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    • 1、Unit 4 Exploring planets Period Warming Up & Reading.单词拼写1Her sense of humour (有吸引力)to him enormously.2The envelope was firmly (密封)3 (流利) in spoken English is a major requirement.4There are currency (限制) on the sums allowed for foreign travel.5This pair of trousers is too (紧的) for me.6John often comes into (冲突)with his boss.7It snows all the year round in that (遥远的) little village.8Our (货物) are second to none in the world market.9We must always (尽力) to improve our work.10The (异国的) atmosphere wil

      2、l fascinate you.【答案】1.appealed2.sealed3.Fluency 4restrictions5.tight6.conflict7.distant 8goods9.endeavour10.exotic.阅读填句 【导学号:15680050】(2016宁夏银川三校高三联考)In less than five months, you will go to different universities and lead a new life.In your new life, making new friends is a must.Then, how can you make new friends quickly?Everybody knows friends come and go.You have friends for every time and season of your life from youth to old age.Sometimes people change their goal in life.Perhaps youve made

      3、a change yourself, such as a new job or moved to a new location. 1 Making new friends quickly is possible once you go about it the right way.In order to make friends, you must first be a friend.Consider joining groups and associations that are of interest to you. 2 Go out of your way to be friendly, and youll make new friends quickly. 3 If you need help, there are millions of books on the subject of good manners.Treat people with politeness and you will see people start to flock to you because o

      4、f your pleasant personality.Become good at something.You can do well in a sport, an instrument, writing, languages or whatever else you enjoy. 4 This makes you interesting and gets people to be attracted to you.Its not about doing this for the sake of attracting attention, but having a skill at something is another way to make new friends quickly.Share contact information with people you meet who seem interesting.Then invite them to do things with you. 5 Showing interest in people by actually in

      5、viting them to do things will help you create friends quickly.AIt could be as simple as drinking coffee together.BAlways practice good manners.CYou dont have to be an expert, but at least good enough to help others with your skill.DGet to know your friends friends.EThis may also change your circle of friends.FYou are likely to find others who share things in common with you.GIt is not necessary to be skillful in something.【答案】15EFBCA.完形填空It was Mothers Day,the day we celebrate everything mothers

      6、 are and everything we do.But Ill 1 that Sunday in 2000 was bittersweet for me.As a single mother I 2 to think of my shortcomings how many evenings I couldnt spend with my children,and how many things I couldnt 3 my waitress salary to buy.But what 4 kids I had! My daughter Maria was a senior in college,and Denny was home visiting from his freshman year at Harvard University.They were 5 impolite enough to complain,but there was so much more I 6 I had done for them.I just hoped they 7 As I walked

      7、into the 8 quietly to start breakfast,I was greeted by a vase 9 a dozen red roses! When had Denny possibly slipped down to leave them? But even their delicate beauty was overshadowed by the note sitting beside them,in the quick,manly 10 of an eighteenyearold.It was about a story that happened between Denny and me long ago.It 11 :She took a day off from her busy 12 to take the boy to see his hero in the flesh at the stadium.It took 3.5 hours just to get there,and they had to be there early 13 he

      8、could see his hero take batting practice. 14 their arrival,she took her hardearned money to buy an overpriced Tshirt on which was 15 his hero making a diving catch.After the game,of course he had to 16 his heros signature,so she stayed with the little boy 17 one in the morning.It took me long enough to 18 it,but I finally know who the 19 hero is.Mom,I love you! And suddenly,it was a 20 Mothers Day,after all.【语篇解读】本文是夹叙夹议文。介绍一个单亲家庭中儿女对母亲的爱,让母亲过了一个快乐的母亲节。1A.admitBadoptCdenyDrefuse【解析】该句句意为“但我承认200

      9、0年那个星期天对我而言苦乐参半。”【答案】A2A.intendedBlikedCtendedDhesitated【解析】作为单身母亲,我总是不由自主想到自己的缺点。tend to do意为“倾向于”。【答案】C3A.stressBspareCstrengthenDspend【解析】服务员收入微薄,孩子们想要的很多东西我都不能匀出钱去买。spare匀出。【答案】B4A.poorBgreatCfaithlessDpretty【解析】从下文内容可知,孩子们给母亲过了一个美好的母亲节,他们是伟大的孩子。【答案】B5A.merelyBusuallyCneverDoften【解析】该句句意为“他们从不无理地抱怨。” 【答案】C6A.wishedBhopedCexpectedDdesired【解析】但作为母亲,有多少事情我想为他们做却做不到啊。wish后面的宾语从句用虚拟语气,表示难以实现的愿望。【答案】A7A.supportedBunderstoodCapprovedDdisgusted【解析】我只是希望孩子们能够理解(我的无奈)。【答案】B8A.livingroomBkitchenCbedroomDstudy【解析】从后面的to start breakfast可知,我悄悄走进厨房。【答案】B9A.includingBcontainin


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