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    • 1、1,School Sharing Session 27 Apr 2005 PolyU Project Team,2,Outline of presentation,Objectives of the Study Study Methodology, Sampling and Responses Timeframe of the Study Major Research Questions Core Methodology Sampling design and Response rates Key findings Access, connectivity and usage Teacher enablement Curriculum, pedagogy and resources School and wider community culture Student learning Summary Finding summaries Other stakeholders views Major recommendations,3,Objectives of the Study,To

      2、review the progress of the ITEd projects and to recommend necessary adjustments to future implementation of ITEd projects, with specific focus on each type of school as well as the community as a whole. The difference and diversity in each type of school will be addressed. To establish a theoretical framework to support the design of an overall evaluation (core methodology) with special measures for each type of school as well as the community as a whole. To develop specific evaluative model(s)/

      3、tools and conduct a pilot study to test the research methodology and instruments designed.,4,Objectives of the Study,To evaluate the application and effectiveness of ITEd in the light of the extent to which schools/ teachers have adopted and implemented pedagogical practices that use technology and To which the vision of promoting ITEd has been met as reflected by teachers and students enablement in their teaching/ learning processes. The effectiveness of ITEd projects in the four components or

      4、domains, as specified in the “Information Technology for Learning in a New Era: Five-Year Strategy 1998/99 to 2002/03” will be addressed.,5,Objectives of the Study,To conclude the overall effectiveness (including the resources management perspective regarding manpower and budgeting; the student learning outcomes; the pedagogical and cultural impacts) of ITEd projects and to recommend strategies and plans for future investment and implementation in ITEd. Based on the information gathered and anal

      5、ysed, a range of options and broad directions as to where ITEd should go forward, and in which direction, will be presented.,6,Timeframe of the Study,7,Major research questions,Six sets of research questions, focusing on the changes and achievements in: Access, connectivity and usage Teacher enablement Curriculum, pedagogy and resource support School and wider community culture Student learning Benchmarking and sustainability,8,Core methodology (1),School IT survey Questionnaire survey of major

      6、stakeholders: School heads IT team members Teachers Specialists / therapists (special schools) Students Parents (primary and secondary schools only) Student IT Literacy Assessment,9,Core methodology (2),School visit School tour Classroom visit School document analysis Student focus group interview (Primary, Secondary and Special Schools) Student IT activity daily log Focus Group/Individual Interviews Policy makers / directorates/ ITEd project owners-in-charge/ implementers School heads/ teachers

      7、/ IT team members/ specialists/ therapists/ students/ parents (special school) Employer groups (trade associations)/ NGOs with parent education services/ SMC/ SSB Education and IT-related associations/ tertiary education institutions,10,Sampling design,* Sampled Schools (grossed-up sample size): were requested for doing Activity Type 1, 2, or 3,* Non-sampled Schools : were requested to complete/update the School IT Survey Form and the School Heads Questionnaires ( ): No. of returns of sampled sc

      8、hools,11,Type of activity for primary and secondary school sectors,12,Type of activity for special school sector,13,Response rate of instruments for primary school sector,14,Response rate of instruments for primary school sector,15,Response rate of instruments for secondary school sector,16,Response rate of instruments for secondary school sector,17,Response rate of instruments for special school sector,18,Response rate of instruments for special school sector,19,Key findings from the study,20,A

      9、ccess, Connectivity and Usage Computers in schools,Computers and hardware continued to improve and far exceeded target:,* Excluding computers in staff rooms and general office,Figure in green: Findings of Preliminary study by HKU (2001),21,Access, Connectivity and Usage Locations of computers,Mainly in Computer rooms / Multimedia Learning Centre / Information Technology Learning Centre Computers in general classrooms: total number per school steadily increasing but still not large:,Figure in green: Findings of Preliminary study by HKU (2001),22,Access, Connectivity and Usage Connectivity at school,Broadband internet connection Primary: 95.8% 77.3% Secondary: 97.6% 87.1% Special: 93.9% School website / subject or teaching websites,Figure in green: Findings of Preliminary study by HKU (2001),23,Access, Connectivity and Usage International comparisons,24,Access, Connectivity and Usage Access and connectivity at home,*Home ownership of computer: 84.4% (P3) ,93.0%(


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