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    • 1、课程代码:00836PART A:VOCABULARYI. Directions:Add the affix to each word according to the given Chinese,making changes when necessary. (10)1. relevant 不相干的 1. _2. permanence 永久地 2. _3. opt 可选的 3. _4. division 细分 4. _5. normal 异常的 5. _6. verify 鉴定(名词) 6. _7. system 生态系统 7. _8. symbol 作为的象征 8. _9. gravity 引力的 9. _10. connect 使互相连接 10. _.Directions:Fill in the blanks, each using one of the given word or phrases below in its proper form.(12)delve into regard as at work a sense ofrun down comply with for

      2、the sake of stand forin addition expose to wipe out in contrast11. Its hot in the day time,but _ its very cold at night. 12. I need your help. _,I need her support. 1 3. Mary said she was tired of journalists digging and _ her private life. 14.Computers will be hard _ on these problems. 15. She doesnt sleep enough,so she always has _ fatigue. 16.Kate _ new ideas when she went to college. 17. The library _ all important part of public service in the city. 18.She tried to look healthy _ her husban

      3、d. 19. The battery has _. 20.These tropical diseases can _ the populations of whole villages. 21. He promised to _ my request. 22. What do the letters PTO _?III. Directions:Fill in each blank with a suitable word given below. (8)through obtain for with about discipline perform systemComputer vision is the science and technology of machines that see. As a scientific 23 , computer vision is concerned 24 the theory and technology for building artificial systems that 25 information from images or mu

      4、lti-dimensional data. A significant part of artificial intelligence deals with planning 26 systems which can 27 mechanical actions such as moving a robot 28 some environment. This type of processing typically needs input data provided by a computer vision 29 ,acting as a vision sensor and providing high-level information 30 the environment and the robot. Other parts which sometimes are described as belonging to artificial intelligence and which are used in relation to computer vision are pattern

      5、 recognition and learning techniques. 23. _ 24. _ 25. _ 26. _27. _ 28. _ 29. _ 30. _PART B:TRANSLATIONIV. Directions:Translate the following sentences into English,each using one of the given words or phrases below. (10)burst forth to the tune of deficient as to bring. . . into play31. 我们应该调动一切积极因素,进行必要的社会改革。32. 人群中突然发出令人恐怖的叫喊声。33. 他的信通常很长,有时多达 30 页。34. 因为缺少资金,他不能成立自己的公司。35. 至于写什么,约翰还没有得到任何明确的指示。V. Directions:Translate the following paragraph into Chinese.(15)36. The things that chemists actuall

      6、y do to investigate the properties and reactions of matter vary widely, and are constantly undergoing change as new methods are developed,new equipment is invented,and new techniques devised. The introduction of the high-speed computer, for example,made it possible to investigate a number of problems that could not previously be tackled. In the past thirty years,with the use of the computer, we have been able to elucidate the structure and function of many proteins and other macro-molecules of b

      7、iological importance. The substances chemists study vary widely, and are constantly changing. Because of this it has humorously been suggested that “chemistry is what chemists do. ”PART C:READING COMPREHENSIONVI. Directions:Read through the following passages. Choose the best answer and put the letter in the bracket.(20)(A)A few years ago,the first atom lasers were built,devices that produce a beam of atoms with many of the properties of a laser beam. Now physicists at the Max Planck Institute f

      8、or Quantum Optics and the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet in Munich have demonstrated that atom lasers can be integrated on a microchip. This result dramatically simplifies the production of laser-like matter waves,and call be compared to the step from single transistors to integrated microelectronics. The new devices are expected to become key components in future technologies ranging from ultraprecise measurements to quantum information processing. Quantum mechanics has taught us that atoms behave like waves, spreading out in space and being able to interfere much like light waves do. The tiny size of these matter waves and thei


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