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    • 1、Section 3Using Language .单词拼写1He made no _(评论) on what happened yesterday.2He bought a house _(装饰着) with everything he needed for his daily life.3His company offers him quite a lot of traffic _(补助费)4Language is _(特有的) to mankind.5John is the strongest _(候选人) for the position.【答案】略【提示】remark on/upon 谈论, 评论make a few remarks about sb.on sth. 讲几句有关某人(某事)的话be remarkable for 因而引人注意;(某一点)很突出remarkably adv. 相当地,非常地.选词填空1He looked at it _ and couldnt believe his eyes.2Youd better go there and see it _ f

      2、or its beauty is really beyond description.3Can you give me a hand to help me carry the luggage?_.4We waited _, but the expected visitor never turned up.5The girl was wild _ at the sight of her boyfriend.【答案】略【提示】be delighted with 对感到高兴be delighted at 时很高兴;有很高兴a delight 使人高兴的事;乐事(可数)take (a) delight in 喜欢(干某事);从中取乐to ones delight 令某人感到高兴(的是).话题交际根据汉语提示翻译下列短语1将两名谋杀犯联系在一起_2一名好侦探的素质_3大众_4什么证据_5对于解决犯罪案件必不可少_【答案】略【提示】 the public 表示“公众”作主语时,谓语动词即可用单数也可以用复数。I have no doubt that.用适当的连接词填空There can be li

      3、ttle doubt _ special classes can help the gifted children to graduate earlier and take their place in life sooner.Im doubtful _ she will agree to this point.I doubt _ we will make a profit out of it.I doubt _ they can swim across the river.完成句子我怀疑他是否能赢。 I doubt _ .我毫不怀疑他会成功。I dont doubt _. 我们毫不怀疑你会成功。 We have no doubt _. 毫无疑问你会成功。_ that you will succeed. 【答案】thatwhetherif /whetherwhether/ifif/whether he will winthat he will succeedthat you will succeed There is no doubtThere is no doubt that.毫无疑

      4、问I dont doubt that.我确信I doubt whether/if.我怀疑in doubt 不肯定,不确定without doubt 无疑used to do sth.根据汉语提示完成下列句子人们不习惯同陌生人做事先没有准备的交谈。People _ making an unprepared chat with a stranger.我习惯早起。I _getting up early.今日的中国再也不是往昔的状态了。Todays China is no longer what it _.单句改错In my opinion, life in the twentyfirst century is much easier than it was used to be._【答案】arent used toam used toused to be去掉wasbe used to (doing) sth. 习惯于used to do sth. 过去常常做某事be/get/become used to(doing) sth.be accustomed to(doing) sth. 习惯于(

      5、做)be used to do sth. 被用来做某事be used as 被当做来用be used for被用来做worth句型转换His suggestion is worth considering.His suggestion is worthy _.His suggestion is worthy _.It is worthwhile _.一言辨异(用worth, worthy, worthwhile填空)It is _ to travel to Beijing which is _ visiting,that is, which is _ of being visited.【答案】of being considered/considerationto be consideredto consider/considering his suggestionworthwhile; worth;worthyworth, worthy, worthwhile三者都有“值得的”之意,但结构和所作成分不尽相同。单词成分含义结构worth表语值得的be worthn. /pron./doi

      6、ngworthy表语值得的be worthy定语值得尊敬的;注意的worthwhile表语,定语值得的It be worthwhilecarry on with 句型转换Carry on working while Im away._ while Im away._ while Im away._ while Im away._ while Im away._ while Im away.完成句子她的勇气激发了他继续生活和工作的意愿。Her bravery has given him the will _ and his work.第一件要做的事是搬走泥土。The first thing to be done is _ the earth. 警察的职责是维持治安,执行法律。The duties of the police are to keep order and _ the law. 【答案】Carry on with the workGo on workingGo on with the workContinue workingContinue to workto carry on

      7、 with his lifeto carry awayto carry outcarry on 继续;坚持carry away 拿走;冲走;掠走;吸引住(某人)carry back 将送/带回原地;使某人记起carry out 搬出;实施,执行,履行;完成make of sb./sth.句型转换Eleven players make up the football team.The football team _ eleven players.Their father is good at inventing bedtime stories.Their father is good at _ bedtime stories.How do you understand it all?What do you _ it all?语境助记根据提示完成下列小片段I have _(下决心)to _(弥补)the lost time.So I have made a plan,which _(由三部分组成)To carry it out better,I want you to supervise me.You can go through it.If there is something that you cant._(理解),I will explain it to you.I promise I will _(充分利用)every minute and I believe that I will _(在你的帮助下我会做到的)【答案】is made up ofmaking upmake outmade up my mindmake up foris made up of three partsmake outmake the most of/make full use ofmake it with you helpmake up for 补偿;弥补be made up of 由组成make out 辨认出;理解;写出make ones wa


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