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    • 1、联合国携手中国政府提升公众环境意识:UN to Boost Environmental Awareness with China 曾经担任北京申办2008奥运会形象大使的杨澜在发言时说,2008年奥运会使中国的环境问题在全国乃至世界范围内受到前所未有的关注。而推动环保是每一个人的责任。借助奥运展开的环保宣传活动是一种很好的办法,它可以引发公众对环境治理的热情以及鼓励人们积极采取行动,参与到环保工作中。During her speech, Yang Lan, who was an Image Ambassador for Beijing 2008 Olympic Games Bid, stated that the 2008 Olympic Games have attracted unprecedented attention both nationwide and worldwide to Chinas environmental issues. It is everyones responsibility to promote environmantal protection, s

      2、he continued, and an environmental publicity campaign alongside with the Olympic Games is a good way to invoke enthusiasm for pollution control as well as encourage the public to take active actions while participating in environmental protections. 联合国系统驻华协调代表兼UNDP驻华代表马和励在启动仪式上表示:正如温家宝总理在今年初所强调的,决策者及公众环境意识的匮乏是导致当前中国十分严重的环境污染问题的一个重要原因。由联合国发起的这项大型宣传活动正是针对这一政府工作头等大事之一作出回应,我们的目标不仅是要提升公众对日益紧迫的环境问题的认知度,还要将这方面的知识转化为环保的行动、态度和实践。Mr. Khalid Malik, UN Resident Coordinator in China and UNDP Resident Represe

      3、ntative, said on the opening ceremony that, “as Premier Wen Jiabao stated earlier this year, one of the important reasons that lead to extremely serious pollution in China is the lackness of environmental awareness among policy makers and the public. This large-scale publicity campaign is initiated by the United Nations as response to one of the top priorities for government, and our goal is to boost awareness of increasingly urgent environmental issues, while at the same time translate awarenes

      4、s in this respect into action, attitude and practice for environmental protections .”北京奥组委环境活动部部长余小萱说,除了充分利用福娃传达环保信息,奥组委与联合国开发计划署在推动绿色奥运方面展开的合作还有:在运动会期间利用零排放的清洁燃料电池汽车运送运动员以促进清洁公共交通工具的发展,在奥运设施建设中采用环保原料和建筑方法,以及在奥运场馆内设立一个宣教中心来提升公众对水资源保护等环境问题的意识等。Yu Xiaoxuanm, Environment Director of the Beijing Organizing Committee of the Olympic Games, said that in addition to making full use of FuWa as a way to convey environmental awareness, many other joint actions adopted by Beijing Organizing Committee and UN

      5、DP to promote “Green Olympics” will include the following: zero-emission FCVs will be used to transport athletes during the Games as a way to boost the clean vehicles, environment-fridenly materials and methods will be used during the construction of Olympic facilities, and a communication center will be estabilished within one of the venues to promote awareness of water conservation and other environmental issues.据了解,此项目在UNDP、国家环保总局和商务部中国国际经济技术交流中心的共同努力下建立,项目初始预算资金由承诺推动能效技术和降低二氧化碳排放的世界最大钢铁制造安赛乐米塔尔和挪威王国大使馆提供 It is learnt that this campaign is jointly initiated by UNDP, the State Environmental ProtectionAdministration and China International Center for Economic and Technical Exchange of Ministry of Commerce. This campaign will be initially financed by Arcelor Mittal, worlds leading steel company that is commited to promoting energy efficiency technogoly and reduce CO2 emission, as well as Embassy of the Kingdom of Norway in China.


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