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安卓APP | ios版本


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  • 文档编号:750301
  • 上传时间:2017-05-13
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    • 1、Bonded Warehouse Cargo Storage ContractNumber: pantos Logistics NumberDate of Conclusion: Year Month DatePlace of Conclusion: Ningbo Export Processing ZoneOwner Unit (Party A): Storage Unit (Party B): Ningbo pantos Logistics Co., Ltd After friendly negotiation between Party A and Party B, they reach the following agreement on the issues about Party A entrusting Party B for cargo storage: I. For the ownership and all the due economic and legal responsibilities of Party A on the following cargo st

      2、ored in the warehouse of Party B, they shall not be transferred to Party B because of the conclusion of this agreement. Party A ensures the conformity of the following declared cargo with the actual cargo, and the cargo is true and legal. Once the true situation doesnt conform to the content declared to Customs and Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine Administration, Party A shall undertake all the responsibilities, irrelevant with Party B. If Party A is not an enterprise in Ningbo Exp

      3、ort Processing Zone, it needs to take Party B as the nominal operation unit and receiving unit in the zone to go through all kinds of formalities in the office of Ningbo Bonded Area Customs in Export Processing Zone, but the rights and legal responsibilities of Party A and its appointed agent on the cargo remain unchanged. II. For the cargo of Party A entering the warehouse of Party B for the first time, it must inform Party B of the information such as the name, specification, HS code, part num

      4、ber and first measurement unit of the cargo. The bonded storage cargo recorded in admission to be stored in the warehouse this time shall subject to the expressed content of Warehousing Notice. III. After Party A and its appointed agent hold the unloading list signed and issued by the unit in the zone and warehouse entry loading list signed and issued by Party B to the customs pass for inspection, releasing and verifying the loading list, Party B can allow the entry of the cargo into the warehou

      5、se according to the loading list verified at the customs pass. If it needs actual warehousing operation, during the operation process, Party B shall have civilized loading and unloading, carefully count the quantity and have visual test on the external package quality. If it discovers quantity shortage, external package destroy or severe damage, it shall immediately notify Party A, carry out the next operation according to the instruction of Party A, and keep the record. After all the cargo ente

      6、r the warehouse, Party A and its appointed agent shall submit one page of the warehouse entrance list that has been reported to customs for release and affixed the seal to Party B, as the foundation for cargo in stock. IV. If Party A asks to issue warehouse exit list, it must verify the voucher page of the original warehouse entrance list with Party B, and send out written direction. Party B can only issue the list according to the direction; for the legal consequence caused by the issuance of t

      7、he list, except for the mistake and direct economic loss caused by Party B, it shall be undertaken by Party A or its appointed agent. V. When delivering the cargo, Party B needs to verify the warehouse exit list with the signature and seal of the customs, and deliver the cargo strictly according to the list. When the cargo is sent out of the pass, Party A and its appointed agent shall submit the exit loading list signed and issued by Party B to customs pass in duplicate, and return one copy of v

      8、erified loading list to Party B. VI. For the above-norm destroy, loss or delivery mistake of the cargo in storage caused by the delinquency of the entrusted party, Party B shall notify Party A in time and render a report to the customs. Party B shall undertake the compensation responsibility of direct loss, and the compensation amount shall be calculated and paid by the insurance company of Party B with actual loss amount as the foundation, with the highest compensation amount as RMB100, 000 Yua

      9、n each time. For the exceeding part, Party A or the cargo owner shall take the responsibility by themselves. However, for the loss caused by the following three situations, Party B doesnt need to undertake the compensation responsibility: A. The destroy caused by the check and sampling of the Customs and Quarantine and Inspection Service Administration according to the law; B. Unloading destroy of ordinary bulk cargo within reasonable degree (acceptable standard is 0.3%) C. During the storage period of the cargo in the warehouse, the qualitative variation or destroy of the cargo caused by its natural characteristics and so on. VII. To guarantee the normal operation of distribution service of Party B, Party A shall try its best to accurately estimate the consumption of the production material needed by the consignee in the zone, to avoid cargo stagnant in the warehouse. VIII. The expense involved in the contract period subjects to the price list of bonded logistics business (see


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