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牛津译林版英语高二下册module 8《unit 1 the written world》ppt课件之一

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  • 文档编号:70852532
  • 上传时间:2019-01-18
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    • 1、Unit 1 The written word,Project Reciting a poem,Auld Lang Syne by Robert Burns Should auld acquaintance be forgot, And never brought to mind? Should auld acquaintance be forgot And days of auld lang syne? For auld lang syne, my dear, For auld lang syne, Well take a cup o kindness yet For auld lang syne.,Auld Lang Syne是一首非常出名的诗歌,是十八世纪苏格兰诗人Robert Burns创编的。原文是苏格兰文,相当于“old long since“ 这首诗后来被谱了乐曲,其中文版本为友谊地久天长。在经典电影“魂断蓝桥”中,此曲被用作为主旋律。 而这首歌在很多亚洲地区中的学校毕业礼或葬礼中作为主题曲,象征告别或结束的情感。,Robert Burns(1759-1796),Scot

      2、ish poet,Main works/poems:,To a mouse The Holy Fair A Red,Red Rose,Scots dialect,Reading,The poetry of Robert Burns,Main idea of paragraphs,Introduction of Robert Burns Romantic Movement Introduction of a poem “A Red, Red Rose”,Para.1-4,Para. 5-7,Para.8-9,Skimming,1759,Alloway, Scotland,1796,Poor,Nelly Kirkpatrick,Encouraged him to start writing poetry,To a Mouse; The Holy Fair; A Red, Red Rose,Part 1: Introduction of Robert Burns,supreme literary hero; typical of Scotch; funny and charming;, mo

      3、urned his death, and .donated money to a statue of him/ a monument to him a museum of his life and work,1750 - 1870,John Keats; William Wordsworth; Robert Burns,Part 2: Romantic movement,Love Dreams Nature,in the Scots dialet,4 sections .4 lines the 1st and 3rd line .4 stressed syllables 2 themes of ballads:,Part 3: Introduction of a poem,Rose Melodie/song,limits,Everything changes,Fare you well/ goodbye,A Red, Red Rose by Robert Burns O my luve is like a red, red rose, Thats newly sprung in Jun

      4、e: O my luve is like the melodie Thats sweetly played in tune! As fair thou art , my bonnie lass, So deep in luve am I: And I will luve thee still, my dear, Till a the seas gang dry:,Till a the seas gang dry, my dear , An the rocks melt wi the sun; And I will luve thee still , my dear, While the sands olife shall run. And fare thee weel,my only luve, And fare thee weel awhile; And I will come again, my luve, thoit were ten thousand mile!,一朵红红的玫瑰 罗伯特彭斯 啊,我爱人象红红的玫瑰, 在六月里苞放; 啊,我爱人象一支乐曲, 乐声美妙、悠扬。 你那

      5、么美,漂亮的姑娘, 我爱你那么深切; 我会永远爱你,亲爱的, 一直到四海涸竭。,直到四海涸竭,亲爱的, 直到太阳把岩石消熔! 我会永远爱你,亲爱的, 只要生命无穷。 再见吧,我唯一的爱人, 再见吧,小别片刻! 我会回来的,我的爱人, 即使万里相隔!,Pair work: Rearrange the events in the order of time.,Event,The Romantic Movement started.,Robert Burns was born.,The poem A Red, Red Rose was published.,Robert Burns died at the age of 37.,The Romantic Movement ended.,The monument to Burns was first publicly exhibited.,1. Read the passage in project and recite the poem. 2. Do Parts B1 and B2 on page 101 of the Workbook.,Homework,

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