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劳动出版社精品课件 《新模式英语(1)》 A01 7629book1unit1

  • 卖家[上传人]:E****
  • 文档编号:89119634
  • 上传时间:2019-05-18
  • 文档格式:PPT
  • 文档大小:29.88MB
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    • 1、UNIT 1,Talking with Others,Where are you from?,What does he look like?,Robertos family,l like sports and music.,When do you study?,Give personal information,Describe people,Describe family relationships,Express preferences,Plan a study schedule,LESSON,Review,LESSON,1,LESSON,LESSON,LESSON,2,3,4,5,Team Project,Where are you from?,Give personal information,GOAL,LESSON,1,Read about Roberto.,A,LESSON,1,My name is Roberto Garcia. Im a new student in this school. Im from Mexico City, Mexico. Im 43 year

      2、s old and Im married. Im very happy in my new class.,Roberto Garcia,Mexico,43,married,Write the underlined words from Exercise A on the correct line.,B,LESSON,1,Name: _ Country: _ Age:_ Marital Status:_,single,married,divorced,Look at the pictures.,C,LESSON,1,Name: _ Age:_ Marital status: _ Country:_,Name: _ Age:_ Marital status: _ Country:_,Eva Malinska,60,divorced,Poland,Gabriela Ramirez,26,single,Argentina,Felipe Rodriguez,33,married,Cuba,Listen and complete the missing information.,D,Listeni

      3、ng Script,1.,2.,3.,LESSON,1,Name: _ Age:_ Marital status: _ Country:_,Yes, Im married. Im from Mexico. Im 43 years old. Roberto.,Match the questions with the answers. Draw lines.,E,LESSON,1,1. Where are you from? 2. Whats your name? 3. Are you married? 4. How old are you?,Study the chart with your classmates and teacher.,F,are,LESSON,1,EXAMPLE: (marital status) Duong _. (marital status) Alan _. (marital status) Trinh _and Alan _. (age) Trinh and Duong _. (age) Alan _. (country) He _.,is married,

      4、is divorced,is single,is divorced,is 64,are both 33 years old,is from the United States,Write sentences about the people above.,G,LESSON,1,In a group, interview three students. Complete the chart.,H,LESSON,1,Vocabulary age n. 年龄,年纪 classmate n. 同班生,同班同学 country n. 国家;乡下,农村 divorced a. 离婚的 group n. 团体,小组 interview v./n. 对进行面试;面试; 采访;访问 kid n. 小孩,儿童 line n. 一行(字);线 marital a. 婚姻的 married a. 已婚的 newspaper n. 报纸 personal a. 个人的,私人的;亲自的 present n. 现在式,现在时 quickly ad. 快速地;迅速地,LESSON,1,Glossary,radio n

      5、. 收音机;广播 salesperson n. 售货员,销售员 simple a. 简单的,简易的;简朴的 single a. 独身的,单身的 status n. 情形,状况 subject n. 主语 underline vt. 在之下画线 Phrases & Useful Expressions at night 在夜晚 draw lines 画线,划线 look at 看 marital status 婚姻状况 simple present 一般现在时,LESSON,1,Glossary,Proper Names Alan Hart 阿伦哈特 Argentina 阿根廷 Buenos Aires 布宜诺斯艾利斯 (阿根廷首都) Bui 裴 Cambodia 柬埔寨 Cuba 古巴 Garcia 加西亚 Mexico 墨西哥 Poland 波兰 Rodriguez 罗德里格斯 Russia 俄罗斯 Trinh Hong 郑洪 Vietnam 越南 Warsaw 华沙,LESSON,1,Glossary,Listening Script,Part D,LESSON,1,Eva Mal

      6、inska is happy to be in the United States. She wants to learn English. In Warsaw, Poland, she learned a bit of English. She wants to help other people in her family learn English. She is divorced and 60 years old. Gabriela Ramirez is 26. She listens to the radio and reads the newspaper every day. She wants to learn English quickly. She is single and from Buenos Aires, Argentina. Felipe Rodriguez is a student and also works hard. He is a salesperson and goes to school at night. He is 33 years old

      7、. He is married with three kids. He talks to his family in Cuba once a week.,Describe people,GOAL,LESSON,What does he look like?,2,five-eleven,175,28,8220,brown,black,A,Look at Felipes license. Complete the sentences.,LESSON,2,Felipes height is _. His weight is _ pounds. His hair is _. His eyes are _. He is _ years old. His address is _State Street.,five-six,weight is 165 pounds,hair is black,eyes are brown,Look at the licenses above. Complete the sentences about Duong and Eva.,B,LESSON,2,1.Duon

      8、g is _. (height) 2.His _. (weight) 3.His _. (hair) 4.His _. (eyes),1.Eva is _. (height) 2.Her _. (weight) 3.Her _. (hair) 4.Her _. (eyes),five-two,weight is 120 pounds,hair is white,eyes are blue,B,LESSON,2,Look at the licenses above. Complete the sentences about Duong and Eva.,B,LESSON,2,Look at the licenses above. Complete the sentences about Duong and Eva.,Study the chart with your classmates and teacher.,C,LESSON,2,brown,black,511,43,51,55,59,black,black,red,green,brown,brown,33,26,64,Listen and complete the chart.,D,Listening Script,LESSON,2,A: What does Roberto look like? B: He has black hair and brown eyes. A: How tall is he? B: He is five feet, eleven inches tall. A: Thank you.,Listen to the conversation.,Practice the conversation with information about Trinh, Gabriela, and Alan.,E,F,LESSON,2,Discuss the words with your classmates and tea

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