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2018年高中英语 unit2 growing pains word power课件 牛津译林版必修1

  • 卖家[上传人]:san****019
  • 文档编号:86509213
  • 上传时间:2019-03-20
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  • 文档大小:2.28MB
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  • 常见问题
    • 1、Unit 2 Growing pains,American English vs British English & Colloquialisms,Word power,1. Do you think there are some differences between American English and British English? 2. If there are some, in which aspect do they exist?,Brainstorming,3. Have you found any difference between American English and British English in the play? 4. Could you list the differences you know?,Read the following story and answer.,Joe (an American) Nancy (an Englishman) Once Joe came to Britain for the first time by

      2、air. When he arrived at Nancys home. He asked, “ Could I use your bathroom?” Nancy said ok and gave him a clean towel and told him that the bathroom was upstairs. After a while, however, Joe didnt find the bathroom.,1. What is it that Joe cant find in the bathroom? 2. Why cant he find it?,It is a toilet that Joe couldnt find.,Joe is an American, he says bathroom and means a place where there is a toilet. But in Nancys eye, its a place where people can only have a bath. Because of this, they misu

      3、nderstood each other.,Its useful for us to know some differences between British English and American English. Look at the following tables:,dance /dns/,not /nat/,either /i/,color,travel,program,favor,center,have,vacation,stairway,mail,gas,baggage,American or British English? (AE/BE),1. Have you got any pets? Yes, Ive got three rabbits and a tortoise. 2. I have an apartment in the city centre. 3. Do you have a walkman? Have you (got) a walkman?,AE,BE,BE,AE,4. I dont have any ink. I havent (got)

      4、any ink. 5. She works nights as a janitor. She works at night as a janitor. 6. Lets stay home. Lets stay at home. 7. He has gotten a new job. He has got a new job.,AE,AE,AE,AE,BE,BE,BE,BE,Can you name any other differences? How much do you know? Thanksgiving is observed only in _. (2) People usually walk on the _ side in the USA while in the UK people usually walk on the _ side. (3) _ behave in a more casual way while in _ people are a bit more formal or traditional.,America,right,left,Americans

      5、,Britain,(4) Americans select _ as the top leader of the country, while in the UK, the _ or _ is always the representative of the country. (5) Football has its origin in _, but in America, where it is called _, it is not so popular as American football, or _.,president,King,Queen,Britain,soccer,rugby,Read the dialogue and find out whether it is in American English or British English.,Sam went back to London to go on with his study in CMHS. He met David on the school campus.,Sam: Hi, David. How a

      6、re you? David: Fine, have you just gone back from New York? Sam: Yeah, I went back here last Monday. David: How is your summer holiday, Sam?,BE,AE,BE,Sam: Excellent, during my summer vacation I joined a soccer ball club and I can play it better now. David: Good! I also practiced playing football this summer too.,AE,BE,Sam: OK. Please call me at 33543165 if the students union organize a soccer ball match. David: Good idea! You may call me on 25682275. Sam: See you! David: Goodbye!,AE,BE,BE,AE,Cha

      7、nge the underlined words and phrases from American English to British English.,Answers: 1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._ 6._ 7._ 8._,is that,fitted,programme,colour,toilet,on,Shes just gone home,centre,Colloquialisms,You are telling me Im lazy. Ha, look what a mess your room is! That is like the pot calling the kettle black !,This is a colloquialism. Do you know what does it mean?,A colloquialism is an informal expression used in spoken English. Colloquialisms are never used in formal English or in writing,

      8、but are often used in conversations.,What is a colloquialism?,Dont worry. Its a piece of cake!,something easy to do,Dont be a wet blanket. Have some fun!,boring / afraid to have fun,Go on, tell me. Im all ears.,listening carefully,Are you serious? Dont pull my leg.,joke with someone,1. a piece of cake 小菜一碟 容易的事 e.g. No sweat. This project will be a piece of cake. 没问题,这项计划不费吹灰之力。 We need not have worried about the math exam. It was a piece of cake. 我们本不必担心数学考试,实际上很 容易。,2. a wet blanket 令人扫兴的人 这一表

      9、达的来源是:当发生火灾的时候,为了扑火,把湿毛毯盖到火上。后用来指在社交场合泼冷水,令人扫兴的人。如: Im sorry to be such a wet blanket, but Im afraid I have to go home now. 我让大家扫兴,实在太对不起了。不过,我现在必须回家啦。,I cant decide whether I should invite my girlfriends brother Tom to the party. After all he is her brother. But hes such a wet blanket. Im afraid hell spoil the party for all my other guests.,throw a wet blanket on这个说法相当于中文里的一句俗语: 给人当头泼凉水。人们逐渐引伸了这个说法用a wet blanket来比喻把周围兴高采烈的人们都弄得热情冷却的一个人。然而wet blanket并不只是用来说人,也可以指事情。如:,My friends and I were going to the beach this weekend for some sun and swimming. But the weather forecast threw a wet blanket on our plans it says itll be rainy and cold. 我和朋友们原来打算这个周末去海滨晒太阳、游泳,但是天气预报却给我们当头泼了一瓢凉水。据说天要下雨而且很凉。,3. all ears 形容很专心地倾听,全神贯注 When someone is all ears, he or she is liste

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