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2011-2012 positive behavior intervention strategies2011-2012年的积极行为的干预策略

  • 卖家[上传人]:tian****1990
  • 文档编号:80711333
  • 上传时间:2019-02-19
  • 文档格式:PPT
  • 文档大小:3.37MB
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    • 1、2012-2013 Positive Behavior Intervention Strategies,Ridgeway Middle International Baccalaureate Candidate School 6333 Quince Road Memphis, TN 38119,Guiding Principles,We have high standards for academic achievement. We work to ensure that the environment is safe and orderly. Teachers, students and parents work very hard to increase academic achievement, attendance and promotion standards. We want all of our students to reach their academic potential. Establishing and maintaining a learning commu

      2、nity is vital to the success of all students.,Vision / Mission,Vision Ridgeway Middle School is a focal point for our students, their families and the community. Our school environment is positive and supportive, yet challenging, setting high expectation for achievement and personal conduct. Our school enables educators, parents, and members of the community to unite in our efforts to empower students to become lifelong learners, productive citizens, and community leaders. We continually explore

      3、 opportunities to provide optimal learning experiences for every student. Mission Our mission at Ridgeway Middle School is to maximize the learning experience of every child by nurturing, guiding, and challenging students to reach their fullest potential, as we build leaders, create heroes and ensure our future as our students become life-long learners and productive participants in an increasingly diverse global community.,School-Wide Motto / Mantra,“Work Together and Win Together”,Philosophy B

      4、ackground,Learning should be the primary focus of all decisions impacting the work of the school. Students learn best when they are actively engaged in the learning process. Each student is a valued individual with unique physical, social, emotional, and intellectual needs. “The aim of the IB program is to develop internationally minded people who, recognizing their common humanity and shared guardianship of the planet, help to create a better and more peaceful world.” Teachers are devoted to en

      5、suring the holistic education of each student. Teachers, administrators, parents, and the community share the responsibility of ensuring that the mission of the school is fulfilled.,School-wide Goals and/or Objectives,Decrease office referrals by 15% 2011-2012 Data 843 Behavior Infractions 2010-2011 Data 689 Behavior Infractions Increase parental and community involvement,PBIS Team,Ridgeway Middle PBIS team is representative of the school faculty and includes an administrator. *Indicates members

      6、 mandated by MEA contract.,PBIS Team,Team members will commit to meet within two weeks following the end of each 20-day attendance period. Mrs. Turner will serve as team designee to collect data.,TENTATIVE,PBIS Meeting Schedule,Culture Team,Culture Team Training June 2012,School Rules,Students are expected to: Keep hands, feet, objects, and negative comments to yourself. Respect ALL adults in the building, and use appropriate language. Maintain positive interactions with adults and peers. Eating

      7、 and drinking are allowed only in the cafeteria; gum chewing is prohibited. Adhere to Memphis City Schools dress code policy.,Classroom Rules,LEARN L Listen carefully and follow directions. E Enter the classroom prepared to learn. A Always use class time for class work. R Respect yourself and others. N No Excuses! Never give up!,The Five As,Attitude Accountability Appearance Action Achievement,Behavioral Expectation Matrix,Behavior Expectation Matrix,Morning Entry Enter silently. Remove hats and

      8、 exterior clothing. Report to locker and immediately to homeroom.,Afternoon Exit Teachers dismiss students. Exit quickly and quietly without PLAYING. Report directly to designated after-school activity. Exit campus immediately.,Behavior Expectation Matrix,Hallway Walk silently to the right of the hallway (on the gray). Students must have appropriate pass.,Behavior Expectation Matrix,Cafeteria Enter and exit silently and swiftly. Silently line up, get a tray, and remain seated. Table talk at a 6

      9、inch voice once you have been seated. Put trash in proper place. When exiting, line up silently.,Behavior Expectation Matrix,Library SILENT ZONE Use all media resources properly. Ask to use computers. Use hall pass to enter and exit library.,Behavior Expectation Matrix,Restroom SILENT ZONE No contact with other students. Must have a hall pass or supervision. Respect others use of the restroom. Keep all areas clean.,Behavior Expectation Matrix,Bus Dismissal 2:05 Walk directly to cafeteria with bus pass visible. Enter the bus in a safe and orderly manner. Remain seated at all times. Maintain a 6 inch voice. Respect driver and follow all rules of the bus.,What is effective classroom management?,Combination of sound instructional strategies and management of student behavior in a variety of ways. Critical component of teacher effectiveness.,Know Your Students!,Characteristics,Adolescents (Age 10 15) Attitudes, values, rapid personal changes, puberty, peer

      《2011-2012 positive behavior intervention strategies2011-2012年的积极行为的干预策略》由会员tian****1990分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2011-2012 positive behavior intervention strategies2011-2012年的积极行为的干预策略》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

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