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七年级英语:unit 6 lesson 3 on the way to school-lesson 4 out and about同步试题沈阳牛津版

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  • 文档编号:87858245
  • 上传时间:2019-04-13
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    • 1、Lesson 3 On the way to school-Lesson 4 Out and about【模拟试题】(答题时间:80分钟)一、单词 根据汉语意思写出英语单词公共汽车站 交通信号灯 垃圾桶邮局 在去学校的路上 离银行很远在十字路口 上车 下车来源:Z#xx#k.Com到电影院 沿着马路走 离开家画一幅地图 显示你的路线 半个小时离公园近 十五分钟 多长时间过马路 乘公共汽车去上学二、用英语表示下列时间3:00 6:00 9:00 12:00来源:学&科&网Z&X&X&K3:30 6:30 9:15 12:15来源:学科网ZXXK3:45 6:23 9:47 1:58来源:学科网三、单词(A)选择并抄写单词1. Students always get up at six in the _ (evening, morning)to school.2. We live _ (near, far away from)school. It takes us only five minutes on foot.3. Marks father is a _ (teacher, fire

      2、man). He puts out fire.4. There are many animals in the _ (zoo, park).5. _ (Where, How)do you go to school? By bus.(B)根据汉语提示,写出单词的正确形式6. The _ (邮递员)brings the letters to people. 7. You can take the US dollars from the _ (银行)of China.来源:学科网8. You can see the white lines at every _ (十字路口).9. What _ (工作)does your father do?10. Kally _ (居住)quite far away from school. 四、看图连句( )11. More women are good at playing tennis.( )12. A dentist makes people who has toothache better.( )13. Baseball is a popular

      3、 game in the USA.( )14. Robert is a good football player who is in Britain now.( )15. Lily goes to work by car.五、单词组句16. leave, I, at, always, home, oclock, seven _17. 7:15, on, bus, get, I, then, a, at _18. friend, near, lives, good, here, my _19. I, bank, to, a, go, bike, by _20. Danny, too, away, lives, not, far, school, from _六、用所给动词的适当形式填空21. I often _ (get)off at the bus stop at Rose Garden Road.22. He _ (cross)the road at the crossing to his school.23. Alice and Eddie _ (live)near school.

      4、24. Kitty _ (live)near school, too.25. How long _ (do)it take you to get to school?七、阅读理解 阅读下面对话,选择最佳答案A: How often does Dan do some revision? B: Once a month.A: How often does he watch TV? B: Three times a day.来源:学&科&网A: How often does he go swimming? B: Twice a year.A: How often does he do the housework? B: Never.( )26. Dan does revision _.A. once a month B. twice a month C. three times a month( )27. Dan watches TV _. A. twice a day B. once a week C. three times a day来源:Zxxk.Com( )28. Dan does

      5、 swimming _.A. once a month B. twice a month C. twice a year( )29. Dan _ helps do the housework.来源:学科网A. once a day B. never C. twice a week八、写作练习 下面是Janet某一天的活动,但是顺序被打乱了。请你按从早到晚的顺序重新排列后,以Janets Day为题写一篇小作文。(注意动词第三人称单数形式的使用)have dinner at 18:00 play tennis again at 16:00 go to school at 8:00have breakfast at 7:30watch tennis on TV at 21:30play tennis at 8:30 do her homework at 19:30 go to bed at 22:30get up at 7:00 have lunch at 12:00Janets Day_【试题答案】一、单词bus stop, traffic lights, a rubbish binpo

      6、st office, on the way to school, far away from the bankat the crossing, get on the bus, get off the busget to the cinema, go along the road, leave homedraw a map, show your route, half an hournear the park, a quarter/ fifteen minutes, how longcross the road, go to school by bus二、用英语表示下列时间 three oclock six oclock nine oclock twelve oclock three thirty/ half past three six thirty/ half past six nine fifteen/ a quarter past nine twelve fifteen/ a quarter past twelve three forty-five/ a quarter to f

      7、our six twenty-three/ twenty-three past six nine forty-seven/ thirteen to ten one fifty-eight/ two to two三、单词(A)morning, near, fireman, zoo, How(B)postman, bank, crossing, job, lives来源:学_科_网四、看图连句1115:BADEC五、单词组句16. I always leave home at seven oclock.17. Then I get on a bus at 7:15.18. My good friend lives near here.19. I go to a bank by bike.20. Danny lives not too far away from school.来源:学,科,网Z,X,X,K六、用所给动词的适当形式填空来源:Zxxk.Comget, crosses, live, lives, does七、阅读理解 阅读下面对话,选择最佳答案ACCB八、写作练习Janets Day来源:学科网Janet gets

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