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    • 1、20222023学年广东省深圳市福田区七年级下学期期末英语试卷一、完形填空 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将相应的字母编号涂黑。 I still remember the beautiful night when I was only nine. While I was looking up at the shining stars in the _ , clear sky, I suddenly felt closer to them. “Why are some stars so _ to us while others are far away? Do they have names?.” I kept asking grandpa questions about these amazing _ . He replied with a smile, “If you want to know more about stars, you should _ books.” From then on, I began to

      2、 read books and magazines on stars. As I read, my interest in stars _ and I decided to be an astronomer (天文学家). But I found it _ to calculate the distance(测算距离) between stars. However, grandpa said to me, “Maths is very important in astronomy. A good astronomer is never _ of difficulties.” He then gave me some difficult books to read. I studied these books _ and slowly found that calculations can be interesting. Now I am standing excitedly on the stage at the prize-giving celebration of the Inte

      3、rnational Astronomy Olympiad VIll (第八届国际天文奥林匹克竞赛), with my _ being read out, “Li Zeng, the first prize winner. Li Zeng, who got the highest points out of all winners.” I know this is just a small step to become a good astronomer. From _ to career, many difficulties are waiting for me, but I am not afraid. 1.AbrightBdarkCblueDcloudy2.AsmallBbeautifulCcloseDquiet3.AnightsBnamesCstarsDbooks4.Alearn fromBask forCput awayDconnect to5.AdisappearedBreturnedCchangedDgrew6.AeasyBdifficultCinterestingDuse

      4、ful7.AproudBlundCafraidDcareful8.AnaturallyBpatientlyCstrictlyDcarelessly9.AjobBnumberCcountryDname10.AhobbyBgameCexamDstudy二、阅读单选 A little British boy was looking at a teakettle above fire. The water within it began to bubble(冒泡). The steam rose from the spout (壶嘴) and soon the lid(壶盖) was moved up. But when he looked under the lid, he could see nothing but water. He asked his grandma what moved the lid up. She replied that the water made steam and the steam moved up the lid. However, he furthe

      5、r asked, “If the steam from so little water is so strong, why would not the steam from a great deal of water be a great deal stronger? Why couldnt it be made to move up a much greater weight? Why couldnt it be made to turn wheels?” With no answers to these questions, his grandma made no reply. She went about her work quietly and the boy kept studying the teakettle in his place. As the boy grew up, he never gave up looking for answers to those questions. Finally, he succeeded in finding them. The

      6、 little boy is James Watt, the world-famous inventor of the first successful form of the steam engine. Watts little questions changed the world. Your little questions might change the world, too.11. What did the boy see under the lid? AFire.BSteam.CWater.DNothing.12. What did the boy probably believe? ASteam is weaker than water.BSteam can make wheels turn.CSteam can move up everything.DSteam weighs more than water.13. Why didnt grandma reply to the questions? AShe was quiet all the time.BShe di

      7、dnt want to answer.CShe was too busy to answer.DShe didnt know the answers.14. What does the underlined word “them” refer to? AAnswers.BQuestions.CTeakettles.DEngines.15. What does the writer probably want us to do? ATo answer questions.BTo ask questions.CTo change the world.DTo invent engines. Paper cutting is one of the most popular Chinese traditional arts. The history of paper cutting can date back to the 6th century. Its art works are often used to decorate (装饰) doors and windows. But it ca

      8、n also come in special ways. Recently, a group of students from the Naoma Primary School in Shanxi province gave a Hanfu show with paper cutting skills. The clothes in the show were created (创造) by Wu Wenxiu and her students. Around four years ago, Wu watched a TV show.In it a group of girls wore paper Qipao on stage. Then she got an exciting ideato make paper cutting Hanfu with her students. By now, they have created more than 40 pieces of paper clothing, and 10 of them were shown to public. Wu

      9、 has shown great interest in paper cutting since her childhood. She loves it because she can turn her ideas into a kind of art. But it wasnt easy when she first started. Wu said, “It was very boring at the beginning. I needed to practise the simple skills every day for 3 to 4 years. There are always many tries before successes.” In her spare time, Wu enjoys teaching other people paper cutting skills.“I will continue to make more modern paper cutting works. I hope our creative works can make more people get interested in this traditiona


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