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初中英语人教新目标八年级下册Unit 7 语言知识练习(附参考答案和解析)

  • 卖家[上传人]:lu****9
  • 文档编号:493009707
  • 上传时间:2024-05-15
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    • 1、八年级英语下册Unit 7语言知识练习班级 考号 姓名 总分 一、根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词(本大题共30小题,每小题1分,共30分)1.Bian Que was a famous doctor in a_ China.2.Mrs.Hunts daughter has a serious i_,so she cant go to school.3.In winter we can wear t_ clothes to keep warm.4.Lions and elephants are w_ animals.They should live in nature.5.What do pandas mainly eat every day? B_.They live on it.6.An _ (成年的)elephant is about 350 cm tall.7.Once upon a time, a big stone gave _ (出生)to a baby.8.The river is very _ (深的). Youd better not swim in it. It

      2、s too dangerous.9.The two astronauts will do _ (研究)in space.10.The _ (政府)allows every couple to have two children.11.Pandas usually feed on b_.12.Humans can sometimes be stronger than the f_ of nature.13.Please dont cook vegetables with too much o_. Its not good for your health.14.There are many different kinds of w_ flowers in the mountains in spring.15.Last night he drank a lot of tea to keep himself a_.16.The city has the largest_(人口数量)of all the cities in the country.17.We all hope you will_

      3、(成功)in passing the drivers exam soon.18.China is one of the four_(古老的)countries in the world.19.Scientists are doing_(研究)about koalasliving habits.20.The_(政府)tried to do something to protect the wild animals.21.How big is the Pacific_(海洋)?22.The lake is about 800_(平方)kilometers.23.Which is the biggest_(沙漠)in China?24.Childrens pressure_(包括)much homework,out-of-school activities.25.The_(力量)of nature is so great that sometimes humans seem to be too small.26._(厚厚的)clouds cover the mountain top all

      4、year around.27.Do you know how_(深的)the Fiver is?28.About 200,000_(游客)came to Taierzhuang Ancient Town during May 1 holiday.Its difficult to believe.29.Most peoples living_(条件)are becoming better and better now.30.Could you give us some advice on how to_(保护)these wild animals?二、用所给单词的正确形式填空(本大题共30小题,每小题1分,共30分)31.Her brother wants to be an animal _ (keep).32.At _ (birthday),a baby panda is only 15 cm long.33.There are four oceans on the earth,and the Pacific Ocean is the _ (large).34.A thin coat

      5、gives little _ (protect) against the cold.35.There are about five policemen _ (research) the accident.36.The homeless people in our society need care and _ (protect).37.The village is famous.Every year thousands of _come to visit it.(tour)38.I stayed _ (wake)until 12 oclock last night.39.His grandma went to hospital and her _ (ill)is so serious.40.My brother found a job as a_ (keep)in a zoo last week.41.This morning Paul was the first one _ (get) to the top of the mountain.42.The cinema is too _

      6、 (freeze), so I need to wear a sweater.43.Qi Baishi got great _ (achieve) in painting in our history.44.His father works in a zoo as an animal _ (keep).45.His dog died because of a kind of serious _ (ill).46.They were proud (骄傲的) of their childrens _(achieve).47.Our tour_(include) a visit to the Science Museum last week.48.Of the three roads, Xin Yuan Road is the _(wide).49.When I saw a plane flying in the sky, I jumped with _ (excite).50.If your child shows any signs of _(ill), take him or her

      7、to the doctor.51.Of all the mountains,Qomolangma is the _(high) and _(famous).52.The boy walked into the classroom with _(excite).53.With the teachers help,she _(successful).54.He led the _(tour) into the palace.55.The baby was _(wake) and looked around.56.The post office is about 500 _ (meter) away from here.57.Many _ (tour) go to Australia every summer.58.Which building is _ (ancient), this one or that one?59.He wears his sunglasses _ (protect) his eyes from the sun.60.I think the street in fr

      8、ont of your house is much _ (wide) than this one.三、完成句子(本大题共10小题,每小题2分,共20分)根据括号内的要求完成下列各题,每空一词61.她戴帽子保护她的皮肤不受日晒。She wore a hat to _ her skin _ the sun.62.如果需要我的服务,请随时叫我。Please _ _ to call me if you need my service.63.我的汽车最多能坐四个人。I can take _ _ four people in my car.64.就我所知,我们下星期一要进行一次考试。_ _ _ _ _, we will have a test next Monday.65.中国人口比美国多。China has a(n) _ _ than the USA.66.在有些地方,水的价格比牛奶的价格还要高。The price of water is _ than _ of milk in some places.67.习近平主席在2017年8月1日的讲话使我们坚信中国将越来越强大。Chairman Xi Jinpings speech on August 1st,2017 makes us believe China will be _ _ _.68.在困难面前你想挑战自己吗?Do you want to _ yourself in the _ of difficulties?69.我们应该阻止人们砍伐树木。We should stop people from _ _ trees.70.许多人死于饥饿是因为干旱。

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