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    • 1、第 1 页全国 2002 年 4 月高等教育自学考试综合英语 (一)试题课程代码:00794Part One.用适当的语法形式或词汇填空。从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出一个正确答案,并将选项号填在答题纸上的相应位置。(本大题共 30 小题,每小题 1 分,共 30 分)1.The values of todays young people differ from _.A.those of their parents B.that of their parentsC.their parents D.whose parents2.We had to leave quietly _ disturb other people.A.as so not to B.so as not toC.not so as to D.so not as to3.Where is your brother?He _ to the dining room.A.had gone B.had beenC.has been D.has gone4.A new all-purpose building _ in the

      2、 mountain village for shopping,business and indoor sports.A.is now constructing B.has now constructedC.is now being constructed D.has been now constructed5.If you had done as I told you,this _.A.should have not happened B.would not have happenedC.did not happen D.had not happened6._ the citys environment(环境) has become of great importance.A.The improving B.Improving ofC.Improving D.Being improved7.I advised him the bus conductor to tell him _.A.to ask,where to get off B.to ask,to get off whereC.

      3、telling,where to get off D.telling,to get off where8.Do you feel like _ to a film or would you rather _ at home.A.to go,to stay B.going, stayC.to go,staying D.going,to stay9.Thats one of those questions that _.A.neednt to be answered B.neednt to answerC.neednt be answered D.neednt answer10.Youd rather I didnt tell her about it,_?A.wouldnt you B.didnt youC.should you D.had you11._ the road and you will come to the office building.A.If you were to turn off B.Turn offC.Turning off D.Having turned o

      4、ff12._ a good excuse for being late,Sally was criticized.A.Not having B.Having notC.Have not D.Do not have13.Since our stay was too short,we couldnt visit all the places _.A.where we should like to visitB.which we would like to visit themC.where we should have liked toD.which we would have liked to14._ your feelings may be,its best to take his advice.A.Whatever B.WhatC.However D.How15.The students were assigned to write a paper on _ from the course.A.what had they learned B.that had they learned

      5、C.that they had learned D.what they had learned16.A short sentence after a series of(一系列) long sentences can have a dramatic _.A.influence B.resultC.impression D.effect17.When he looked into the audience,he caught _ of his mother nodding to him.第 2 页A.sign B.sightC.glow D.head18.Only then did he _ the situation he and his fellow soldiers were in.A.aware B.aware ofC.become aware D.become aware of19.The hunter fired and the fox fell _.A.death B.deadlyC.dead D.dying20.Mr.Greens good health is chief

      6、ly _ proper diet and regular exercise.A.due to B.becauseC.in connection with D.in accordance with21.The owner of the store promised to give the money back to the traveller _ his return.A.at B.fromC.by D.on22.How could he convince them _ his innocence?A.on B.ofC.with D.over23.Its _ the government to make a decision on this issue.A.thanks to B.according toC.due to D.up to24.She didnt expect them to understand the sufferings she and her family _.A.went over B.went throughC.passed over D.passed into

      7、25.After a long discussion the two parties _ an agreement.A.arrived B.arrived inC.reached out D.reached26.The upper part of him that would show above the table would _ no doubt in the mind of the waiter.A.rise B.ariseC.arouse D.awake27.He came here to be a miner but _ as a farmer.A.ended up B.turned upC.came up D.brought up28.When the boy was only four,his father decided to _ a musician of him.A.do B.makeC.develop D.produce29.My parents,_ touring in Britain,are looking forward to a traditional E

      8、nglish afternoon tea in a beautiful setting.A.nowadays B.instantlyC.presently D.intently30.Last year,the school _ a special class to help poor readers.A.set aside B.set upC.set out D.set off.阅读下面两篇短文,每篇短文后有五个问题,根据短文的内容从四个选项中选择一个最佳答案,并将选项号填在答题纸上的相应位置。( 本大题共 10 小题,每小题 1 分,共 10 分)Passage 1Dad said it would be an unusual present,and he was quite right.He said,“Go to the telephone and call a ten-figure number,it must begin with 010.Got that010?You can please yourself about the other seven figures.”I

      9、called the number 010 3612597.A few moments later I heard a mans clear voice at the other end.The voice said,“Kikri 2597.Don Flower speaking.”I said,“Hello,Mr.Flower.Im Robert West,and this call to you is one of my birthday presents.Im thirteen today”“Oh,thats great.Many happy returns of the day!Where are you calling from,Robert?You sound very clear.”“Im at home in London.Where are you?”“Youre in London!Well,wellIve never had a call from London before.I live in Kikri,in Australia.About a hundred miles from Kikri,actually,but its the nearest place.Ive got a small farm here,with about ninety thousand sheep on it.You ought to come and visit me one day.”“Id l


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