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    • 1、大学英语 1 单选题 1 Her husband died in 1992, _. C A left her with two childrenB being left her with two childrenC leaving her with two childrenD being leaving her with two children2 Clark felt that his _ in one of the most dramatic medical experiments of all time was worth the suffering he underwent. D A apprehensionB appreciationC presentationD participation3 My father _ sixty next year. C A is going to beB is to beC will beD is about to be4 Dont _ Austria with Australia. A A confuseB mistakeC regard

      2、D view5 He decided to make further improvements on the computers design _ the light of the requirements of customers. D A forB byC withD in6 I was _ by their kindness and moved to tears. C A preoccupiedB embarrassedC overwhelmedD counseled7 Every country and every nation has its own _ and cultural tradition, strong points and advantages. C A historianB historyC historicalD heroine8 Ms. Wright demanded that the urgent report _ on her desk by 5 p.m. today. D A should putB will be putC is putD be p

      3、ut9 Id like to take _ of this trip to buy the things I need。 A A advantageB adventureC adviceD advance10 No _ woman would go alone to a bar like that one. C A respectfulB respectingC respectableD respective11 Before 1920s, the American women were _ the right to vote in a large extent. A A deprived ofB depriving ofC persuade ofD persuading of12 He talked about the _ experience they had on the trip. A A amusingB amazingC amusedD missing13 A really powerful speaker can _ the feelings of the audienc

      4、e to the fever of excitement. B A work outB work upC work overD work at14 I havent much _ his honesty. C A believe inB believe forC belief inD belief for15 He stressed that the disadvantages of the change would _ its advantages. B A overtakeB outweighC overcomeD beyond16 For some years after his graduation, he _ some of his classmates, but as times went by, he dropped them one by one. B A catch up withB keep up withC keep upD make up with17 In the old days, the children _ by the mother because s

      5、he did not work outside the house. D A took care ofB were taking care ofC taken care ofD were taken care of18 Flood caused billions of dollars worth of his _ damage. A A propertyB treasureC goodsD wealth19 Doesnt the clown look _ ? D A funB laughC laughterD funny20 He actually enjoys his new hair style and likes _ to everybody. B A showing upB showing offC showing outD showing of21 Cells do not have _ of their own. A A intelligenceB intelligentC intentionD intellectual22 He said that the driver

      6、must have had an accident; otherwise he _ by then. A A would have arrivedB must have arrivedC should arriveD arrived23 I cant find _. B A a coat enough largeB a large enough coatC a large coat enoughD an enough large coat24 Our _ is London, but the plane took us to Paris. B A departureB destinationC discountD destiny25 He is preparing for a lecture on stock _. B A estateB exchangeC plagueD situation26 I regret having left the work unfinished, I _ everything ahead carefully. B A should planB shou

      7、ld have plannedC plannedD must plan27 As the old empires were broken up and new states were formed, new official tongues began to _ at an increasing rate. C A bring upB build upC spring upD strike up28 She has a _ interest in everything around her. A A livelyB aliveC liveD living29 At a press conference after the award ceremony, the 18-year-old girl spoke in a _ low voice. B A optionallyB relativelyC legallyD identically30 Eating too much fat can _ heart disease and cause high blood pressure. A

      8、A contribute toB attribute toC attend toD devote to31 Although a teenager, Fred could _ being told what to do and what not to do. D A persistB consistC insistD resist32 His lectures on Roman history would do credit _ a real expert. B A inB toC ofD with33 I think we should let Mary to go camping with her boyfriend. _ she is a big girl now. D A Above allB First of allC For allD After all34 Cost as a _ in supply is very important. C A wayB methodC factorD fact35 “Do you know that girl with the long hair?” “I dont think so, although she _ me of someone else I know.” C A remembersB recallsC remindsD suggests36 I fail to _ ever meeting her. A A recallB pretendC planD hope37 Its very _ of you not to talk


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