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    • 1、Unit 13 People Section Personalities and Jobs &Making Guesses about People.单句语法填空1She has a lot of work (do) today.2The production cant meet the social (require)3The country paid a heavy price for her (independent)4The doctor told him to give up (smoke)5It is desired we get everything ready by tonight.6He had the problem (solve)7The clothes require (wash)8I will find fault your homework.9There is no obvious evidence there is life on any other planet in the solar system.10The teacher had him (sta

      2、nd)over there for half an hour.【答案】1.to do2.requirements3.independence4smoking5.that6.solved7.washing8.with9.that10.standing.完成句子1她看上去很高兴。她考试肯定及格了。She looks very happy.She 2英语老师要求我们每天早晨读英语。The teacher requires us that every morning.3我将挑剔你的作业。I will your homework.4我通过了考试这一消息是真的。The news is true.5你最好把车子开慢点。Youd better slowly.【答案】1.must have passed the exam2we (should) read English3.find fault with4that I have passed the exam5.have your car running.阅读理解AThere are some new drivers going back to scho

      3、ol.Teens who have recently got their drivers licenses may be taking the wheel to drive to school this fall.However,parents fear when their teen starts driving.And it turns out that such parental fears are justifiedso its worth reviewing how to keep your teen safe while he or she is behind the wheel.Motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death in US.teens.Drivers 16 to 19 years old are at the greatest risk of crashes.In fact,their risk is 4 times greater than for older drivers.The teens a

      4、t the greatest risk are those who are male,those carrying other teenage passengers in the car,and those still in their first year of driving.Nearly 50 percent of teen deaths related to automobile crashes happen on Fridays,Saturdays,or Sundays between the hours of 3 pm.and midnight.Why are teens at higher risk for motor vehicle crashes?Development.Teens havent completely matured mentally and have greater risktaking behaviors,possibly because they tend to underestimate the risk associated with a p

      5、articular behavior.Teens also have a greater tendency to speed and to drive too close to the cars in front of them.No seat belts.Teens have the lowest rate of seat belt use among all driving groups.Alcohol.At least 25 percent of motor vehicle deaths in teens are related to alcohol use.Technological distractions(分散注意力)Cell phones,texting,MP3 players,and the like can all distract drivers greatlyand who more than teenagers?Be aware of your teens driving practices and discuss safe driving habits whe

      6、n opportunities present themselves.Check out the applications and devices now available for restricting your teens use of technology while driving.Some applications alert(使意识到)you to when your teen is texting while the vehicle is moving.Another device blocks incoming and outgoing texts when the car is runningincoming messages get an automatic reply(e.g,“Im driving right now”),and phone calls go directly to voice mail(语音信箱)You can also get notifications(通知)if your teen tries to shut off the progr

      7、am.There are also GPS programs that let you know your new drivers whereabouts at all times.All in all,you cant be too cautious when teaching your teen how to be safe on the road.【语篇解读】本文主要讲述青少年驾车容易发生车祸,其事故率比成人大得多,分析了其原因并给家长提出了合理的建议。1What factor is least related to the teen drivers high risks of crashes?ADriver age.BPassenger gender.CDriving experience.DDriving time.【解析】细节理解题。文章第二段提到了驾驶者的年龄“Drivers 16 to 19 years old are at the greatest risk of crashes.”文章第二段提到了驾驶者的驾驶经验“and those still in their f

      8、irst year of driving”; 文章第二段结尾处提到事故多发生在周五及周末的下午三点至午夜。只有性别因素没有提到。【答案】B2Teens probably turn away their attention from driving when they are Ausing no seat beltsBdrinking waterCcarrying passengersDanswering cell phones【解析】细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中“Cell phones,texting,MP3 players,and the like can all distract drivers greatly”可知,cell phones即指接听电话。【答案】D3According to the passage,which should be prevented during teens driving?ATexting.BGPS programs.CAutomated replies.DVoice mail.【解析】细节理解题。文章最后一段可知在你的孩子开车发信息时有些设备会让

      9、你警惕。所以“texting”是开车时应该避免的行为。【答案】A4The author writes the last paragraph in order to Aoffer parents practical suggestionsBsummarize teens driving practicesCadvocate different driving habitsDestablish examples for the future【解析】作者意图题。通读全段可以看出作者是在提建议。【答案】ABPatti Page,the topselling female artist of the 1950s with more than 100 million records sold,died on January 2nd,2013,when she was 85.She was one of the most beloved singers of the postwar era.Take her“Tennessee Waltz” for example;it sold more than 10 million copies and was her biggest hit.Born in Claremore,Oklahoma,a small town near T


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