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    • 1、Unit 3 Inventors and inventions Section Warming Up & Reading-Language Points.单句语法填空1You must be _(caution) to handle the problem.2What was it that distinguished her_her classmates?3They asked him to be _(mercy) to the prisoners.4Please give him lots of love instead of high_(expect); otherwise he will be loaded with great pressure.5The bus came to an_ (abruptly) stop, making many passengers fall off their seats.6When the ice is heated above _ (freeze) point, it begins to change into a liquid stat

      2、e.7We must arrange a _ time and place for the meeting.(convenience)8He wears a _ white shirt today.(stain)9These sentences can be changed into _ voice. (passively)10These _(produce) may help you to keep slim.【答案】1.cautious2.from3.merciful4expectation5.abrupt6.freezing7.convenient8.stainless9.passive10.products.单句改错1She called for a friend just for a chat._2How should we set out our work?_3Would you be convenient to leave tomorrow?_4There seem to be no one at home._5After completing,the airport w

      3、ill have above 50% plants covered. 【导学号:62320032】_【答案】1.第一个for 改为 up2.out 改为about3.you 改为 it4.seem改为pleting改为completed.阅读理解(2016广东省普宁市第一中学高二月考)As the name implies, “green technology” is the one that has a “green” purpose.The “green” here does not mean the color.However, it means the long and short term influence an invention has on the environment.Green inventions are environmentally friendly inventions that often involve energy efficiency, recycling, safety and health concerns, renewable resour

      4、ces, and more.One of the best known examples of green technology would be the solar cell.A solar cell directly changes the energy in light into electrical energy through the process of photovoltaics(光伏发电)Producing electricity from solar energy means less consumption of fossil fuels, reducing pollution and greenhouse gas emissions.Another simple invention that can be considered green is the reusable water bottle.Drinking lots of water is healthy.Reducing plastic waste is great for the environment

      5、.Therefore, popular reusable water bottles are healthpromoting, ecofriendly, and green. The world has a fixed amount of natural resources, some of which are already used up or ruined.For example, household batteries and electronics often contain dangerous chemicals that can pollute the groundwater after disposal, polluting our soil and water with chemicals that cannot be removed from the drinking water supply and the food crops grown on polluted soil.The risks to human health are great. Inventor

      6、s should know that green inventions and clean technologies are good business.These are fast growing markets with growing profits.Consumers should know that buying green inventions can reduce their energy bill and that green inventions are often safer and healthier products.【语篇解读】本文主要介绍了绿色环保发明创造的益处。 1.The first paragraph is mainly developed by _.Amaking a comparisonBgiving an exampleCgiving an explanationDfollowing time order 【解析】推理判断题。第一段主要介绍了什么是绿色发明,主要通过下定义及解释的手法组织第一段。【答案】C2The advantages of pr

      7、oducing electricity from solar energy may NOT include _.Afossil fuels are less usedBless greenhouse gas is given outCpollution is decreasedDit can meet the needs of the whole country 【解析】细节理解题。根据第二段“Producing electricity from solar energy means less consumption of fossil fuels, reducing pollution and greenhouse gas emissions.”可知太阳能发电可以减少对化石燃料的消耗,减少污染和温室气体的排放。【答案】D3The second paragraph suggests that _.Adrinking plenty of water is good for your healthBthe plastic bottle is a pollutant for the envi

      8、ronmentCthe reusable water bottles are green in colorDthe reusable water bottles can refill themselves【解析】细节理解题。根据第二段“Reducing plastic waste is great for the environment.”可知减少塑料废物对环境是好的,由此可知装水的塑料瓶对环境是一种污染。【答案】B4The purpose of the last two paragraphs is to_.Acall on people to prefer green productsBteach people how to protect environmentCshow the advantages of producing green productsDlist some green inventions for consumers【解析】推理判断题。最后两段分别给出了发明者发明绿色产品和消费者消费绿色产品的理由,所以目的是号召人们选择绿色产品。【答案】A.完形填空One Sunday, a mother took her son and little daughter to watch a circus.In the _1_ of the circus, the little girl, Jenny, fell_2_ in her mothers lap.The brother, Jack, who was six, stayed awake, and _3_ the latter half with his mother.When it was over, the mother _4_ Jenny in her arms and carried her to the bus station.It was _5_ that night, so she took off her scarf and g


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