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电子与通信工程专业英语 教学课件 ppt 作者 徐存善 Unit 15

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    • 1、Unit 15,The Applications of Computers,Electronic and Communication Engineering English,电子与通信工程专业英语,计算机应用,Unit 15 The Applications of Computers,The Applications of Computers,计算机的应用 大多数情况下,人类可以做任何计算机能做的事,但计算机能做得更快、更准确,尽管计算机执行计算与操作时每次只能运行一个步骤。计算机比人更快、更准确,不过与大多数人不同的是必须给它一系列完整的指令以明确在操作中的每一步应该做什么。,For the most part, human beings can do whatever computers can do, but computers can do it with much greater speed and accuracy. This is in spite of the fact that computers perform all their calculations and

      2、operations one step at a time. A computer is faster and more accurate than people,but unlike most people it has to be given a complete set of instructions that tell it exactly what to do at each step of its operation.,Text,这一系列的指令称为程序,用于指示计算机每一步要做的工作。这些程序以二进制码的形式储存在计算机存储单元中,每条指令都有独一无二的代码。计算机一次从存储器中取出一条指令代码,并执行代码所指定的操作。,This set of instructions, called a program, is prepared by one or more persons for each job the computer is to do. These programs are placed in the computers memory unit in binary

      3、-coded form, with each instruction having a unique code. The computer takes these instruction codes from memory one at a time and performs the operation called for by the code.,Text,Computers have found their way into many application areas that were once not feasible, and the rapid increase in the number and variety of computer applications has made them a significant part of our lives. In the following sections we present examples from some of the major areas of applications.,计算机已进入其从未涉及的应用领域中

      4、,其数量的迅速增加及应用的不断变化使其成为我们生活中重要的部分。以下段落中将举例介绍一些计算机主要的应用领域。,Text,Scientific Calculations The earliest computers were created to take the job of scientific calculations which involved complex and difficult mathematics or time-consuming tedious and repetitive, numerical calculations.,科学计算 最早创建计算机是为了执行科学计算,其中包括繁琐复杂的数学计算或耗时冗长及反复大量的计算。,Text,Data Processing Computers have been widely used in data processing, for example, accounting, statistics, and census. The operations involved are very simple-addition,

      5、 subtraction, multiplication and division, but the amount of data is overwhelming, beyond human capability and patience. With database software equipped, the computer can handle data to the satisfaction of the user.,数据处理 计算机广泛用于数据处理,比如用于会计学、统计学和人口普查中。数据处理所包含的操作非常简单,如加法、减法、乘法、除法,但数据量异常庞大,超出人的能力与耐心。安装数据库软件后,计算机可以按照用户的需要处理数据。,Text,Computer Simulation Computer simulating on as a powerful analytic tool widely used in scientific research and engineering design demonstrates unrivalled advantages.,计算机仿真

      6、 计算机仿真作为一个强大的分析工具广泛用于科学研究与工程设计中,具备不可比拟的优点。,Text,With computer simulation, scientists and engineers do not have to build real hardware models or primary prototypes when they observe an unknown phenomenon, analyze a complex process, design a machine or a building. Computer simulation is particularly significant when the object under study and examination is costly or it is impossible to build it into a real model. 当科学家和工程师观测一未知的现象或分析一复杂的程序,设计一台机器或一幢建筑时,有了计算机仿真,他们便无须构建真实的硬件模块或主要原形。当被研究与检测的对象非常贵重或不可

      7、能构建其真实模型时,计算机仿真就显得格外重要。,Text,Text,Many computer simulation systems have been developed and proved to be cost-effective, because using computer simulation programs, engineers can accomplish iterative process each time by inputting different schemes and parameters into their computer models rather than building many different real models. 许多计算机仿真系统已被开发并具一定效益。因为使用计算机仿真程序,科学家每次可通过向计算机模型输入不同的方案与参数以完成重复的程序,这胜过构建许多不同的真实模型。,Management Management is one of the decisive factors that tell success or failur

      8、e of any bank, corporation, firm, university, research institute in competition. Management is a comprehensive technique, involving every aspect of the unit-task ( products, inventions, creations, patents ) , personnel ( administrators, clerks, technicians, servants ) , finance, real estate, equipment, etc. 管理 管理对于任何处于竞争中的银行、企业、公司、大学、研究机构而言都是决定成败的因素之一。管理是门综合技术,包含以下因素的每一方面任务(产品、发明、创造、专利)、人员(行政人员、职员、技术人员、服务人员)、金融、地产、设备,等等。,Text,Computerized management is software designed to provide tools for mana

      9、gement in any profession, for example, regulation of personnel, accounting, sales, inventory, taxation, wages, etc. Every kind of software embodies the up-to-date theory and method in its profession, and is rather easy to learn. More and more management software products emerge, taking the place of human managers. 计算机化管理主要是指给各行各业,如人事、财务、销售、库存、税收和工资等方面提供专门化管理软件。每一类软件都包含了该专业最新的理论与方法,并且易于学习。越来越多的管理软件不断涌现,正在取代人类管理者。,Text,New words and phrases,accuracy kjursi n.精确性,正确度,准确性 unique ju:ni:k adj.唯一的,独特的 code kud n. 码,密码,法规 vt. 把编码,制成法典 feasible fi:zbl adj.可行的,切实可行的 tedious ti:dis adj.冗长乏味的,沉闷的 repetitive ripettiv adj.重复的,反复性的 statistics sttistiks n.统计学,统计,统计学资料 census senss n.人口普查 subtract sbtrkt vt.(from)减去,减,扣掉 multiplication ,mltiplikein n.数乘法,增加,New words and phrases,overwhelming ,uvhwelmi adj.压倒性的,无法抵抗的 demonstrate demnstreit vt证明;论证;展示 vi. 示威 prototype pruttaip n.原型,标准,模范 decisive disaisiv adj.决定性的;果断的,坚定的 iterative it

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