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the merely very good

  • 卖家[上传人]:luoxia****01806
  • 文档编号:70204886
  • 上传时间:2019-01-16
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    • 1、Lesson 8,The Merely Very Good,作者 词汇,Jeremy Bernstein Jeremy Bernstein(1929):professor of physics and writer.After getting His Ph.D. in physics at Harvard,he spent time at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton and at the National Science Foundation.He taught physics for 5 years at New York University and then at Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken,New Jersey.,He has also spent more than 30years on the staff of The New Yorker magazine, writing mostly about physics, computers, and othe

      2、r topics in physical science.,Some of his publications are: The Analytical Engine:ComputersPast,Present and Future(1964,revised 1981);Einstein(1973); Experiencing Science(1978);and The Merely Personal:Observations on Seciences and Scientists(2001).,Merely Relegate Category Imitate Comment Beam Inclination Repellent Elaborate Gotlingen Posthumous Petition,Merely adv. Used meaning only or simply to emphasize a fact or sth. that you are saying. 仅仅,只不过,eg: Im merely stating what everybody knows anyw

      3、ay.我说的不过是些老生常谈。,Relegate v. sb./sth. (to sth.) to give/dismiss sb. a lower or less important position, rank, etc. than before 使贬值;使降级;降低的地位 【usually passive】 (especially BrE) 使(运动队,尤指足球队)降级;使降组 promote relegation n. 【U】 eg: teams threatened with relegation 受降级威胁的球队,OPP,Category n. (pl. ies) a group of people or things with particular features in common (人或事物的)类别,种类 eg: Students over 25 fall into a different category. 25岁以上学生归为一类。 Categorize v. sb./sth. (as sth.) 将分类;把加以归类,Imitate v. to copy sb./

      4、sth. 模仿,效仿 eg: Art imitates Nature.艺术是对大自然的模仿。 No computer can imitate the complex functions of the human brain.任何计算机都无法模拟人脑的复杂功能。,to copy the way a person speaks or behaves, in order to amuse people.模仿(某人的讲话,举止);作滑稽模仿,Comment n. 【C,U】 something that you say or write which gives an opinion on or explains sb./sth. 讨论,评论,解释 eg: He handed me the document without comment。 他未做解释的将文件交给我。 What she said was fair comment. (fair comment= a reasonable criticism.) 她所讲的是合乎情理的批评。 【U】criticism that shows the f

      5、aults of sth. 批评,指责 eg:The results are a clear comment on government education policy.这些结果是对政府教育政策明显的批评。 Comment on/upon sth. 做出评论 no comment (said in reply to a question, usually from a journalist 通常用于回答记者问题) 无可奉告,IDM,run into sb. to meet sb. by chance 偶尔遇见,碰到(某人) eg: Guess who I ran into today. 猜猜我今天遇见谁了。 run into sth. to enter an area of bad weather whlie travelling.途中遭遇(恶劣天气) to experience difficulties,etc.遇到困难 to reach a partlcular level or amount 达到(某种水平或数量) run into sb./sth. to crash into

      6、 sb./sth.撞上 eg: The bus went out of control and ran into a line of people.公车失控,撞了一排人。 run sth. into sb./sth. to make a rehicle crash into sb./sth.开(车)撞上,Beam n. a line of light a laser/electron 激光/电子束 a long piece of wood,metal,etc. used to support weight,especially as part of the roof in a building.梁 eg: The cottage had an original fireplace and expose oak beams. 小屋有一个昔日的壁炉和裸露的橡木梁。 (especially BrE)(AmE usually the balance beam) 平衡木 a wide and happy smile笑容,眉笑颜开 off beam(informal)not correct;wro

      7、ng不正确 eg:You calcultion is way off beam.你的计算完全错误。,IDM,Inclination n. 【U,C】 (to do sth.)/(towards/for sth.) a feeling that makes you want to do sth.倾向,意愿 eg:My natural inclination is to find a compromise. 我生性易于妥协。 【C】 to do sth. a tendency to do sth.趋向,趋势 【C,U】 (technical 术语) a degree of sloping.倾斜度 inclined v. inclined to do sth. 想做某事,Repellent adj. very unpleasant;causing strong dislike 让人很不愉快,令人厌恶 eg: Their political ideas are repellent to most people. 他们的政治观点另太多人反感。 (构成复合词)not letting a parti

      8、cular substance. 防的,隔绝的。 Water-repellent fabric 防水织物 n. 【U,C】 驱虫剂 an insect repellent 防水剂 a water repellent,Elaborate v. to explain or describe sth. in a more detailed way 详尽阐述;详细描述 eg: She went on to elaborate her argument. 她详尽的阐述了她的观点。 to develop a plan, and idea and make it complicated.详细制订,精心制作。 adj. 【usually before noun】 carefully prepared and organized. 复杂的,详尽的,精心制作的 eg:elaborate designs/decorations 精心的设计、装饰 elaboration n. 【U,C】 eg: The importance of the plan needs no futher elaboration.这计划的重要性无须赘述。,Gotlingen 格丁根大学。欧洲最有名的大学之一,1737年建于德国格丁根。18世纪后期它是德国浪漫主义先驱的诗人们集会的中心。1837年该校有7位教授因政治主张而被开除,使它的声誉受到影响。但是到了19世纪后期,它的数学研究所吸引了世界的学生。到20世纪,它的物理系教师中有些是诺贝尔获得者,他们在现代物理学中有一些最重要的发现。,Posthumous n. 【usually before noun】 happening,done, published,etc. after a person has died.死后发生(或做,出版等)的,eg: a posthumous award for bravery 死后荣膺的英勇将 a posthumous name谥号,Petition v. to m

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