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    • 1、北京2019中考英语易错题总结1.-Whos taken away my English book? -_.A. I have B. Him C. She did D. He took it2. -This kind of rice tastes nice. -Yes. It _in northeast of China.A. was grown B. has grown C. is grownD. is growing3. Its known that the paper for books and magazines _from wood.A. are made B. is madeC. has been made D. is being made4. Can you tell me_?A. when did it happenB. when it happened C. when was it happenedD. when it was happened5. Two manned spacecraft _into space in China in the past few y

      2、ears. A. was sent B. has been sent C. are sent D. have been sent6. Shes not asleep; her eyes are _.A. openedB. open C. close D. closed7 Would you mind calling me back tomorrow again? -_. A. Not at all B. Youre welcome C. Youre right D. Nice to meet you8_is most important in life isnt money.A. That B. WhatC. Which D. Who9. Please look after my plants _I am away.A. while B. as C. before D. as soon as10. Each year lots of visitors come to China because she is_ country.A. so a beautiful B. very a be

      3、autiful C. such beautiful a D. so beautiful a11. If the homework _, you can go home.A. did B. has done C. will be done D. is done12. It was raining heavily outside, the children were made _ in the classroom.A. stay B. to stay C. staying D. stayed 13. The monkey was seen _ off the tree.A. jump B. jumps C. jumped D. to jump14_my instructions, if you want to operate a machine properly.A. Obey B. Do C. Follow D. Agree15. _fun it is to visit Disneyland!A. What a B. What C. How D. How a16. Things made

      4、 abroad are not always better than_ produced locally.A. that B. those C. the one D. it17. They _ play football every day when they were at college. But now they have no time.A. used to B. were fond of C. lived on D. were used to18. The man stood there and didnt _to my question.A. reply B. answer C. reply to D. answer to19. Japan lies _the east of our country.A. to B. on C. in D. at20. Look at the photo. The man _me is my uncle.A. next B. beside C. besides D. close21. Can you tell me_?A. what doe

      5、s he like B. what he does like C. what he likesD. what he like22. Many kind of books, newspapers and magazines_in this library.A. are kept B. is being kept C. are keeping D. have kept23. Students are often told _at people who are in trouble.A. not to smileB. to smile C. not to laugh D. to laugh24. Look at the sign on the right.Oh, parking _hereA. doesnt allowB. isnt allowed C. didnt allow D. wasnt allowed25. After the heros story _ on CCTV, many people are learning from him.A. reports B. reporte

      6、d C. was reporting D. was reported26. The nurse told the children the sun _ in the east. A. rises B. rose C. will rise D. has risen27. Lets go dancing tonight.Sorry, I_. I have to go to a meeting.A. mustnt B. may not C. neednt D. cant28. Liu Xiang is an Olympic winner in the_hurdles, and we are proud of him.A. 110-metreB. 110-metres C. 110 metreD. 110 metres29. I often hear her _after class.A. to sing B. sang C. sing D. sings30. What did you_just now?I_you if you could follow me.A. say; saidB. s

      7、peak; asked C. speak; said D. say; asked31. Did you_the first place of the league match?Of course we did. We_all the other teams.A. beat; beat B. beat; won C. win; won D. win; beat32. The teacher encouraged us _on with our music study.A. to goB. going C. went D. go33. In those days, books _ one at a time by hand.A. should be produced B. should be produceC. could be producedD. could produce34. Why not get some work experience first _ straight on to university?A. rather than goB. rather than wentC

      8、. instead goD. instead of go35. Personal computers_in 1976. It has changed the whole world.A. have been invented B. are invented C. were inventedD. invented36. Have some candy?I am sorry, I have diabetes.It doesnt matter, because it is_of sugar.A. noneB. withoutC. free D. not37. You must return these books_next Monday. Or you will be fined.A. onB. in C. by D. from 38. Will you drop_us tomorrow evening for a talk?A. on in B. on at C. in at D. in on39. Max is hardworking, cheerful, and_honest.A. after allB. first of all C. on the whole D. above all40. Lets go out for a walk, OK?_.A. Why not? B. Not at all. C. Never mind. D. No way41. The police found the lost car_.A. with mistake B. by accident C. by mistake D. in accident42. The policemen will go to_


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