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【英文读物】The Good Work

  • 卖家[上传人]:破***
  • 文档编号:229453382
  • 上传时间:2021-12-25
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    • 1、【英文读物】The Good WorkChapter 1 Tall and rawboned was Jeremiah Winthrop. Narrow of shoulder and shallow of chest he was, but no matter. There was a dignity to the man that showed itself in every movement. Here was one who still called himself a man, one whose traditions sprang from the rocky New England soil that had nourished his forebears. The mold that produces such a man is not easily bent or broken, not even in a world of three hundred and fifty billion people, not even in a world where the ro

      2、cky New England soil lies buried and forgotten beneath the foundations of monstrous buildings.Jeremiah Winthrop rode the spiral escalator up, up to the two-part cubicle he called home on the one hundred and forty-eighth floor. He stood swaying slightly as the escalator wound its serpentine way upwards. Others rode with him, tight people, tense people, pushed together, staring straight as they rode the spiral escalator up. And now and then at a turn or a bend a man would elbow his way out. Hed le

      3、ave the upflowing river of people and step onto a landing as his floor came by. But the escalator was still crowded as it passed the one hundred and forty-eighth floor and Winthrop stepped off. He was not one of the lucky ones who lived high near the roof where it was at least possible to think about the air and the light and the sun.Winthrop boarded a moving belt that carried him over to his own corridor. He walked down the corridor for ten minutes. It was easy walking, for there were far fewer

      4、 people now. Finally he came to his own door. He inserted his thumb in the thumbhole, slid the door open and walked in. A tousle-headed youngster sat on the floor playing with a plastic box. The boy looked up as Winthrop entered.Daddy! he shouted. He flung himself to his feet, dashed across the room and grabbed his father around the legs.Hello, Davy, said Winthrop, ruffling the curly brown hair. Hows the little man?Fine, Daddy. And Mommy says we can go up on the roof in another month. Will you c

      5、ome with us? This time? You never go with us, Daddy. Will you come up with us in a month from now?Winthrop looked over the boys head at his wife, Ann. The smile faded from his face. He said, A month? I thought it was our turn again in a week. What happened?Ann shook her head and pressed the back of a hand against her forehead. I dont know. They have had to re-schedule everybody. Another eighteen hundred babies born in the building this week. They all have to get a little sun. I dont know.Winthro

      6、p pushed Davy gently to one side and held the boy to him as he walked over to Ann. He put a hand in the small of her back and held her against his chest. She rested her head against the upper part of his arm and leaned against him.Ann lifted her head, stood on her toes and kissed Winthrop. She pulled away and led him over to a chair, Davy still hanging on to his leg. You must be tired, she said. Ten hours youve been out. Were you able to. Did youNo, said Winthrop. Nothing. Not so much as a soybe

      7、an. He looked at his wife and smiled. I guess the time has come for us to eat that potato. Weve been saving it for a month.Anns eyes wrinkled as she looked down at him. Oh. II gave it to the Brookses. They havent had anything in weeks. The words began to pour out. We have done so well, really, in the last few weeks that I felt sorry for them. We had those cabbage leaves and three potatoes and even that piece of fish four months ago. I couldnt help myself. I gaveI gave our potato to them. They we

      8、re so sick of Standard Fare they were beginning to get depressed, really depressed. IWinthrop reached up and put an arm around her hips and said, Dont think about it, darling. He was silent for a moment, and then he continued, I think Ill go down and see if John Barlow has some work for me. Lets have a quick dinner of Standard Fare and then Ill go. He got up and walked over to the sink and began washing Davys hands, talking, joshing, teasing a little as he did so.Ann took three glasses from the

      9、tiny cabinet. She went to the synthetic milk faucet and filled the glasses and then put them on the table. She went to the bread slot and removed six slices of bread. One after the other she dropped the six slices of brown bread through the toaster. She picked up a knife and scooped big gobs of rich yellow synthetic butter out of the butter slot and spread it on the toast. She made a pile of the toast on a plate and then cut the pile in half. All right, she called. And she put the toast on the table and sat down.Winthrop helped Davy into a chair and then sat down himself. He bent his head and spoke a brief blessing. And they all ate. They ate Standard Fare, as countless billions of other people did that night, and every night, from birth to death, Standard Fare.When the meal was done Winthrop got up and kissed Ann and Davy goodbye. He rode down the spiral escalator, down to the ground floor, a

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