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安卓APP | ios版本


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  • 上传时间:2018-07-20
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    • 1、ConfidentialFMC0003PPT02Facilitation Skills Effective Groups and MeetingsConfidentialFMC0003PPT02Introductions and ExpectationsPlease introduce yourself to the group:Who are you (role, length of service)Experience of facilitationPersonal course objectives (why attending and expectations)ConfidentialFMC0003PPT02Course ObjectivesGain an understanding of the term facilitation Understand facilitator roles / responsibilities Develop and practice key skills Identify and understand appropriate facilita

      2、tion tools Understand group characteristics and managing group dynamics Understand the business benefitsConfidentialFMC0003PPT02AgendaDay One:The professional facilitatorThe role of the facilitatorFacilitation practiceTools and techniquesConfidentialFMC0003PPT02AgendaDay Two:Tools and techniquesGroup managementChartering and closureFollow-upConfidentialFMC0003PPT02The Professional FacilitatorConfidentialFMC0003PPT02Facilitation Vs Meetings“Group facilitation is a process in which a person who is

      3、 acceptable to all members of the group, substantially neutral, and has no decision-making authority intervenes to help a group improve the way it identifies and solves problems and makes decisions, in order to increase the groups effectiveness” (Schwarz p. 4)ConfidentialFMC0003PPT02Effective Facilitation: OverviewCritical to success and effectivenessClarify objectivesDevelop strategyGuidance to achieve goalsModel behavioursDevelop teamworkUtilise appropriate toolsConfidentialFMC0003PPT02Process

      4、 and ContentProcess: howHow options discussedHow tasks achievedHow decisions madeContent: whatWhat is discussedWhat is achievedWhat is decidedKnowledge of content only, guide processConfidentialFMC0003PPT02Guiding PrinciplesRemain neutral at all timesFocus on process not contentThe group is the content expertThe group is your customerNever do anything the group can do for itselfBe flexible ConfidentialFMC0003PPT02The Facilitator: RoleStructured intervention and neutral assistanceInvolve and acti

      5、vely listen to allObserve different behaviours and react appropriatelyAllow free and informed choicesRecognise non-verbal communicationKeep focusedCreate energyUtilise parking lotConfidentialFMC0003PPT02The Effective FacilitatorIdentify similarities and differences Diagnose and intervene ineffective behaviour Role model Accurately listen and communicate clearly Develop trust Provide feedback Monitor and change own behaviour Provide support and encouragement Have patienceConfidentialFMC0003PPT02T

      6、he Facilitator: BehavioursRole modelIntroductionsSet paceFace the groupFocusedTone of voice, body language and wordsSmileConfidentialFMC0003PPT02The Ineffective FacilitatorArgueToo easygoingGive priority to own hidden agenda itemsLet the group wander for long periodsManipulate and control discussionNeglect needsStereotype group membersConfidentialFMC0003PPT02The Facilitator: InhibitorsAvoid content Do not take minutes Do not make decisions Do not speak with demanding tone Do not belittle, overlo

      7、ok, exclude or ignore Do not evaluate Do not accept things you do not understand Do not assumeConfidentialFMC0003PPT02Facilitator Tasks: Before Initial contact and identify problems Determine if facilitation is appropriate Identify team leader/sponsor Develop session charter Select participants (mixture) Lead / focus planning team, oversee preparation Plan tools and strategies Arrange scribe if requiredClick image to go to to slideConfidentialFMC0003PPT02Facilitator Tasks: DuringWelcome and intr

      8、oductions Ice breaker Review charter and agenda Explain parking lot Clarify roles and ground rules Explain activities as they begin and review output Manage participants Conclude: thank you and next stepsConfidentialFMC0003PPT02Facilitator Tasks: AfterCoach team leader to:Document and distribute informationReport status of action plansOversee next stepsConfidentialFMC0003PPT02Brainwriting: Definition and Purpose Silent form of Information gathering Builds creative ideas and facilitates discussio

      9、n Builds on others thoughts Generate 20+ ideas in short time period Beneficial with cross functional groups when participants may not know each other No exclusions/limitationsClick image to go to to slideConfidentialFMC0003PPT02Brainwriting: MethodTeam broken into small groups (4-6) Statements of problems written on sheets placed in centre of table Place sheets in centre of each table with one more sheet than number of team members Each person takes sheet and writes response Replace sheet and select another, etc. Read other responses and write additions/improvement Consolidate responses and put on flip chart Share and discussConfidentialFMC0003PPT02Brainwriting: ActivityWrite one thing poor facilitator does (blue card)Pass card to your rightWrite one thing good facilitator does (pink card)Pass card to your leftEstablish good/bad facilitator characteristics:


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