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安卓APP | ios版本


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    • 1、精品教案设计资料牛津小学五年级英语下册Unit9 The English club 教学设计nit9 The English club 5 璇炬椂 銆愭暀瀛洰鏍囥?country, China, Chinese, UK, British, USA, American, Australia, Australian 界睄绫诲崟璇嶆斁杩涘彞瀛怚鈥檓from 鈥?I鈥檓鈥繘琛屾搷缁 ?鑳藉姏锛氳佺殑涔犳儻銆愭暀瀛噸闅剧偣銆 ?1country, China, Chinese, UK, British, USA, American, Australia, Australian 2I 鈥檓 from 鈥?I 鈥檓鈥繘琛屾搷缁 ?銆愭暀瀛噯澶囥 ?戝崟璇嶅浘鏂囧崱銆佹暀瀛寕鍥俱?佸綍闊虫満銆愭暀瀛繃绋嬨?锛堜竴锛塛 arming-up 1) Free talk ?锛堜笌闅忚鐢hat day is it today? What lessons do you have in the morning? What subject do you like ? How are you? What鈥檚 the m

      2、atter with you ? 炲姞瀛敓鐨勫叴瓒 ?傦級2) Sing a song: Play the tape of the song learnt in Unit3 and ask the students to sing the song together and then do a group work to sing the song and which group does a better job. 锛堥紦鍔遍殢璇荤敓涓?璧峰敱姝岋級 3) Ask the students to do a group work to think for a while about the interesting or unforgettable thing happened before and try to tell them out in English and then ask groups to come to the front and try to tell their stories and see which group does a better job to te

      3、ll the stories better. 锛堜簩锛塒 resentation 精品教案设计资料?1銆佺敱鈥滀綘鐭亾涓栫晫ountry 鍙婂叾澶嶆暟 countries. 2銆hina, Chinese, UK, British, USA, American, Australia, Australian.拰涔啓銆傦級鍏朵腑锛孶K涔熷彲绉颁负 England, USA 涔熷彲鎴愪负 Americari-tish, A-me-ri-can, Aus-tra-lia?锛from China. I鈥檓 Chinese.瀛敓鍦悊瑙悗妯豢閫犲彞锛?I鈥檓 from the UK/England. I鈥檓 British. I 鈥檓 from the USA/America. I鈥檓 American. I鈥檓from Australia. I 鈥檓 Australian. 3?佷腑鍥界殑闀垮煄銆佽嫳鍥界殑闆鹃兘銆佹境澶埄浜氱殑姘村煄銆 ?4 銆佽I 鈥檓from 鈥?I 鈥檓鈥 ?China American USA British Australia Chinese UK Australian

      4、 6銆佽鍥恒? ?7銆丳 lay a game: Present the pictures of the learnt countries and ask the students to try to read them out as quickly as possible and see who does a better job to recognize them the quickest. 锛堜笁锛塁 onsolidation Play the tape of this part and ask the students to listen to the tape carefully and try to read the words after the tape and pay attention to the words 鈥?pronunciation and intonation. 浘锛氬珐鍥烘槸瀛範鐨勫?锛堝洓锛塇 omework 勬帉鎻? ?1) Copy the new words six times each and recite them after class

      5、2) 精品教案设计资料Preview the sentences in Part C 鏉夸功锛 ?Unit9 The English club China Chinese UK / England British USA / America American Australia Australian nit9 The English club 5 璇炬椂 銆愭暀瀛洰鏍囥?Japan, Japanese, France, French 鎶?鑳斤細鑳here are you from? I鈥檓 from 鈥?I鈥檓鈥 ?鑳藉姏锛氳兘勫浗绫 ?屼氦娴佺殑涔犳儻銆愭暀瀛噸闅剧偣銆 ?1Japan, Japanese, France, French 2Where are you from? I鈥檓from 鈥?I 鈥檓鈥 ?銆愭暀瀛噯澶囥?戞姇褰辩墖锛屽綍闊虫満锛屾寕鍥?銆愭暀瀛繃绋嬨?锛堜竴锛塛 arming-up 1) Free talk璇濓級浉杈呯浉鎴愮殑銆 ?Ask the students several questions about their daily life and the

