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    • 1、题目:我国铁路部门公共危机防范及应对措施领 域: 公 共 管 理 53摘 要近年来,我国铁路部门公共事件频发,尤其是几次重大交通事故,给人民群众的生命财产造成了重大损失和产生了恶劣的社会影响。伴随着媒体的关注和舆论的批评,这些公共事件转化为或大或小的公共危机,不断考验着社会的稳定和和谐。我国正处于社会转型的关键期,铁路建设的处于大规模投资建设期,铁路公共危机事件的发生有一定必然性,但不可以此为借口,无视铁路公共事件的对社会的巨大危害,对其放之任之。本文就铁路部门应对公共危机的现状,提出了建构立体的包含有公共危机预警体系,公共危机处理体系和公共危机后处理体系在内的铁路部门公共危机应对系统,并对系统的各个部分进行了相应的阐述和提出了完善措施。本文首先介绍了铁路公共危机相关的理论基础。世界各国对铁路部门公共危机的处理都非常重视,发达国家多采取了相应的体系化的应对措施,如相应的法律法规,预警机制和救援体系等。研究的第二章介绍了我国铁路公共危机的类型和特征。第三部分介绍了我国铁路部门应对铁路公共危机的失当现状。包括预警机制的失当,信息处理失当,救援指挥的失当等。这些失当与我国铁路部门公共危机处理

      2、系统的零散化、原始化有关。本文第四部分提出了完善我国铁路部门公共危机应对系统的相应措施。主要包括预警机制的建立,危机处理体系的建立和危机后处理体系的建立。完善铁路部门公共危机应对系统的关键在于建立完整的相互关联的体系,其中预警机制的建立处于核心地位,有效的预防是解决危机的最佳手段。在危机的处理中,指挥决策系统和信息发布及大众沟通系统也非常重要,相应的完善措施将有助于危机的快速解决。而铁路部门公共危机发生后的后继工作是转危为机的关键,其主要包括事故的原因追查,责任人的惩治和受害者的心里抚慰和赔偿等。后继工作的及时处理,有利于危机的平息和铁路部门吸取教训,避免悲剧重演。在本文第五部分,本文通过一正一反两个具体案例,进行详细的分析讲评。从案件经过讲到处理结果,通过对两个案件的剖析与分类,再一次加深了对铁路公共危机事件的处理方法的认识与了解。关键词: 铁路 公共危机 应急救援 体系ABSTRACTIn recent years,the railway department public events occur frequently in our country,especially seve

      3、ral major traffic accidents,has caused great loss and produced bad social influence to peoples lives and property. With the media attention and criticism,these public events grown into big or small public crises,and harmed the social stability and harmony constantly. China is now in a critical period of social transformation,having large-scale investment in railway construction. So the railway public crises occur inevitability,but it should not be an excuse for people to forget the huge harm tha

      4、t caused by railway public events. This paper introduced the situation of the railway departments in dealing with the public crisis,proposed the construction of three-dimensional railway department public crisis response system that contains public crisis early warning system,public crisis management system and public crisis post-processing system together,discussed the various parts of the system and proposed the corresponding improvement measures.This paper firstly introduced the related theor

      5、etical basis about the railway public crisis. All of the world put attention to the handling of the railway department public crisis,many developed countries has adopted the corresponding systematized measures,such as the corresponding laws and regulations,and early warning mechanism and rescue system,etc. The second chapter presented the research of China railway public crisis types and characteristics. The third part introduced the improper measures that the railway departments dealt with the

      6、railway public crisis in current situation in our country,including improper early warning mechanism,improper information processing,improper rescue command,such as. These misconducts have big relationship with the scattered and obsolete railway department public crisis management system in our country. The fourth part of this paper put forward the corresponding measures in improving railway department public crisis response system of our country. It mainly included the establishment of early wa

      7、rning mechanism,establishment of the crisis management system and crisis post-processing system. The key measure of Improving the railway department public crisis response system lied in the establishment of a complete related system,above all,the early warning mechanism is firstly important,because effective prevention is the best way to resolve the crisis. In the handling of the crisis,the command decision-making system and information release and mass communication system is also very importa

      8、nt,corresponding improvement measures will help crisis solved quickly. And the subsequent works that after the occurrence of railway department public crisis is the key to turn the crisis into chance,these mainly including the tracing of the accident cause,the punishment to the person in charge and the heart comfort and compensation to the victims. If subsequent works treatment timely,it has big advantageous for the railway departments to learn from the crisis and to avoid the tragedy happening

      9、again.In the fifth part of this article, this article carried out a detailed analysis by two specific cases with different characters. Every detail is mentioned from the case processing to the result. Through the analysis of the two cases with classification, the knowledge and understanding of the approach to the railway public crisis events is deepened.Keywords: Railway Public Crisis Emergency Rescue System 目 录摘 要IABSTRACTII第1章 绪 论31.1研究背景31.2国内外研究现状41.2.1 国内外关于公共危机的理论基础41.2.2 国内外对公共危机的处理措施61.2.3 国内外对铁路公共危机的处理政策9第2章 我国铁路部门公共危机的特征分析122.1运用公共危机理论对我国铁路大环境的分析122.1.1公共危机相关理论对铁路部门工作的阐释122.1.2 我国铁路部门公共危机的现状及原因132.2我国铁路公共危机的类型142.3我国铁路部门公共危机的特征152.2.1 危机新型化162.2.2 区域集中化172.2.3 连锁效应强172.2.4 媒体的推波助澜182.4从铁路与政府部门间的联系看铁路公共危机19第3章 铁路部门应对公共危机的失当现状213.1预警机制的失当213.1.1铁路预警机制不完善213.1.2 风险评估机制不完善223.2危机处理的失当223.2.1 信息处理失当23


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