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    • 1、现代物流 专业英语,易牧农等编著,21世纪电子商务与现代物流管理系列教材 佟勇臣主骗,ISBN 7-5084-3846-9,What Is Logistics,The Logistics of Business Is Big and Important,The Work of Logistics,Logistical Operations,Chapter 1 An Introduction to Logistics,1.1 What Is Logistics,Logistics is the process of strategically managing the procurement, movement and storage of materials, parts and finished inventory (and the related information flows) through the organization and its marketing channels in such a way that current and future profitabil

      2、ity are maximized through the cost-effective fulfillment of orders.,What Is Logistics,As a precursor to the Gulf War it had been necessary for the United States and its allies to move huge amounts of material great distances in what were thought to be impossibly short time-frames.,Sentence Explanations,作为海湾战争的准备,美国和其同盟者在被认为不可能的时间内,必须超远距离地运输大量军需品。,2. However while the Generals and Field Marshals from the earliest times have understood the critical role of logistics, strangely it is only in the re

      3、cent past that business organizations have come to recognize the vital impact that logistics management can have in the achievement of competitive advantage.,Sentence Explanations,尽管将军和陆军元帅很早就认识到了后勤的关键作用,令人奇怪的是企业在不久之前才刚刚认识到物流管理在构筑竞争优势方面的重要作用。,3. Failure to co-ordinate any one of these activities with it group-fellows and also with those in the other group, or undue emphasis or outlay-put upon any one of these activities, is certain to upset the equilibrium of forces which means efficient distrib

      4、ution.,Sentence Explanations,如果与活动中任何一个部分以及其它部分不能相互协调,或者不恰当地重点强调整体活动中的任何一个部分,肯定会打乱有效率分销的均势因素。,What is the logistics?2. How do you comprehend the sentence “ logistics encompasses much more than just the transportation and warehouse?”,Questions,1.2 The Logistics of Business Is Big and Important,Logistics adds value to the supply chain process when inventory is strategically positioned to achieve sales. Creating logistics value is costly. Although difficult to measure, most experts agree that the a

      5、nnual expenditure to perform logistics in the United States was approximately 10.1 percent of the $9.96 billion Gross Nation Product (GNP) or $1.006 billion. Expenditure for transportation in 2000 was $590 billion, which represented 58.6 percent of total logistics cost. As further illustrated in Table1.2.1, the logistics of business is truly big business!,The Logistics of Business Is Big and Important,It is through the logistical process that materials flow into the manufacturing capacity of an

      6、industrial nation and products are distributed to consumers.,Sentence Explanations,通过物流过程,货物进入一个工业国家形成制造能力并且产品得以分销给消费者。,2. The recent growth global commerce and the introduction of e-commerce have expanded the size of complexity of logistical operations.,Sentence Explanations,近来全球商业的增长和电子商务的引入已经扩大了物流运营复杂性的程度。,3. In situations where timely corrective action is not possible, customers can be provided advance notification of developing problems, thereby eliminating the surprise of an unavoidable se

      7、rvice failure.,Sentence Explanations,在不能采取及时正确的行动的情形下,顾客可以预先得到出现问题的通知,由此不会使顾客对于一个不可避免的服务失败感到惊讶。,4. In many situations, working in collaboration with customers and suppliers, corrective action can be taken to prevent operational shutdowns or costly customer service failures.,Sentence Explanations,在很多情况下,和顾客和供应商一起合作,可以采取正确的行动来防止操作中的停滞或昂贵的顾客服务失败。,5. By performing at above industry average with respect to inventory availability, speed and consistency of delivery, and operational efficiencies, logist

      8、ically sophisticated firms are ideal supply chain partners.,Sentence Explanations,关于存货有效性,送货的速度和一致性和操作效率方面要执行的比行业平均水平高,那么物流工作水平高的企业是理想的供应链合作伙伴。,1. Discuss the functions of the logistics.2. Give some examples to illustrate the importance of a firms logistical activities.3. Could you explain how a firm can achieve competitive advantage by using logistical competency?,Questions,1.3 The Work of Logistics,The Work of Logistics,Order processing,Facility network,Inventory,Warehousing Materials handling

      9、 Packaging,Transportation,The decision is broader than simply selecting a facility to store inventory since many value-adding activities may be performed during the time products are warehoused.,Sentence Explanations,因为许多产品的价值增值工作是在产品储存中完成的,所以,该决策要比简单地选择存放货物的设备要广泛的多。,2. Examples of such activities are sorting, sequencing, order selection, transportation consolidation, and, in some cases, product modification and assembly.,Sentence Explanations,这些活动包括分拣、排序、订货选择、运输拼箱,有时还包括产品修改和组装。,3. When economists originally discussed supply-and-demand relationships, facility location and transportation cost differentials were assumed either nonexistent or equal among competitors.,Sentence Explanations,当经济学家最初谈论供给和需求的关系时,设备位置和运输费用的差异假设是不存在或在竞争者中都是一样的。,4. When effectively integrated into an enterprises logistical operations, warehousing, materials handling, and packaging facilitate the speed and overall ease of product flow throughout the logistical system.,


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