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  • 卖家[上传人]:繁星
  • 文档编号:88201627
  • 上传时间:2019-04-20
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    • 1、Gas Flaring Reduction: OPEC Views,OPEC Secretariat,Outline of presentation,Energy demand growth forecasts and impact on associated gas volumes and flaring OPEC gas flaring history and progress and specific examples of gas flaring reduction in OPEC Member Countries Gas flaring reduction challenges Joint OPEC/ World Bank workshop on gas flaring and potential role of GGFR in facilitating financing and carbon credits Concluding remarks,World energy demand by fuel type (mtoe),Oil supply outlook, mb/d

      2、 (reference case),Evolution of gas flaring,Source: OPEC,OPEC: An impressive reduction in gas flaring,Source: OPEC,A success story in gas flaring reduction in Abu Dhabi,Gas flaring reduced from 4000 mmscfd in 1977 to 500 mmcfd in the early 1980s, to 300 mmcfd in the mid-1990s Since 1995 many new projects have been implemented to reduce flaring from 261 mmcfd to 70 mmscfd today - about 1% of the 6000 mmscfd gas production today Reduced the number of flares Re-injecting gas into oil reservoirs Modi

      3、fied plants to recover gas Zero flaring technology installed in some locations Flaring will be reduced to 37 mmscfd by 2007 Goal is zero flaring,Source: Mr. Ihab Othman Tarmoon, ADNOC, presentation to the OPEC/WPC Workshop, 9th June 2004.,Abu Dhabi gas flaring trend 1995 - 2007,Source: Mohamed Al-Mehairy and Ali Al-Habshi, ADNOC presentation to the OPEC/World Bank Workshop, 30th June, 2005,0,25,50,75,100,125,150,175,0,25,50,75,100,125,150,175,200,225,250,275,1995,1996,1997,1998,1999,2000,2001,20

      4、02,2003,2004,2005,2006,2007,261,250,192,156,94,144,132,116,84,80,70,42,37,Gas flaring reduction challenges,Associated gas is often produced in remote locations and sometimes in small volumes Two options to reduce gas flaring re-injection or market the gas Investment necessary to market the gas may not be economic Lack of infrastructure Low domestic demand for gas and/or electricity Re-injection of associated gas is not always economic due to high cost and low incremental oil reserves A sudden ca

      5、ll on spare oil production capacity may exceed capacities of existing gas handling facilities, resulting in gas flaring The World Bank Gas Flaring Reduction Initiative was formed to support national governments efforts to reduce flaring by providing Facilitation of local public-private partnerships and co-operation on gas infrastructure and markets Links with existing World Bank instruments Assistance on carbon credits OPEC/World Bank joint workshop held in Vienna, 30th June 1st July, 2005,Works

      6、hop objectives,To present an overview of the Global Gas Flaring Reduction Partnership (GGFR), and its activities, with specific focus on CDM and the Voluntary Standard for Global Gas Flaring and Venting Reduction To discuss the financial resources and mechanisms, including carbon credits, available by or through the World Bank Initiative for gas flaring reduction projects To present success stories from OPEC Member Countries in flaring reduction,Role of GGFR,Work with the CDM Executive Committee

      7、 to remove barriers to receiving carbon credits for gas flaring reduction projects Additionality criteria are stringent and inflexible, and can create perverse incentives at times. Okpai power plant and West Africa Gas Pipeline in Nigeria will be important tests Build CDM capacity in OPEC Member Countries Identify and develop CDM projects Develop institutional capacity to comply with CDM rules Assist with implementation issues such as carbon ownership and downstream integration Facilitate collab

      8、oration between public and private sectors, and between governments Help countries obtain World Bank financing and MIGA guarantees Facilitate access to World Bank carbon funds Source of additional cash flow Can make marginal projects economic,Conclusions,As oil production increases to meet growing demand, gas flaring reduction efforts will have to be intensified if reductions in actual flared volumes are to be realised Gas flaring reduction has not only environmental benefits but also social and economic benefits Financing and carbon credits are often necessary Huge reductions in gas flaring have been achieved in OPEC Member Countries during the last three decades OPEC Member Countries could further reduce gas flaring if CDM methodologies could be established for these projects However, the CDM is a complex mechanism and has been applied to only one gas flaring project to date there is a need to test the mechanism and possibly modify the rules,Thank You,


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