      6、 learnt knowledge before and ask the students to try to give the correct answers and check to see if they have been well master. 2) Play the tape of the learnt song in Unit Three and ask the students to sing the song together to arise their interest in learning English. 殢璇荤敓涓 ?璧峰敱姝岋級瀛敓鐨勭儹鎯咃紝鍙涘叆涓?绉嶇 鏋佺殑瀛範鐘舵 ?併?3) Ask the students to read the words in Part B by together and then ask them to review them by themselves and prepare for a dictation of them to check if they have been well mastered. 锛堝湪姝

      7、彲浠精品教案设计资料荤畝鍗曠殑鍗曡瘝锛 ? 锛堜簩锛塒 resentation C濂藉熀纭 ?銆 ? 1China, Chinese, UK, British, USA, American, Australia, Australian. 鍜屽彞瀛怚鈥檓from 鈥?I鈥檓鈥 ?2銆佺户apan, Japanese, France, French.Japan煶涓?褝/a 鍙戦煶涓 ?忙/锛孞 apaneseFranceance鍙樺寲鑰屾潵銆傦級3 銆佸惉褰曢煶锛岃窡璇诲崄浜屼?4 銆?5 銆佽繛绾垮苟缁冭級 UK Chinese Japan French China British Australia American France Australian USA Japanese 6銆佹暀甯堝嚭绀轰腑鍥藉浗鏃楀苟璇碔鈥檓from China. I鈥檓Chinese.here are you from? A: I 鈥檓 from 鈥?I 鈥檓鈥 ?Where are you from? B: I鈥檓 from 鈥?I 鈥檓鈥 ?Where are you from? 鈥?7銆佹寚瀵煎畬鎴怌

      8、閮垎涔潰缁冧範銆?1.A: Where are you from? B: I鈥檓 from China. I鈥檓 Chinese. 2.A: Where are you from? B: I 鈥檓from the USA/America. I鈥檓 American. 3.A: Where are you from? B: I鈥檓 from France. I鈥檓 French. 4.A: Where are you from? B: I 鈥檓 from Australia. I 鈥檓Australian. 5.A: Where are you from? B: I鈥檓 from Japan. I鈥檓 Japanese. 6.A: Where are you from? B: I鈥檓 from the UK/England. I鈥檓 British. 锛堜笁锛塇omework 精品教案设计资料? 1) Write down the dialogues in Part C and try to recite them 2) Preview the dialogues in Part D 鏉

      9、夸功锛 ?Unit9 The English club A: Where are you from? B: I 鈥檓 from 鈥?I鈥檓 鈥?Japan Japanese nit9 The English club 5 璇炬椂?璇?銆愭暀瀛洰鏍囥?hinese, English, Japanese, French o you speak鈥? Yes, I do. I speak鈥? too. No, I don鈥檛 I speak鈥?鑳藉姏锛氳兘鐞嗚 骞惰兘姝鍦拌繍鐢 art D鐨勫彞鍨 ?銆愭暀瀛噸闅剧偣銆 ?1hinese, English, Japanese, French 2Do you speak鈥? Yes, I do. I speak 鈥? too. No, I don鈥檛 I speak鈥?銆愭暀瀛噯澶囥?戞姇褰辩墖锛屽綍闊虫満锛屾寕鍥?銆愭暀瀛繃绋嬨?Step1 Warming 锟紺 up and revision 1銆?Free talk ?What day is it today? It鈥檚 鈥紙涓庨殢璇荤敓瀵硅瘽锛?What lessons do you ha

      10、ve in the morning/afternoon? We have 鈥?What subject do you like? Why? Ask the students to read and recite the words in Part B by themselves and then do a dictation of them to check if they have been well mastered and see who does a better job in learning these knowledge. 锛堥紦鍔遍殢璇荤敓璇荤畝鍗曠殑鍗曡瘝锛?Ask the students to read the dialogues in Part C together and then ask them to do a pair work to practice them to check if they have well master the knowledge. Present the pictures of Part C on the blackboard


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