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江苏省响水县老舍中学2015届中考英语一轮复习 七下 unit 4 amazing things

  • 卖家[上传人]:san****019
  • 文档编号:86848913
  • 上传时间:2019-03-25
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    • 1、7B Unit4 Amazing things复习目标:1. 掌握四会单词及重点词组的用法2. 掌握一般过去时的用法3. 通过已掌握的词汇和句型描述发生的事情和自己的感受Task1:Words1. 默写下列单词(1) 旅行 (2) 种植 (3) 听见,听到 (4)发生 (5) 搜查 (6) 勤勉的 (7) 死,死亡 (8)发明 (9) 决定 (10)着迷的 (11)科学家 (12)历史 (13)重量 (14)地球 (15)不寻常的 (16)感到恐惧的 2. Do exercises (见随堂检测 第一题)Task2: the important phrases and sentences 1. 英汉互译像往常一样以.命名不同寻常的东西在某人去某地的路上照顾不再,再也不.的重量活到. .继续做某事Travel from Earth to the moon by spaceshipKeep your eyes openSay to oneselfsome beautiful dresses made of silkwalk on tiptoeturn aroundbe excited to

      2、 do sthbe fond of (doing) sthfind it very interesting2. the importance sentences There is no plant life without lightning. Fish sleep with their eyes openIt is also interesting to know that each eye of a camel has three eyelidsYou cannot sneeze and keep your eyes open at the same time.3. Do exercises (见随堂检测 第二题)4. Tell the differences between them (1) hear ,listen 与soundCan you _ what he said ? _ to the teacher carefully in class.That _ like a good idea.(2) few , a few , little 与 a littleHe is n

      3、ot a kind-hearted man; _ people can get on well with him.A.a little B. few C. little D. quite a few Task3: Grammar 1. 一般过去时的用法:一般过去时用于过去某个时间发生的动作或存在的状态,常和表示过去的时间状语连用,如Yesterday ,the day before yesterday , yesterday morning/afternoon/evening, last night/sunday/week/year, a moment/an hour/three years ago, just now , in 1998 , in the past等。2. be 动词在一般过去时中的形式:was 用于第一、三人称,were 用于其他第二和复数人称。(2010. 重庆) last Sunday my aunt _ at home with me .We were watching TV all day . A. Was B. Were C. Is D. Are 实义动词

      4、过去时的构成规则包括规则动词的构成和不规则动词的过去式。(1)规则动词过去式的变化可速记为“直、去、双、改”四字诀。1. 一般动词在末尾加-ed例如:look-looked, want-wanted, play-played 2. 以e结尾的动词在末尾只加-d例如:like-liked, notice-noticed, hope-hoped, 3. 以重读闭音节结尾,末尾只有一个辅音字母的动词,要先双写该辅音字母,再加-ed例如:stop-stopped, plan-planned 4. 以“辅音字母+y”结尾的动词,要先将“y”变为“i”,再加-ed例如:study-studied,worryworried (2) 不规则动词的过去式千差万别,同学们要逐个去记,并试着找出它们的变化规律,见课本上不规则动词表。 一般过去时的句型见下表:动词总类 句型 例句Be动词1.肯定句:主语+be 动词的一般过去式(was/were)2.否定句:主语+be动词的一般过去式(was/were)+not3.一般疑问句:be动词的一般过去式(was/were)+主语+?1. I was very tir

      5、ed last night. 我昨天晚上很累。2. I wasnt busy the other day.前几天我不忙。3.was your mother free yesterday?昨天你妈妈有空吗?Yes ,she was./ No, she wasnt.实义动词1.肯定句:主语+ 动词的过去式(did)+ .2.否定句:主语+ did not + 动词原形 + .3.一般疑问句:Did +主语+动词原形 + . ?1. She studied Russian two years ago. 她两您前学过俄语。2. He didnt have classes this morning 他今天上午没课。3. Did he go there ? 他去那里了吗? Yes ,he did . / No , he didnt .例题 1.-When _ Jessy _ to New York ? - Yesterday. A. does, get B. did ; get C. has ; got D . had ; got 2. They _ her to the party , so s

      6、he was very happy . A. invite B. invited C.will invite D .are inviting 中考链接 -Have you ever been to HongKong? - Yes , I _ there last month. A. went to B. have been C. went D .go (2011 . 广元) I called you , but noboby answered. Where _ you ? A.is B. are C. was D were (2011 . 重庆) I _ a mistake . Please dont be angry with me . A. make B.made C. will make D . had made (2010 . 河北) Task 4: Spoken English Is there anything about animals/people in the book ? It says that. Thats interesting/amazingTask 5:

      7、Writing about your dream home (见随堂检测 第六题)Task 6: Do Exercise (完成随堂练习剩余部分)Task 7: Homework 1. 预习下一课时的材料 2. 整理错题教学反思:Test for 7B Unit4一、词汇1. In order to help save the _ (地球),we should live a low-carbon life . (2010 .莆田)2. Father is a _ (勤勉的)man, he works well.3. China is a great country with a long h_.4. He dont know what was _(发生)outside. (2011.枣庄)5. Kung fu PandaII is a fantatic film and I want to see it. But I cant d_ when to go . (2011. 盐城)6. Our notebook computer _(weigh) 5 pounds and costs about $2,000. (2011. 扬州)7.Please listen to the speaker _(仔细地)when he speaks. (2011. 百色)8. -Who i_the light buble? Do you konw? -Thomas Edison.9. Can you see anything _ (usual) behind the tree ?10.Most computer games are _. So most boys are _ in them . (interest) 二、完成句子1.没有太阳就没有生命There is _the Sun .2.看到这么多奇妙的事物我很兴奋. I was very _ things .3.这个老人喜欢开着窗户睡觉。 The old man likes _ 4.人们以他的名字给这栋楼命名。 People _ his name .5.乘宇宙飞船从地球到月球旅行大约要花3天时间。 It takes _b

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