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  • 文档编号:60617850
  • 上传时间:2018-11-17
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    • 1、2018-2019学年上学期高一第一次月考试卷英 语 第卷第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 AIf you are looking for the place that has everything, there is only one place to visit, and thats New York. Its a whole world in a city.The World of Theater: All of New York is a stage. And it begins with Broadway. Where else can you find so many hit shows in one place? Only in New York!The World of Music: Spend an evening with Beethoven at Lincoln Center. Swing to the great jaz

      2、z of Greenwich Village. Or rock yourself silly at the hottest dance spots found anywhere.The World of Art: From Rembrandt to Picasso. From Egyptian tombs to Indian teepees. Whatever kind of art you like, you will find it in New York.The World of Fine Dining: Whether its roast Beijing duck in Chinatown, lasagna in little Italy, or the finest French coq au vin found everywhere, there is world of great taste waiting for you in New York.The World of Sights: What other city has a Statue (雕塑) of Liber

      3、ty? A Rockefeller Center? Or a Bronx Zoo? Where else can you take a horse-drawn carriage through Central Park? Only in New York !21. From the text we know that “Rembrandt” is most likely to be the name of a famous .A. actor B. musician C. cook D. painter22. Which of the following can visitors do only in New York?A. To see the Statue of Liberty. B. To taste the finest French coq au vin.C. To enjoy a Beethoven concert. D. To eat Roast Beijing Duck.23. This passage may be taken from .A. a handbook

      4、for English learners B. a guidebook for foreign travellersC. a pocketbook for businessmen D. a storybook for local readersBWhen I was a little girl, I remember that when my dad was repairing something, he would ask me to hold the hammer, so we would have time for a conversation with each other. I never saw my dad drinking or taking a night out. All he did after work was taking care of his family.I grew up and left home for college and since then, my dad had been calling me every Sunday morning.

      5、And when I bought a house several years later, my dad painted it by himself in the fierce summer heat. All he asked was to talk to him, but I was to busy in those days.Four years ago, my dad visited me. He spent many hours putting together a swing for my daughter. He asked me to have a talk with him, but I had to prepare for a trip that weekend.One Sunday morning we had a telephone talk as usual. I noticed that my dad had forgotten some things that we discussed lately. I was in a hurry, so our c

      6、onversation was short. Several hours later that day I received a call. My father was in the hospital. Immediately I bought a plane ticket and on my way I was thinking about all the occasions I missed to have a talk with my dad. By the time I arrived at the hospital, my father had passed away. Now it was he who did not have time for a conversation with me. I realized how little I knew about my dad, his deepest thoughts and his dreams.After his death I learned much more about him and even more abo

      7、ut myself. All he ever wanted was my time. And now he has all my attention every single day.24. When the author was a little girl, she .A. liked playing on the swing B. often talked with her fatherC. was good at repairing things D. learned to take care of her family25. When at college, the author .A. received a call from her father every Sunday morning B. phoned her father every Sunday morningC. asked her father to call her every Sunday D. asked her father to talk with her26. Why did the author

      8、fail to have a talk with her father four years ago?A. She had got tired of talking with him. B. She was busy painting her house.C. Her daughter asked her to play. D. She was busy planning a trip.27. When did the author begin to regret missing the talks with her father?A. After her fathers sudden death. B. Many years after her fathers death.C. On her way to the hospital to see her father. D. As soon as she got the news that her father was ill.CShree Bose is one of the most impressive kids graduat

      9、ing from Fort Worth Country Day High School this year. Bose has a large circle of friends, and theres one who you may have heard of: President Obama. He has twice publicly recognized her achievements in cancer research and spoken with her in the Oval Office.If that isnt enough, Bose recently gave a TED Talk about her work with the cancer drug Cisplatin, which also won her first prize at the Google Science Fair and recognition as one of Glamour magazines Young Amazing Women of the Year.After watching her grandfather struggle with liver cancer, Bose was determined to help out in any way she could. As a high school student though, her scientific choices were limited. She reached out to various hospitals and research centers, but doctors turned down her req


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