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    • 1、春节英语作文春节英语篇一:春节英语我怎样过春节的英语作文 春节是除旧岁,迎新春的节日,过年的时候,大街小巷张灯结彩。我怎样过春节的英语作文有哪些?以下是办公室王老师为您整理的相关资料,欢迎阅读! 我怎样过春节的英语作文 The Spring Festival in the year of the tiger is a very meaningful festival, and we all like the coming of the festival. Such as: we are children, like to relax in the Spring Festival, and also like to wear new clothes to go to other peoples home. So the adults, of course, also like this meaningful Spring Festival. Because the adults are busy for a year and have worked hard for a year, so

      2、 when they celebrate the new year, they can play cards at home and relax. This is a rare opportunity. The new years Eve night, we are one family eat family reunion dinner in his home, on the table, I love to eat vegetables and Sweet and Sour Spare Ribs, after dinner, our one family sat in front of the television to watch the Spring Festival Gala can be lively! At the Spring Festival Gala, I saw the incredible wizard Louis Liu performing many shows for the audience, and many wonderful performance

      3、s. After we saw the wonderful performance, there was a happy smile on the face. To the first day of the Spring Festival, we wear new clothes, go to Grandpa worship after we pay New Years call, went to the cemetery, to worship the one who let Grandma, grandma bless our health. After that, we are ready to go home. When we got home, we had nothing to do. We asked Dad to give us a snow bridge. Dad took a half an hour to set up the snow bridge. I was the first test product. After stepping on it, a st

      4、ep collapsed, and he fell me into a big fall. The onlookers laughed. If they wrestled, I would have laughed more loudly than they were. The first two days of the morning, I put the cooked Rice porridge to grandpa to eat after the end of the past, grandfather ate my burning smile letaotao, Rice porridge, even the mouth closed up, then Ill eat the bowl clean grandpa. Later, there were more and more people in my grandfathers house, and my grandfathers home became a bustle from the cold. I helped gr

      5、andpa to see the drama inside. And I had a joke with Grandpa. From the second day to the fourth day, Grandpas home has been busy in the evening. I will and sisters go to the shop and buy fireworks, bought after the door to get Grandpa, crackling, crackling, happy, but adults are sick to death, like the ears will be deaf, people being scolded, we will dismay, feeling in the Spring Festival even the fireworks are not put to it, so whats the meaning of the Spring Festival! Then, sister Jie Shen mad

      6、e a suggestion, saying, why dont we go to Keqiao? We repeatedly promised, good ah! Good! When it comes to playing, were all happy. I dont need to say that you should also know that Keqiao is a colorful place. Spring Festival is a happy day, I think, if time can be reversed, and then back to the time of the Spring Festival, how good it should be! 虎年的春节,是一个非常有意义的节日,我们大家都很喜欢这个节日的来临。如:我们是小孩子嘛,喜欢在春节的时候放松一下,还喜欢穿着新衣服去别人家作客。那么大人们呢,当然也喜欢过这个有意义的春节了,因为大人们都忙碌了一年,辛苦了一年,所以趁过年了,可以在家里打打牌轻松一下,这是多么难得的机会啊! 除夕的晚上,我

      7、们一家人在爷爷家吃团圆饭,在餐桌上,有我最喜欢吃的糖醋排骨和八宝菜,晚饭吃完以后,我们一家人坐在电视机前看春节联欢晚会,可热闹了!在春节联欢晚会上,我看见了不可思议的魔法师刘谦在为观众们表演节目,还有很多精彩的表演,我们看到了精彩的表演以后,脸上露出了喜悦的笑容。 到了春节的第一天,我们就穿着新的衣服,去给爷爷拜年,拜好以后我们就一起去了坟山,给奶奶拜一个早年,让奶奶保佑我们身体健康。弄好以后,我们就准备回家了。到家以后,我们闲着没事干,就让爸爸给我们搭雪桥,爸爸搭了半个钟头就把雪桥搭好了,我是第一个试验品,踩上去以后,一踩就塌了,把我摔了一个大跟头。围观的人就哈哈大笑。如果是他们摔跤的话,我一定会比他们笑得声音更大。 初二的早晨,我就把烧好的稀饭端过去给爷爷吃,爷爷吃了我烧的稀饭以后,笑得乐陶陶,连嘴都闭不起来了,接着我就把爷爷吃过的饭碗洗干净。后来爷爷家里作客的人越来越多,爷爷家里一下子从冷清变成了热闹,我就扶着爷爷去里面看戏剧。并且还和爷爷开起玩笑来了 从初二到初四,爷爷的家里就一直是热闹的,到了晚上的时候。我就会和姐姐们一起去小店里买烟火,买好以后就拿到爷爷家门口去放,噼里啪啦

      8、,噼里啪啦,可高兴了,可是大人们听得烦死啦,好像耳朵会聋一样,被大人们训斥了一顿以后,我们就垂头丧气,感觉在春节里连烟花都放不来的话,那么这个春节还有什么意义啊!接着,沈洁姐姐提出了一个建议,说:“要不我们去柯桥玩吧?”我们几个连声答应,好啊!好啊!说到了去玩,我们几个都是很乐意的我想,我不用说你们也应该知道柯桥是一个多姿多彩的地方吧。 春节,是一个令人开心的日子,我想,如果时间可以倒流,再回到过春节的那段时间,那该有多好啊! 我怎样过春节的英语作文 Outback winter old words, Rui rabbit send auspicious spring. In XX, the CCTV Spring Festival Gala was in the eyes of hundreds of millions of Chinese children. As a traditional Chinese festival, the Spring Festival is the convergence and release of the spirit of the times

      9、and the national sentiment in a year. The 1000 word composition is how do we celebrate the Spring Festival 1000 words. The Spring Festival is the theme of full of joy, innovation and good life; song and laughter, sharing happiness, this theme can fully and vividly show the XX Spring Festival theme atmosphere and good hope. Therefore, whether old or new, the good life and happiness is an annual feature and common emotional memory. So we define happiness and beauty as the core words of the theme of the Spring Festival Gala. The good life with innovation, embodies the theme of building an innovative nation; happiness as sharing, is a National Peoples wish to share the reform and development to create a happy life in XX years, two is the wishes of the people sharing family reunion bring happiness in the new years eve. The opening stage is a


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