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外研版九年级英语上册 市优质资源评比精品导学案 module11导学案

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    • 1、外研版 九年级英语上册 unit 11 Photos 导学案寨头堡中学 薛剑英Module 11 Photos 第一课时 课题Module 11课型 单词课学生姓名学习目标 I.知识目标 1.To be able to read and recite the words in this module2. To grasp the using of important words.II.能力目标:To learn to use the words of this module.III.情感目标:培养语感,增强自信心。 重难点 The pronunciation of the words学 习 过 程 个性 修订Step1 一.Try to read the words in Module11 according to the phonetic symbol.二.Read in groups. Pay attention the pronunciation.Step 2Try to write the words from memory.1. 打赌,下赌注 14.裙子2. 整体的,普遍的

      2、15.歌手3. 标准,水准 16.祝贺4. 感觉,直觉看法 17.男校长5. 困难 18.授予;呈递6. 合适的 19.当然;一定7. 添加 20.朗读;宣读8. 最近 21.与.相比9. 菜单 22.即使;尽管10. 今晚 23.保护.;使不受11. 获胜者 12. 冲,跑 13. 女衬衫 Step3 新词拓展 1.general adj. 整体的,普遍的 _(adv.)一般地固定搭配:in general 意为通常,一般而言,相当于_ .2.feeling n. 感情;感觉 _(v.)感觉,摸起来Eg:我觉得很糟糕,因为他伤害了我的感情。I_ terrible because he hurt my f_ .3.difficulty n. 困难,难题 _(adj.)困难的固定搭配: have difficulty doing something 做某事时遇到困难Eg;我在回答那些难题时遇到了困难。I _ the _ questions.4.add v.添加;补充 短语:把添加到_ 加起来,总计_Eg: 把我应付你的钱都加在一起。_ all the money I own you.四加

      3、五等于九。5.even though/if表示“即使;尽管”,用来引导状语从句。例如:_ hes 24 now, hes still like a child.虽然他现在已经24岁了,但还像个孩子。6. congratulations to sb. (on sb.)表示“(因某事)向某人表示祝贺”。例如: I passed my driving test yesterday. Did you? _! 昨天我通过了驾照考试。 是吗?祝贺你!7.present v. 授予 n.礼物,相当于_Eg:这儿有一些送给你父母的礼物。Here are some_ for your_ .8.protect against 防范,保护Eg;你需要暖和的衣服来御寒。You need warm clothes to _ you _ the cold.拓展:protect.from意为“使免受的侵害 ”Eg:他总是保护着自己免受侵害。He is always_ danger. 达标检测(25分)一,根据句意及首字母完成单词。(15分)1. His words badly hurt my f_ .2. Im v

      4、ery p_ to see you here.3. Even t_ it is raining, he wont stop working. 4.A_ up 3,4 and 5.and you will get 12.5.He got up late in the morning, so he r_ to the school.6.You can order the food according to the m_ in the restaurant.7.Do you know the new s_ of the competition.8.Can we see the stars in the sky t_ .9.I offered him my c_ on his success.10.Who is the w_ of the tennis match?11.He is a young s_ with great talent.We all like his songs.12.The leader p_ the prizes to these brave young men yes

      5、terday.13.These women are wearing blue b_ and trousers.14.First,read the text to get the g_ idea.15.Do you have any d_ in finishing the work on time?二.据短文内容,完成下列任务 (10分)The picture that sits on my desk in my bedroom is my favourite. (A)When I have trouble studying, or Im worried about an exam, I always take a look at it. It is a picture of my best friends taken three years ago when we were in middle school. It reminds(使想起) me of the good time weve shared and the support(支持) their friendship stil

      6、l gives me today. Our lives have gone in different directions, (B)_ our friendship we created has kept us close. Every week I get a message on my answering machine from one of them, or a letter in the mail with the latest news or vacation photos. I often get an email with a joke for the day or words of comfort about some problems in my life. My friends often show up for surprise birthday parties, and one of them (C)_ travelled two hours from the other end of town just to watch my first English s

      7、peech contest. Our friendship has carried me through a lot of difficult experiences, and has enriched the good ones. 任务一:简要回答下面的问题。 【小题1】 Where is the picture? 【小题2】When was the picture taken? 任务二:将A处画线句子翻译成汉语。 【小题3】 任务三:在B处和C处填入一个适当的单词。 【小题4】B: _ 【小题5】C: _Module 11 Photos 第二课时课题Module11 Unit1课型对话课学生姓名学习目标知识目标:1.Grasp the words and phrases in this unit 2. Grammar: which, who 引导的定语从句能力目标:能听懂which, who 引导的定语从句,理解描述信息;能运用定语从句描写经历、比赛等。情感目标:通过摄影作品培养审美意识。学习关键理解并熟练掌握定语从句。学 习 过 程个性修订预习导航 Check your spelling.1. English-Chinese standard general recently menu difficulty feeling subject 2. Chinese-English 打赌;下赌注 添加 有可能;有机会精彩课堂Step1 listeningListen to Activity 3 and choose the best answer1. Who is He Zhong?A. A writer B. A teacher C. A boy 2. Which subject will He Zhong choose? A. Nature B. Music C. City and PeopleStep2Read and answer the questions1. What did He Zhong do last year?2. Which subject do

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