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  • 卖家[上传人]:luoxia****01806
  • 文档编号:70209904
  • 上传时间:2019-01-16
  • 文档格式:PPT
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    • 1、Check (PP75-76),The symbolic meanings of the “sun” in A Voyage to Lilliput.,Lecture 8 The 18th Century (II),Oliver Goldsmith & Thomas Gray,Richard Brinsley Sheridan,Richard Brinsley Sheridan,The greatest dramatist of the 18th century: The School for Scandal (the summit of comedy of manners) Rivals Critic,风俗喜剧,Oliver Goldsmith (P100),Contributions: 1. A Novel The Vicar of Wakefield (only novel) 2. Comedies She Stoops to Conquer; The good-natured Man She and Sheridans The School for Scandal and Ri

      2、vals are the three plays of the 18th c. that are still active on the modern stage. 3. A series of essays The Citizen of the World 4. Two fine poems (P154): The Traveller The Deserted Village,With reference to the details in text, interpret the first sentence of Chapter 4: “A proof that even the humblest fortune may grant happiness, which depends not on circumstance, but constitution.” Comment on the personality of the vicar.,Sharing ideas PPT Report by Team 6,Thomas Gray (1716-1771),The Leader o

      3、f “the Graveyard School“,I. Sentimentalism II. The Biography III. Major Works IV. Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard,Contents,Sentimentalism The middle of the 18th century in England sees the inception of a new literary current sentimentalism, which came into being as a bitter discontent in social reality on the part of certain enlighteners who found the power of reason to be insufficient in dealing with social injustices, and therefore, appealed to sentiment as a means of achieving happiness

      4、 and justice.,The term is used in two senses in the study of literature. The first is overindulgence in emotion, especially the conscious effort to induce emotion in order to analyze or enjoy it and the failure to restrain or evaluate emotion; the second is the optimistic overemphasis of the goodness of humanity. Sentimentalism is concerned with the development of primitivism (artist of a modern period who paints in a simple childlike style as if without any formal artistic training, 尚古主义,原始风格).

      5、 In the first sense given above, sentimentalism is found in the melancholy verse of the Graveyard School.,The Graveyard School(墓园派): A group of 18th-century poets, and among them are Thomas Gray, Robert Blair, Thomas Parnell, and Edward Young, who wrote on funeral subjects.,The Author,Thomas Gray (1716-1771), English poet, who was a forerunner of the romantic movement. In contrast to those professional writers, Grays literary output was small. His masterpiece, Elegy Written in a Country Churchya

      6、rd was published in 1751. The poem once and for all established his fame as the leader of the sentimental poetry of the day, especially “the Graveyard School“.,Elegy:A poem of mourning , usually over the death of an individual .,Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard Text appreciation Selected Readings (P103) History (P165),Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard Theme(P252)By mourning over the dead, the poet is sentimentalizing about the vicissitudes of human life and inconstancy of human fortune.,Assignments,I. Read History (PP166-174) and summarize: 1) Robert Burns major works. 2) William Blakes major works. II. Read Selected Readings (PP109-116) : 1. The Tiger. 2. Auld Lang Syne.,Question for discussion:,Try to analyze the symbolic meanings of the tiger and the lamb in The Tiger , then comment on the theme of poem.,Team 7 Report,


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