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牛津译林版高中英语必修四unit 3《tomorrow’s world》ppt同步课件2

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  • 上传时间:2019-01-18
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    • 1、Unit 3 Tomorrows world,Section Welcome to the unit & Reading Language points,语言点一,语言点二,语言点三,识记掌握,理解拓展,应用落实,识记掌握,识记掌握,理解拓展,理解拓展,应用落实,应用落实,课 时 跟 踪 检测,(一)根据所给词性和汉语意思写出单词 1 n 现实, 事实 2 adj. 被动的 3 n. 观光,游览 4 n. (互联)网络 5 n (广播、电视)演播室,制作 室;工作室 6 adj. 安全的;有把握的;稳固的, 坚固的,reality,passive,sightseeing,network,studio,secure,7 adj. 城市的,城镇的 8 n. 街区;邻近的地方 9 n. 缺点;不利因素,障碍 10 n 展示,介绍;颁发;提交,出 示 v颁发;展示;赠送;呈献 11 n 幸福,快乐 adj.幸福的 12 adj. 社交的,交际的;社会的 n社会 n社会主义,urban,neighbourhood,disadvantage,presentation,present,happine

      2、ss,happy,social,society,socialism,(二)用所给词的适当形式填空 13Its (amaze) how stupid people can be. 14You should have more (confident) in your own abilities. 15They expressed (disappointed) at the lack of progress. 16Its wrong to make fun of children with learning (disabled) 17If its (convenience), call me tomorrow before noon. 18The (injure) man was taken to hospital.,amazing,confidence,disappointment,disabilities,convenient,injured,1reality nU现实,真实;C实际经历,事实 (一)背诵佳句培养语感 (教材原句)RealCinevirtual reality for e

      3、veryone. RealCine人人都能享受的虚拟电影。 (鲜活例句)The Chinese government hopes every Chinese lives a happy life and is making efforts to make it a reality. 中国政府希望每个中国人都过上幸福生活,并致力 于把它变为现实。,(二)归纳拓展全析考点,in reality 事实上,实际上 become/come into a reality 实现,成为现实,He seems selfconfident, but in reality he is very shy. 他看上去很自信,但实际上他很腼腆。 In order to make dreams , it takes a lot of determination, selfdiscipline and efforts. 要想梦想成真,需要很大的决心、自律和努力。,come into/become a reality,2amaze vt.使惊奇,使惊诧 (一)背诵佳句培养语感 (教材原句)The RealCine ex

      4、perience will amaze you, and you will agree that this is an extraordinary technology that deserves to be developed further. 体验RealCine会让你惊叹,并且你会认同这是一项值得 进一步开发的特别技术。 (鲜活例句)It amazed us to hear that you were leaving. 听到你要走,我们都很吃惊。,(二)归纳拓展全析考点,(1)amazing adj. 令人惊奇的 amazed adj. 感到惊奇的 be amazed at/by sth. 对感到惊奇 be amazed to do sth. 惊奇地做某事 (2)amazement n. 惊讶,惊奇 to ones amazement 令某人惊奇的是,Jeremy Lins performance is amazing.I never thought an Asian guard would play so well in the NBA. 林书豪的表现令人惊叹。我从未想到一名亚

      5、裔后卫会在NBA有如此好的表现。 Visitors are often amazed to discover how little the town has changed. 旅游者经常会惊讶地发现这个小城几乎没有什么变化。 , she was not amazed at the news. 令我吃惊的是,她对这个令人惊奇的消息并没有感到惊讶。,To my amazement,amazing,3confident adj.自信的;肯定的,有把握的 (一)背诵佳句培养语感 (教材原句)This encouraged him to become more confident around others. 这就使得他面对他人时变得更自信。 (鲜活例句)We need a confident leader to overcome these difficulties. 我们需要一个有信心的领导者来克服这些困难。,(二)归纳拓展全析考点,(1)be/feel confident about . 对自信、有信心 (2)confidence n. 自信心,自信 have/lack confidenc

      6、e in . 对有/缺乏信心,The teachers encouragement made us confident about our future. 老师的鼓励使我们对未来充满信心。 He is quite confident that he will pass the examination. He is quite confident the examination. 他确信他会通过考试。 She has great confidence in her success. 她充分相信自己能成功。,of passing,4disappointed adj.失望的,沮丧的 (一)背诵佳句培养语感 (教材原句)An argument has been put forward that some users will be disappointed by RealCine because VR is not real. 有人提出了不同的看法:RealCine电影会让一些观众失望, 因为它毕竟不是现实。 (鲜活例句)Do not be disappointed if you have t

      7、o try several times before you finally stop smoking. 即使一定要经过多次戒烟才能最后把它戒掉,你也不要失 望。,(二)归纳拓展全析考点,(1)be disappointed in/with sb. 对某人感到失望 be disappointed at/with/by sth. 对某事感到失望 be disappointed that . 失望的是 (2)disappoint vt. 使失望 disappointing adj. 令人失望的 disappointment n. 失望 to ones disappointment 令人失望的是,I am afraid youre very disappointed with me. 恐怕你对我非常不满意吧。 He other guests were not coming. 其他客人没有来,他感到失望。 Im sorry to disappoint you, but I cant agree with you after all. 使你失望我心里很不安,不过我实在是不能同意你的意见。 , i

      8、t rained on the day of the picnic. 使我们大失所望的是,野餐那天下起雨来了。,was disappointed that,To our great disappointment,5convenience nU方便,C便利的事物或设施 (一)背诵佳句培养语感 (教材原句)In reality, he is disabled and can no longer walk, but he was able to see and touch a lion while still in the convenience of the VR studio. 在现实中,他是一名不能行走的残疾人,但是借助VR工 作室里的便利设备,他能够看见并且触摸一头狮子。 (鲜活例句)Many people enjoy the pleasures and convenience of living in a city centre. 许多人享受着住在市中心的快乐和便利。,(二)归纳拓展全析考点,(1)for convenience 为了方便起见 at ones convenience

      9、 在某人方便的时候 (2)convenient adj. 方便的,便利的 be convenient for/to 对是方便的 It is convenient for sb.to do sth. 某人方便做某事,We bought this house for convenience; its near the shops and the railway station. 为了方便起见,我们买了这栋房子,它靠近商店和火车站。 Please call me back . 请在方便的时候给我回个电话。 Will it be convenient for you to come in the morning? 你上午来方便吗? 点津 convenient不能以人作主语。,at your convenience,6secure adj.安全的;有把握的;稳固的,坚固的vt.获得; 使安全 (一)背诵佳句培养语感 (教材原句)Besides this, VR can be used to practise skills in a secure environment that otherwise would be quite dangerous.

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