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牛津译林版英语高二上册module 5《unit 1 getting along with others》ppt课件之四

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  • 文档编号:70675280
  • 上传时间:2019-01-17
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    • 1、Reading Language Points,Unit 1Getting along with others,We have been best friends since primary school and spend almost every day with each other. 我们从孩提时代就是好朋友,一起在校足球队踢足球。 We have been friends since childhood and play together in the school football team.,2. Sometimes, other children say we are no fun because,fun: u means enjoyment or pleasure have fun doing/what fun eg. The journey home was great fun. It is _ _ (work) inside when the weather is so nice. 为什么不和我们一起来呢?会很有趣的。 Why dont you come with

      2、 us? Itll be good fun.,no fun,working,have fun; just for fun; make fun of,The children are _ so much _. I dont want to call them inside. We drove all the way to the beach, _. People _her because she wears such strange clothes.,having,fun,just for fun,make fun of,3. I must have sounded very proud of myself after the test, saying loudly how easy it was and how I was sure to get a good mark. 1) must have done 肯定做了,情态动词后接完成式,表示“猜测”,此事发生在过去。,. I must have sounded very proud of myself after the test.(

      3、Line 8),must have done means guessing that something has happened because there seems to be no other possibility.,类似的结构有:cant have done不可能做了;may have done可能做了; may not have done可能没做;should have done 应该做等。 线路很忙,肯定有人在打电话。 The line was busy; someone _ using the telephone.,must have been,昨晚我应该跟我女儿呆一起的,可是我忙于工作了。 I _ with my daughter yesterday evening. But I was busy with my work. 她说肯定有人在厕所里听到我们谈话,但我不相信。 She said that someone _ us in the toilets, but I dont believe her.,should have stayed,must have he

      4、ard,若指现在,则在情态动词后直接加动词原形。 They should be back by now. 他们现在应该回来了。 他可能在来这里的路上。 He may be on the way here.,考例 -The woman biologist stayed in Africa studying wild animals for 13 years before she returned. (NMET 05, 江苏) -oh, dear! She _ a lot of difficulties! A. may go through C. ought to have gone through B. might go through D. must have gone through,点拨 根据题干中“studying wild animals for 13 years” 可判断出一定遇到了许多困难。故选D。,现在分词短语可在句中作状语,表时间、结果、原因、伴随、方式等。,His parents died, _(leave) him an orphan. Not _(know) he

      5、r phone number, he looked it up in the number book. _the programme, they have to stay there for another two weeks.(2004广东) A. Not completing C. Not having completed B. Not completed D. Having not completed,现在分词 短语作原因状语,相当于Because they havent completed the programme.,leaving,knowing,4. I didnt feel like I was overlooking my studies, but maybe I could work harder in Maths. feel like +n./pron. 想要某物 feel like +doing 想做某事 feel like +句子=feel as if +句子 感觉像-,今天晚上我不想喝啤酒。 I dont feel like beer tonight. 我难

      6、过得想哭。 I was so upset that I felt like crying. 我想要散散步。 I felt like I needed a walk.,5. I was determined to be cheerful, but Hannah sensed,1) determined adj. having a strong desire to do something He was quite determined to teach them a lesson. He was determined not to be the first to say it. My mum is determined that I should go to university.,2) sense v.,The horse sensed danger and stopped. When I entered the kitchen, I immediately sensed there was something wrong. As soon as he saw her, he sens

      7、ed that something had happened.,Come to ones senses 苏醒 Make sense 有道理;讲得通 Make sense of sth. 理解或弄懂某事物 当我苏醒过来时,我正躺在地板上。 这个句子讲不通。 你能听懂他的意思吗?,When I came to my senses, I was lying on the floor.,The sentence makes no sense.,Can you make sense of what he said?,He doesnt seem to have any sense of humor. There is no sense in getting upset about it now. This article does not make sense to me. I am sure David will be able to find the libraryhe has a pretty good _of direction.(2005浙江) A. Idea B. feeling C

      8、. experience D. sense,have a sense of - “有-的感觉”,6. We went to wash our hands in the girls toilets before lunch and I admitted how badly I had done( P2, line 16) 考点 admit 表示承认,接纳。常用以下搭配:admit sb. into/ to sth. /admit doing sth./. that- clause 考例 They were clearly long-standing customers, and I suppose they must have stayed faithful to him because he had promised to sell good quality fruit. He had a way with them-I had to _that. (NMET 05,江西完型填空第44空) A. admit B. expect C. announce D. promise,点拨 根据上

      9、下文,表示“我不得不承认那点-他有”故选A。,7. I thought that Hannah must have deliberately told everyone about my mark after promising not to. 当下文不定式的内容可承上文时,不定式的内容常常省略, 但to不可省。,小男孩想在街上骑车,但他妈妈不同意。 The boy wanted to ride his bicycle in the street, but his mother told him not to. 我想知道你为什么不按讲的做呢? I wonder why you didnt do as told to.,帮我照看小猫,介意吗?一点也不介意,我很高兴。 -Would you mind looking after my cat? -Not at all. Id be happy to.,当下文不定式的内容表达的是状态,不定式to后需加be动词。 你哥哥是职业摄影师吗? 不,但他想当。 -Is your brother a professional photographer? -No, but he hopes to be.,8. I was so angry that I went straight to ,straight immediately and directly Go straight home and tell your mother the good news. We can meet straight after lunch. Lets go straight down to business.,keep ones word,当你允诺孩子以后,你必须履行你的诺言。 You must keep your word wh

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