. AteacherBvolunteer tutorClibrarianDassistant10. When the author helps someone understand or learn something new, he feels_. AsadBuncomfortableCpityDwarm 【语篇来自二十一世纪学生英文报 试题原创】 Research has shown that when we volunteerwhere we give our

      8、selves and our time to help otherswe actually end up benefiting too. Our happiness grows. We feel more satisfied with life. We even have more energy and creativity. Basically, we have more to give. Ive noticed a pattern with my friends. Sometimes, they get into the habit of gossiping about others. They will constantly complain about their bosses or coworkers. It seems as if they get caught in this loop of complaining, and their frustration distracts them in other parts of their life. When this h

      9、appens, they become uninterested in new events or become annoyed by their colleagues or things that happen at work. At the same time, Ive also seen other friends go out of their way to help someone on their team or to help out on a project that had very littleor even nothingto do with their main work. Although it seems like they wont receive anything in return, my friends benefit from these interactions. My friends have told me about the stronger relationships theyve built at work and the fun theyve had working on new and interesting projects. Theyve told me about how the people they helped before have returned the favor later on. Not only that, but they have even t


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