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模块二Unit1 Revision 1

  • 卖家[上传人]:艾力
  • 文档编号:50315624
  • 上传时间:2018-08-07
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    • 1、 Unit 1 Module 2Revision Tales of the unexplainedWords checking 1. 存在 n. 2. 目击,见证 (vt.)3. 假定,认为4. 施工,建筑物 5. 发生 6. 在(飞机、轮船)上 7. possibility 8. examine 9. dismiss 10. evidence 11. convince 12. survive existence witness assume construction occur aboard证据可能性 检查 解雇,解散使相信,使确信 生存,挺过(难关)Morphological changes 词形变化1. construct (n.)2. humour (adj.)3. possible (n.) (adv.) 4. organize (n.) (adj.)5. strong (n.) (vt.)6. exist (n.) (adj.)7. amaze (adj.) (n.)8. agree (opp.) (n.) _ (n.)possibilitypossiblyorganiza

      2、tionorganizedhumorousdisagreedisagreement agreementstrengthstrengthen existenceexistent amazedamazementconstructionPhrases checking1. 加紧,加强 2. 出现 3. 负责,掌管 4. 调查 5. 确信 6. due to 7. belong to 8. be similar to 9. make up 10. do research on step up show uptake charge of look intobe convinced of 因为,由于 属于 与 相似 编造,构成 对 作研究Key words focuspuzzle puzzle vt vt. . puzzle puzzle n.n. puzzlement n.n. puzzled adj adj. puzzling adj.adj. puzzling常用来修饰 ,puzzled 常用来修饰 , 还可修饰 等物 look,expression,smileKey words focus

      3、1. puzzle expansion迷惑,使困惑 难题,迷 困惑,迷茫迷茫的,感到困惑的令人困惑的phrases令人困惑的是 对感到困惑be puzzled aboutbe puzzled aboutto ones puzzlement to ones puzzlement人Multiple choices 1.Facing the _ situation,the sales manager looked _.A. puzzling, puzzled B. puzzling, puzzlingC. puzzled, puzzled D. puzzled, puzzling2.“I dont understand what you are saying.” she said, with a _ expression on her face.A. puzzling B. puzzled C. puzzle D. puzzlementwitness vt vt. . witness n.n. _ 是的目击者/证明Key words focus2. witness expansion见证,目

      4、击 目击者,见证人practice1.October 31, 2010 _ the closing ceremony of the Shanghai World. 2.这个拐角处发生了多起可怕的事故。(汉译英)The corner _ _ many terrible accidents.has witnessedhas witnessedwitnessedwitnessedbe a witnesse toMultiple choices 1. They are looking for someone _ the robbery.A. witness B. look C. witnessing D. looking2. On July 1st, 1921, the red boat on South Lake in Jiaxing _ the birth of the Communist Party of China, which marked a new start for Chinese people.A. witnessed B. gave C. experienced D. fo

      5、unded3. There is already _ clear to show that plants and animals are being affected by climate change.A. witness B. certificationC. identity D. evidenceoccuroccur是是 _ _ 动词,无动词,无被动语态被动语态,相当于,相当于_ _ ,其过去式、过去分词,其过去式、过去分词 均为均为 _ _ Key words focus3. occur summaryexplansion_某人想起某人想起 _ 1.Sth occurred to sb.1.Sth occurred to sb. 2.It occurred to 2.It occurred to sbsb that that3.It occurred to 3.It occurred to sbsb to do to dohappen / take placehappen / take place occurredoccurred不及物不及物1.我从未想过放弃。(汉译英)The

      6、 thought of giving up has_ _ _ me. 2. 她没有想到要问他是怎么找到她的。_ _ _ _ her to ask how he had found her. 3. It never occurred to me _ you could succeed in making him change his mind.A. which B. what C. that D. ifKey words focus3. occurnever occurred tonever occurred toIt didnt occur toIt didnt occur to_ 使某人相信某事 _ 使某人相信(句子) _ 说服某人做某事4. convince summaryexplansionconvinced _ convincing _ _ 相信/确信convince convince sbsb of of sthsth convince convince sbsb that that convince convince sbsb to do to do确信的,坚信的确信的,坚

      7、信的 令人信服的令人信服的be convinced of be convinced of sthsth/that/that1. We1. Were convinced that he is honest.(同义改写) Were Were convinced_2. In the interview , he finally _ several customers of the advantages of his product.A. informed B. accused C. convinced D. remindedKey words focus4. convince practiceof his honesty1. 我觉得电影的结局难以令人相信。(convince的形容词 作宾语补足语)I didnt_.2. _ that the government can lead them out of the financial crisis, people are optimistic about the future of the country.A. Convince B. Convinced C. To

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