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    • 1、,INCO-NET EECA Policy Stakeholders Conference EU-EECA Cooperation in the Innovation Sector: Bi-regional Responses to Major Social and Economic Challenges Kiev, Hotel Kreschatyk April 25-26, 2012 Social Innovation: The Concept and its Potential” Josef Hochgerner Zentrum fr Soziale Innovation,Collaborative intelligence & intelligent collaboration,Which innovations we may expect and trust in .,Evolution of brains and behaviour,Technologies of (m)any kind, Cultural evolution based on social innovati

      2、ons,100 years of innovation theory and current innovation research,75% Schumpeter,“Innovation is not just an economic mechanism or a technical process. It is above all a social phenomenon. Through it, individuals and societies express their creativity, needs and desires. By its purpose, its effects or its methods, innovation is thus intimately involved in the social conditions in which it is produced.” European Commission, 1995: Green Paper on Innovation http:/europa.eu/documents/comm/green_pape

      3、rs/pdf/com95_688_en.pdf,Approaches to innovation,Innovations are changes or novelties of rites, techniques, customs, manners and mores.“ Horace Kallen, 1949: Innovation, in: Encyklopedia of the Social Sciences; Vol. 8; pp. 58ff.,*,All innovations are socially relevant,Innovations emerge from a certain background in society, and have impact on social entities, i.e. institutions, organisations, social groupings and indivduals in their various roles in family, business, civil society and the public

      4、,Traditional concepts, indicators and measures of innovation fall short of the social relevance of innovations in general, and of social innovations in particular.,Social innovations are new practices to resolve societal challenges, adopted and utilised by social groups concerned.“,Definition of Social Innovation“ *),*) Zentrum fr Soziale Innovation, 2012: All innovations are socially relevant“ ZSI-Discussion Paper 13, p. 2,. with reference to Schumpeter: New combinations of social practices,Mai

      5、n features of social innovation (1),Distinction between idea and dissemination: an idea becomes an innovation in the process of social implementation it changes and improves social practices The 4-i process“: Idea Intervention Implementation (or Institutionalisation) Impact,Idea,Intervention,Implementation,Impact,Social innovations (like any innovation) compete with traditional or other new solutions and they have a life cycle (until acceptance/diffusion outweighs novelty) No normative nature: S

      6、ocial innovations are not necessarily good (impact ) The scope of social innovations: the new practice does not need to be applied to the whole of society Agns Hubert et al. (BEPA) distinguish three perspectives to analyse objectives and impact, i.e. the social demand“ perspective, the societal challenges“ perspective, and the systemic change“ perspective. Empowering people driving change. Social Innovation in the European Union.“ http:/ec.europa.eu/bepa/pdf/publications_pdf/social_innovation.pd

      7、f,Main features of social innovation (2),Towards an extended paradigm of innovation,In general, innovations aim primarily either on economic or on social objectives, they may be technology-based or not; in the social sphere they may require formal regulation or not.,Innovations, addressing primarily economic objectives1), include products processes organisational measures marketing Innovations, addressing primarily social objectives2) , include roles (of individuals, CSOs, corporate business, an

      8、d public institutions) relations (in professional and private environments, networks, collectives) norms (on different levels, legal requirements) values (custom, manners, mores, ethic/unethical behaviour),1) Oslo Manual“, OECD/EUROSTAT 2005, re. Schumpeter,2) My extension, 2011,POTENTIAL OF SOCIAL INNOVATIONS,Main areas where new social practices are implemented to solve social issues:,Pchhacker Innovation Consulting Konzeptstudie im Auftrag der aws GmbH,SOCIAL INNOVATIONS IN BUSINESS CORP.,Ava

      9、ilable at: https:/www.zsi.at/object/publication/2159 - Also available: ZSI-Survey 2008: Kesselring/Leitner, Soziale Innovation in Unternehmen; https:/www.zsi.at/object/publication/1444,Prof. Dr. Josef Hochgerner Centre for Social Innovation Linke Wienzeile 246 A - 1150 Vienna Tel. +43.1.4950442 Fax. +43.1.4950442-40 email: hochgernerzsi.at https:/www.zsi.at,More information on social innovation: www.zsi.at/dp Results of the conference Challenge Social Innovation“, September 19-21, 2012, Vienna: Vienna Declaration on the Most Relevant Topics in Social Innovation Research“ and the Video Schumpeter Adopts Social Innovation“ www.socialinnovation2011.eu,


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