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  • 上传时间:2019-04-21
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    • 1、自然,天气与史地 一、单词 名词: 1plant植物 2flower花 3grass草 4tree树 5vegetable蔬菜 6fruit水果 7forest森林 8animal动物 9giraffe长颈鹿 10monkey猴 11sheep绵羊 12lion狮子 13panda熊猫 14tiger老虎 15elephant大象,16dolphin海豚 17shark鲨鱼 18snake蛇 19bird鸟 20koala考拉 21weather天气 22season季节 23spring春天 24summer夏天 25autumn/fall秋天 26winter冬天 27space太空 28earth地球 29land土地 30city城市,31country国家 32hill小山 33mountain山脉 34island岛屿 35water水 36air空气 37wood木头 38lake湖 39river河 40village村庄 41sea海洋 42ocean海洋、大洋 43 beach海滩 44life生命、生活 45water resource水资源,46greenhou

      2、se effect温室效应 47pollution污染 48earthquake地震 49storm暴风雨 50hurricane飓风 51typhoon台风 52wave浪、波浪 53flood洪水 54drought干旱 55homeland家园 56duty责任、义务 动词: 57destroy破坏 58donate捐献 59comfort安慰 60rebuild重建,61kill杀害 62overcome克服 63repair修理 64protect保护 65recycle 再循环、回收再用 66pollute污染、弄脏 67prevent防止、阻止 68century世纪 69history历史 形容词: 70sunny晴朗的 71rainy下雨的 72snowy下雪的 73cloud y多云的 74windy多风的 75foggy有雾的,76warm温暖 77hot热的 78cool凉爽的 79cold冷的 80humid潮湿的 81wet潮湿的 82dry干燥的 83terrible糟糕的 84fine好的,二、短语 1ancient times古时候 2come fro

      3、m来自 3all kinds of.各种各样的 4be famous for.以而著名 5be famous as.作为而出名 6places of interest名胜 7with a long history有着悠久的历史 8be rich in 以而富饶 9the Pacific Ocean太平洋 10the Indian Ocean印度洋 11the Arctic Ocean北冰洋 12the Atlantic Ocean大西洋 13in the east/west/south/ north of China 在中国的东部/西部/南部/北部,14protect the environment保护环境 15lose ones life/home失去生命/家园 16happen /take place发生 17cheer up振作起来 18try ones best尽力 19volunteer to do自愿做某事 20be deeply moved受到感动 21raise money筹钱 22as.as possible尽可能 23give sb. a hand助人一臂之力 24

      4、firm will坚定的意志 25pocket money零花钱 26look the same/different看上去一样/不一样 27look after照看,三、句型 1But elephants are in great danger 但是大象面临巨大的危险。 2People cut down many trees so elephants are losing their homes人们大量砍伐树木所以大象失去他们的家园。 3People also kill elephants for their ivory 人们也会为了象牙而捕杀大象。 4Although the storm broke many things apart, it brought families and neighbors closer together虽然暴风雨摧 毁了很多东西,但是让家人和邻里更加团结。,5Even more serious difficulties include freezing weather conditions and heavy storm更加严峻的困难包括极冷 的天气状

      5、况和巨大的风暴。 6Stonehenge, a rock circle, is not only one of Britains most famous historical places, but also one of its greatest mysteries巨石阵,一个岩石圈,不仅是英国最著名 的历史古迹之一,也是最大的谜团之一。,一、完形填空 Once there was a man. He loved 1 oceans, rivers, and lakes; he loved them all. 2 he loved a pond best. He found that there were beautiful trees, birds and butterflies around the pond. He knew a 3 leading there, so he stopped to see the pond nearly every day on his way home from work. He always felt very 4 there. After m

      6、any years, he found that there were 5 frogs, fish, turtles and other living things in the water. Also there was an unpleasant smell coming from the pondStill, he stopped to see the pond almost every day. One afternoon, as he 6 the pond again, he saw the water become lifeless(死气沉沉的). Suddenly he broke into tears. He closed his 7 and felt his great love for the water. He,thanked it for its being there and for the peaceful feelings it gave him. To his 8 , he felt a wave of love which seemed to be c

      7、oming back from the water! He 9 to do this every time he visited the pondAfter some time, he saw life returning, the unpleasant 10 disappearing, and the water becoming clean. Frogs, fish and turtles started returning to the pond. ( )1Awater Bair Csports Dgifts ( )2AAnd BBut CSo DOr ( )3Acar Bbus Croad Dtruck ( )4Aangry Bboring Ctired Drelaxed ( )5Amore and more Bsmaller and smaller Cless and less Dfewer and fewer,A,B,C,D,D,( )6Avisited Bleft Cbuilt Dmoved ( )7Amouth Beyes Chands Dbags ( )8Aanger

      8、 Bsadness Ccost Dsurprise ( )9Astopped Bcared Cended Dcontinued ( )10Aanimals Bfish Csmell DFlowers 二、阅读理解 A Weve named some of the animals that are often kept as pets. Weve shown some good points and bad points about each. And weve told you which animals are OK or not OK to keep. Which pet is for you?,A,B,D,D,C,( )11Read “Good points“, and you can know that all raccoons, cats and dogs can _. Alive indoors Bbe friendly Churt you Dbe noisy ( )12_ have the same bad points that they make you sneeze

      9、. ARabbits and raccoons BRaccoons and cats CCats and dogs DDogs and rabbits ( )13According to the checklist, a rabbit doesnt like _ weather. Acold Bcool Cwarm Dhot ( )14According to the checklist, which pets can be messy ?_. ARabbits and raccoons BCats and dogs CCats and rabbits DDogs and rabbits,B,C,D,B,( )15Whats the purpose of the checklist?_. ATo help you pick the best pet BTo tell you how to take care of your pet CTo list the best pets DTo lead you to get a pet B (2014广州)In early November of 1503, during Christopher Columbus fourth and final trip America, his ship was ser


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