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    • 1、Unit 6 Electricity,Module 3 Natural elements,第5课时 Writing,广东学导练 七年级 下册 配上海教育版,一、翻译下列写作常用词组 1. 关掉 _ 2. 浪费电 _ 3. 空调 _ 4. 例如 _ 5. 家规 _ 6. 记得去做 _ 7. 没有电 _ 8. 节约用电 _ 9. 关灯 _ 10. 最好 _,turn/switch off,waste electricity,air conditioner,for example,home rules,remember to do,without electricity,save electricity,turn off the light,had better,二、翻译下列写作常用句子 1. 电在我们日常生活中是非常重要的。 _ 2. 难以想象生活中没有电会怎样。 _ 3. 不使用电器设备时要把它们关掉。 _ 4. 在离开房间的时候记得关灯和风扇。 _ 5. 我们最好不要将空调开太长时间。 _,Electricity is very important in our daily lives

      2、.,It is hard to imagine what life will be like without electricity.,Switch off the electrical appliances when we dont use them.,Remember to switch off the light and fans before leaving the room.,Wed better not keep the air conditioner on for a long time.,话题六 家规 【短文写作】 假设你是李明,你们家很注意节约用电,并且很关注用电安全常识。经过和家人讨论,你们制定了一套有关用电安全方面的家规。请根据下面表格中的要点提示,写一篇60词左右的短文介绍一下该家规。 提示:,提示: _ _ _ _,【写作指导】 此篇作文以谈论家庭安全用电为主线,主要内容是介绍有关在家中用电安全的家规。 在写作过程中要明确以下几点: 1. 审题,写作时要包含题目中所给的全部提示要点,并可适当补充内容。 2. 注意内容的衔接,在叙述家规时,可使用first, s

      3、econd, third.等连接词使文章显得更自然、有条理。,【范文赏析】 Electricity is very important in our daily lives. In my family, we together make some rules about how to use electricity safely in our home. Here are six of them. First, switch off the electrical appliances when we dont use them. Second, we mustnt put paper beside a cooker. Third, we must keep the wire dry. Fourth, we mustnt throw batteries anywhere. Fifth, remember to close the door of the fridge after we take things out of it. And the last, dont touch elec

      4、trical appliances with our wet hands. If we follow these rules, we will be safe and we can save a lot of electricity.,一、写作仿写 1. We must/mustnt do sth. 我们必须/禁止做某事。 例句:We must close the windows when the air conditioner is on. 空调开着的时候我们必须关好窗户。 仿写:我们禁止用湿手触碰电器。 _ 2. (肯定祈使句)Do sth 例句:Keep the outside of the pot dry. 保持容器外表面干燥。 仿写:换灯泡之前先关掉电。 _,We mustnt touch the electrical appliances with our wet hands.,Switch off the electricity before changing the bulb.,3. (否定祈使句) Do not do sth 例句:Do not put your ha

      5、nd in the washing machine when it is on. 洗衣机工作时不要把手伸进去。 仿写:不要随处乱扔电池。 _,Do not throw batteries anywhere.,二、习作练习 杰克太胖了,所以他去了医院看医生。医生给他做了诊断并交代了他一些需要注意的事项。请你根据下面的内容提示写一篇短文,转述医生告诫杰克必须做的事情和禁止做的事情。要求60词左右,短文开头已给出,不计入总词数。 提示: 1. 必须早起早睡,禁止熬夜和睡懒觉。 2. 必须多吃健康食物,禁止吃垃圾食品。 3. 每天下午散散步或做些运动,不要整天待在室内。,Jack is too fat to climb the steps, so he goes to see the doctor. The doctor tells him if he wants to lose some weight and be healthy, he should follow the rules below.,First, he must get up early and go to bed earl

      6、y. He mustnt stay up late or get up too late. Second, he must eat a lot of healthy food like vegetables and fruit, and he mustnt eat the junk food. Third, take a walk or do some exercise every afternoon. Dont stay indoors all day. The doctor says if Jack follows these rules, he will be able to lose some weight and have a healthy body.,_ _ _ _ _ _ _,一、按要求完成下列句子 1. I can buy breakfast on the way to school.(改为同义句) I _ _ _ _ breakfast on the way to school. 2. They may play basketball for one hour.(改为一般疑问句) _ _ _ basketball for one hour? 3. Tim must eat less to lose weight.(改为否定句) Tim _ _ less to lose weight.,am,able,to,buy,May,they,play,neednt,eat,4. We can go skiing and do some shopping tomorrow.(改为否定句) We _ _ skiing _ _ some shopping tomorrow. 5. May I turn on the TV?(作否定回答) _, _ _ _. 二、翻译下列句子 1. 我可以用你的尺子吗? _ 2. 我和汤姆都会踢足球。_,cant,go,or,do,No,you,may,not,Can/Could/May I use your ruler?,Both Tom and I can play football.,3. 她不会做饭,也不会弹吉他。 _ 4. 我可以和你一起去购物吗? _ 5. 你不准那样跟爸爸说话。 _


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