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安卓APP | ios版本


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    • 1、2022复复试试听力口听力口语课语课-演演讲讲趴趴a)短文朗短文朗读读b)自我介自我介绍绍c)考官考官问问答答d)抽抽题题演演讲讲e)看看图问图问答答f)小小组话题讨论组话题讨论g)口口头头翻翻译译考什么?考什么?a)发发音音?-40%b)语调语调c)流流畅畅度度d)接地气接地气词汇词汇e)造句能力造句能力-定定语语从句从句?f)讲讲故事能力故事能力-40%g)演演讲讲能力能力-对对比性思比性思维维?那到底哪个技能包最重要呢?那到底哪个技能包最重要呢?直播技巧:直播技巧:a)基基础发础发音技巧音技巧 1.发发音;音;2.语调语调;3.连读连读b)短文朗短文朗读读(范文(范文实训实训)打卡打卡训练训练:佳:佳伦伦晨晨读读(好的朗(好的朗读习惯读习惯)Ready for it!Stage One直播技巧:直播技巧:a)1.自我介自我介绍绍核心技巧;核心技巧;2.范文解析;范文解析;3.往返往返现场现场批改;批改;b)基基础问础问答答 1.十大十大问题问题解解题题思路;思路;2.真真题讲题讲解;解;打卡打卡训练训练:a)佳佳伦伦晨晨读读(高分自我介(高分自我介绍绍朗朗读读)b)每日一每日一问

      2、问(刷真(刷真题题)Ready for it!Stage Two直播技巧:直播技巧:a)复复试试听力听力题题型技巧型技巧课课 各各类类听力听力类类型型讲讲解解+真真题题演演练练打卡打卡训练训练:a)佳佳伦伦晨晨读读(外刊原文跟(外刊原文跟读读+听力精听)听力精听)Ready for it!Stage 2.5直播技巧:直播技巧:a)即即兴兴演演讲讲b)小小组话题讨论组话题讨论c)口口头头翻翻译译打卡打卡训练训练:a)佳佳伦伦晨晨读读(各(各类类外刊内容晨外刊内容晨读读)b)每日一每日一问问(经经典即典即兴兴演演讲题讲题)Ready for it!Stage Three复复试试中高概率的中高概率的 Q(观观点感):点感):问题问题内容内容千奇百怪千奇百怪但但问问的的方式方式却就那么几个却就那么几个复复试问试问答答-经经典典问题问题:1.Do you like.?2.Do you often.?3.What is your favorite/How many.?4.What do you think of./Why.?What are the benefits of.?5.Which do

      3、you prefer.?6.Is it important.?7.How has.changed over the years?复复试问试问答答-经经典典问题问题:1.What are the advantages and disadvantages of.?2.What are the differences between.?3.What is your advice for.?4.Will you.?5.What do you think of.?6.What are the best.?什么是即什么是即兴兴演演讲讲?-the impromptu speech-done without preparation or planning1.有内容有内容积积累累2.有正确的思路引有正确的思路引导导Please Describe a place that you like the most You can have one minute to prepare Can you make it?Please Describe a place that you like theYou need

      4、 to-Ask some Qs-思路引思路引导导a)Where the place isb)How often do you go to this placec)What do people do in such a placed)Why do you want to talk about itPlease Describe a place that you like the most You need to-Ask some Qs-思路引思路引导导a)Where the place isb)How often do you go to this placec)What do people do in such a placed)Whye)Which f)Who What about 1-Describe a popular comic actress/actor in your country.You can have one minute to prepare What about-Describe a popular comic actress/actor in your cou

      5、ntry.a)Who the person isb)How you knew this personc)What comedies has this person performedd)And explain why this person is popularWhat about 2-Describe the time when you received your first cellphone.You can have one minute to prepare What about 2Describe the time when you received your first cellphone.When it wasWhere you wereWho gave you the cellphoneWhat it was likeHow you felt about itWhat about 3-Describe a language you want to learn(not English)You can have one minute to prepare What abou

      6、t 3Describe a language you want to learn(not English)What language it isWhen you plan to start learning itHow you want to learn itand explain why you choose this languagePlease Describe a place that you like the most You need to-Have a good opening-思路引思路引导导2a)Where the place isb)How often do you go to this placec)What do people do in such a placed)Why do you want to talk about it90%-直接开直接开说说?Please Describe a place that you like the most You need to-Have a good opening-思路引思路引导导2a)Where the place

      7、 is-90%-直接开直接开说说?The place is located in Please Describe a place that you like the most You need to-Have a good opening-思路引思路引导导2a)Where the place is-10%-with a openingWell the park I d like to share with you today is called Moonlights Park,which is a kind of amusement park,And I guess it is the most popular park among teenagers,which is located in center of the cityPlease Describe a place that you like the most You need to-Have a good opening-思路引思路引导导2Opening(三要素)三要素):属性(属性(无关无关 Qs 思路的特点思路的特点=可

      8、有可无)可有可无)最高最高级级给给 第一个点第一个点 Please Describe a place that you like the most You need to-Have a good opening-思路引思路引导导2(开(开场场)Well the park I d like to share with you today is called Jim Parsons Park,(属性特点定(属性特点定义义)which is a kind of amusement park,(最高(最高级级)And I guess it is the most popular park among teenagers,(第一个点(第一个点)which is located in center of the cityPlease Describe a place that you like the most You need to-Have a good opening-思路引思路引导导2a)The restaurant I d like to share with you is call M

      9、cDonald,b)which is probably the most famous and popular fast food restaurant in China,c)specializing in Beef Burger and French fries!Please Describe a place that you like theYou need to-Have a good opening-思路引思路引导导3Q2 3 布局布局问题问题:a)Examplesb)ComparisonsPlease Describe a place that you like theYou need to-Have a good opening-思路引思路引导导3Q2 3 布局布局问题问题:a)Examples-the New informationb)Comparisons-Past VS PresentDescribe an App you like to usea)What this app isb)How you know itc)What you do with itd)And

      10、explain why you like using this appDescribe an App you like to usea)What this app is-OpeningWell,I m going to talk about an app called Wechat.Its a really well known and well liked app all over the world and Ive been using it for about half a yearDescribe an App you like to useHow you know it(Examples1)I know this app because my English writing teacher recommended it to me.(给给 新的信息)新的信息)You know,hes a really knowledgeable person.(对对写作老写作老师师的解的解释释,说说明)明)Describe an App you like to useHow you know


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