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    • 1、第 1 页全国 2001 年 10 月综合英语(二)试题课程代码:00795PART ONE.语法、词汇。从A 、 B 、 C 、 D四个选项中,选一个正确答案,并将答案写在答题纸上。(本大题共 25小题,每小题 1 分,共 25 分)Complete each of the following sentences with the most likely answer.(25 points)1.None of their new products have sold well.,_?Ahavent they Bhave they Chasnt it Dhas it2._ invited to the funeral,the couple were truly worried.ANot to be B Not having beenCHaving not been D Not having invited3.When suddenly transplanted in a new land,quite a lot of people find _ to adjust to the way

      2、 of life there.Adifficult B difficultyCthe difficulty Dit difficult4.When he visited the house 50 years later,he found everything was _ it had been before.Athat B which Csame Das5.According to economic theory,a nation should produce and export those items _ it gains a competitive advantage.Afrom which Bfor that Cby what Dabout it6.Much _ said about the problem but nothing _ been done so far.Awere,has Bis,has C were,had Dhad been,has7.Ive arranged _ Professor Zhang at his office this coming Frida

      3、y.He said hed be glad to see you.Ayou to meet Bto meetCfor you to meet Dfor a meeting8._ worries me is not how to raise the money,but where to find the right people for the project.AThat B Which C Who DWhat9.After a hard days work,I couldnt move my legs.It was _ they stuck to the floor.Aas if B like C just as Dsimilar to10.While _ from his operation,David renewed an old interest in stock-car racing.Awas recovering BrecoveringCwas recovered D recovered11.Most trains _ long distances have a dining

      4、 car and a club car where soft drinks are sold.Agone Bthat goes C going Dto be going12.Without the work of scientists and inventors before him,Thomas Edison _ so much.Adidnt achieve Bwasnt able to achieveCwouldnt have achieved Dshouldnt have achieved13.This is a decision that will _ the companys future.Aeffect B affect Ccontrol D influence14.Its _ that it will rain if the wind changes,but with such a cloudless sky it doesnt seem _.Alikely,possible B liable,likelyCliable,probable Dpossible,probab

      5、le15.Their offer seems too good to be true.Dont worrythere are no _.Aconditions connected Blines addedCwishes imposed Dstrings attached16.Good manners depend _ on how we look at ourselves _ on how we look at other people.Anot very much,and B as much,butCnot so much,as Das much as,and17.The lawyer of the defendant met all those who were _ the case.Ainvolved in Bconnected aboutCconcerned by Dworried on18.The professor _ his students working part time to the extent that they dont neglect their stud

      6、ies.第 2 页Aapproves of Badmits to Cpraise about D agree in19.Heavy debts and an old car were _ his company after the economic crisis.Athat remained about B that left overCwhat remained of Dwhat survived from20.I took _ that they would apologize for what they had done to the picture.Ait seriously Bit wrongCit for granted D into consideration21.Several customs officials have been _ taking bribes from a foreign company.If they are found guilty,they will be put into prison.Acharged of Baccused ofCsus

      7、pected about D protested against22.Victims of the poisonous gas get sleepier and sleepier until they _ consciousness,never to _ it.Alose,regain B sink,gainCfail,get Ddrop,have23.I believe travelling can broaden our mind,and that music can _ our life.Aencourage Bennoble C enlarge Denrich24.They _ trouble finding the right person for the job.Amade Bgot Chad Dtook25.We do not _ knowledge only in schools.Alearn Bstudy C acquire Dget.完形填空。从A 、 B 、 C 、 D四个选项中,选一个正确答案,并将答案写在答题纸上。(本大题共 15 小题,每小题 1 分,共 15 分)Fill in each blank in the passage with the most likely answer.(15 points)Every word you use in your writing should reflect your purpose.If your purpose is to give 26 in an exact,impersonal way,the words you 27 should have a meaning that is nearly the same for everyone.


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