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【英文文学】A Round of Visits

  • 卖家[上传人]:破***
  • 文档编号:243755644
  • 上传时间:2022-01-21
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    • 1、【英文文学】A Round of VisitsChapter 1HE had been out but once since his arrival, Mark Monteith; that was the next day after he had disembarked by night on the previous; then everything had come at once, as he would have said, everything had changed. He had got in on Tuesday; he had spent Wednesday for the most part down town, looking into the dismal subject of his anxiety the anxiety that, under a sudden decision, had brought him across the unfriendly sea at mid-winter, and it was through information

      2、 reaching him on Wednesday evening that he had measured his loss, measured above all his pain. These were two distinct things, he felt, and, though both bad, one much worse than the other. It wasnt till the next three days had pretty well ebbed, in fact, that he knew himself for so badly wounded. He had waked up on Thursday morning, so far as he had slept at all, with the sense, together, of a blinding New York blizzard and of a deep sore inward ache. The great white savage storm would have kept

      3、 him at the best within doors, but his stricken state was by itself quite reason enough.He so felt the blow indeed, so gasped, before what had happened to him, at the ugliness, the bitterness, and, beyond these things, the sinister strangeness, that, the matter of his dismay little by little detaching and projecting itself, settling there face to face with him as something he must now live with always, he might have been in charge of some horrid alien thing, some violent, scared, unhappy creatur

      4、e whom there was small joy, of a truth, in remaining with, but whose behaviour wouldnt perhaps bring him under notice, nor otherwise compromise him, so long as he should stay to watch it. A young jibbering ape of one of the more formidable sorts, or an ominous infant panther, smuggled into the great gaudy hotel and whom it might yet be important he shouldnt advertise, couldnt have affected him as needing more domestic attention. The great gaudy hotel The Pocahontas, but carried out largely on “D

      5、u Barry” lines made all about him, beside, behind, below, above, in blocks and tiers and superpositions, a sufficient defensive hugeness; so that, between the massive labyrinth and the New York weather, life in a lighthouse during a gale would scarce have kept him more apart. Even when in the course of that worse Thursday it had occurred to him for vague relief that the odious certified facts couldnt be all his misery, and that, with his throat and a probable temperature, a brush of the epidemic

      6、, which was for ever brushing him, accounted for something, even then he couldnt resign himself to bed and broth and dimness, but only circled and prowled the more within his high cage, only watched the more from his tenth story the rage of the elements.In the afternoon he had a doctor the caravanserai, which supplied everything in quantities, had one for each group of so many rooms just in order to be assured that he was gripp? enough for anything. What his visitor, making light of his attack,

      7、perversely told him was that he was, much rather, “blue” enough, and from causes doubtless known to himself which didnt come to the same thing; but he “gave him something,” prescribed him warmth and quiet and broth and courage, and came back the next day as to readminister this last dose. He then pronounced him better, and on Saturday pronounced him well all the more that the storm had abated and the snow had been dealt with as New York, at a push, knew how to deal with things. Oh, how New York

      8、knew how to deal to deal, that is, with other accumulations lying passive to its hand was exactly what Mark now ached with his impression of; so that, still threshing about in this consciousness, he had on the Saturday come near to breaking out as to what was the matter with him. The Doctor brought in somehow the air of the hotel which, cheerfully and conscientiously, by his simple philosophy, the good man wished to diffuse; breathing forth all the echoes of other woes and worries and pointing t

      9、he honest moral that, especially with such a thermometer, there were enough of these to go round.Our sufferer, by that time, would have liked to tell some one; extracting, to the last acid strain of it, the full strength of his sorrow, taking it all in as he could only do by himself and with the conditions favourable at least to this, had been his natural first need. But now, he supposed, he must be better; there was something of his hearts heaviness he wanted so to give out. He had rummaged forth on the Thursday night half a dozen old photographs stuck into a leather frame, a small show-case that formed part of his usual equipage of travel he mostly set it up on a table when he stayed anywhere long enough; and in one of the neat gilt-edged squares of this convenient portable array, as familiar as his shaving-glass or the hair-brushes, of backs and monograms now so beautifully toned and wasted, long ago given him by his mother, P

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