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    • 1、hoist Crane Have material to carry the important component is having become human being industry, the history being more than five thousand years away from now already. Degree rise expanding, automating with producing scales, as important material flitting equipment crane application is more and more broad in modernized procedure of production, the effect is bigger and bigger, the request to the crane is also more and more higher. The crane is experiencing gigantic one transforming.Since commerc

      2、ial run scale ceaselessness expands , the efficacy improves gradually, increase by gradually as well as material loads and unloads the what cost takes up proportion carrying in product procedure of production, urge large-scale or high-speed crane need amounts to increase by unceasingly. And batch of weight is bigger and bigger, the operating rate is more and more high, bring forward higher request to energy consumption and reliability. The crane already becomes important link in automatic produc

      3、tion technological process. The crane asks the easy to handle, easy upkeep, moreover security to be close friends not only, reliability needs height, demand to have outstanding durability, the sex fault-free, being maintained and to use economy. In the world is at present maximal the crane roaming gets weight amount to 6,500 t, the maximal crawler crane gets weight amount to 3,000 t, the maximal bridge crane gets weight be 1,200 t, the maximum loading and unloading the bridge handcart near conta

      4、iner the bank runs speed already amount to 350 m/min , that the stacking crane maximum runs speed is 240 m/min , speed amounts to 100 m/min starting from when the refuse disposal uses a cranes.Industry mode of production and diversity of consumer need, the marketplace using the special use crane expands unceasingly, breed renews also unceasingly, satisfy peculiar need, bring the optimum efficacy into play out with proper function. The metallurgy, examines the electricity , paper making , the ref

      5、use disposal special use crane for instance , explosion protection , antisepsis , insulation crane are in the past more strong comparing with the railroad , boat and ship , container special use crane function escalation , ceaseless rise of function , adaptability. The Germany Damage company has developed out one kind of aircraft keeping the special use crane taking good care of in repair, has opened up sale in international market. The span is big, batch, the altitude is big, but the fault stri

      6、des over, the accuracy parking is taller than on this crane being installed in building structure. Installation has many festivals to stretch out and draw back a conduit pipe below lifting handcart, the platform being maintained with the aircraft is linked together, may do 360 degree of revolution together. Displacement , conduit pipe promotion and demotion and revolution by the cart and the handcart may make the platform being maintained get to any aircraft location , the sum carrying out the a

      7、ircraft upkeep is mend , extremely rapid convenient.Use modularization to design the complete machine design procedures replace tradition, the identical with upper crane function basic component , component and part are made from having various use, have the identical linkup key element to compose in reply a standard module interchangeable, mutuality by being unlike a module constitutes, form the crane being unlike the type and specification. Be in progress to the crane improvement, need specifi

      8、cally for some several modules. The module designing the new model crane, needing selecting and using diversity carries out combination again. The module changing Cheng having batches suitable produces the crane may make a stick mass-produce for a short time, high efficiency specialization of different parts of production, the enterprise childbirth organize realization also may become module administration from management of product. Reach the improvement complete machine function , reduce cost

      9、of manufacture , improve be applied or used universally degree, uses be composed of many breeds , many specification series of products of less specification numbers component and part, to satisfy the consumer need sufficiently.At present, Germany , United Kingdom , France , USA and Japanese famous crane company have adopt crane modularization design all already , have got and notable beneficial result. The standard of Germany Damage company crane series switches over to use modularization to design the day after tomorrow is 12% lower compared with the design cost that the stick designs, cost of production comes down 45%, the economic effect is very considerable. One kind of KBK flexibility combination style the Germany Damage company has been developed flies a crane , the crane steel structure is composed of cold rolling type track , the crane runs a circuit but strides over , is changed into gauge along producing a process flow having arbitrarily, arranged a fork to mak


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