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英文原著系列-just folks

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  • 上传时间:2018-06-04
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    • 1、英文原著系列英文原著系列-Just-Just FolksFolksJust Fol ks 1 J ust Folks by Edgar A. Guest Just Fol ks 2 J ust Folks Were queer fol ks here. Wel l tal k about the weather, The good ti mes we have had together, The good ti mes near, The roses buddi n, an the bees Once more upon thei r nectar sprees; The scarl et fever scare, an who Came mi ghty near not pul l i n through, An who had l i ght attacks, an al l The thi ngs that i ntrest, bi g or smal l ; But here youl l never hear of si nni n Or any scandal thats

      2、begi nni n. Weve got too many other l abors To scatter tal es that harm our nei ghbors. Were strange fol ks here. Were tryi n to be cheerful , An keep thi s home f rom getti n tearful . We hol d i t dear Too dear f or petti ness an meanness, An nasty tal es of mens uncl eanness. Here you shal l come to j oyous smi l i n, Secure from hate an harsh revi l i n; Here, where the wood fi re bri ghtl y bl azes, Youl l hear from us our nei ghbors prai ses. Here, that theyl l never grow to doubt us, We k

      3、eep our fri ends al ways about us; An here, though storms outsi de may pel ter I s refuge for our fri ends, an shel ter. Weve one rul e here, An that i s to be pl easant. The fol ks we know are al ways present, Or very near. An though they dwel l i n many pl aces, We thi nk were tal ki n to thei r faces; An that keeps us f rom onl y seei n The faul ts i n any human bei n, An checks our tongues when theyd go trai l i n I nto the mi re of mortal fai l i n. Fl aws arent so bi g when fol ks are near

      4、 you; You dont tal k mean when they can hear you. An so no scandal here i s started, Because from fri ends were never parted. As I t Goes I n the corner shes l eft the mechani cal toy, On the chai r i s her Teddy Bear fi ne; The thi ngs that I thought she woul d real l y enj oy Dont seem to be qui te i n her l i ne. Theres the f l axen-hai red dol l that i s l ovel y to see And real l y expensi vel y dressed, Lef t al one, al l uncared f or, and strange though i t be, She l i kes her rag dol l y

      5、 the best. Oh, the money we spent and the pl ans that we l ai d And the wonderful thi ngs that we bought! There are toys that are cunni ngl y, ski l l ful l y made, Just Fol ks 3 But she seems not to gi ve them a thought. She was pl eased when she woke and di scovered them there, But never a one of us guessed That i t i snt the spl endor that makes a gi ft rare- She l i kes her rag dol l y the best. Theres the fl axen-hai red dol l , wi th the real human hai r, Theres the Teddy Bear l eft al l a

      6、l one, Theres the automobi l e at the foot of the stai r, And there i s her toy tel ephone; We thought they were fi ne, but a l i ttl e chi l ds eyes Look deeper than ours to fi nd charm, And now shes i n bed, and the rag dol l y l i es Snuggl ed cl ose on her l i ttl e whi te arm. Hol l yhocks Ol d-f ashi oned f l owers! I l ove them al l : The morni ng-gl ori es on the wal l , The pansi es i n thei r patch of shade, The vi ol ets, stol en f rom a gl ade, The bl eedi ng hearts and col umbi ne,

      7、Have l ong been garden fri ends of mi ne; But memory every summer f l ocks About a cl ump of hol l yhocks. The mother l oved them years ago; Besi de the fence they used to grow, And though the garden changed each year And certai n bl ooms woul d di sappear To gi ve thei r pl aces i n the ground To somethi ng new that mother found, Some pretty bl oom or rosebush rare- The hol l yhocks were al ways there. I t seems but yesterday to me She l ed me down the yard to see The fi rst tal l spi res, wi t

      8、h bl oom afl ame, And taught me to pronounce thei r name. And year by year I watched them grow, The f i rst f l owers I had come to know. And wi th the mother dear I d yearn To see the hol l yhocks return. The garden of my boyhood days Wi th hol l yhocks was kept abl aze; I n al l my recol l ecti ons they I n fri endl y col umns nod and sway; And when to- day thei r bl ooms I see, Al ways the mother smi l es at me; The mi nds bri ght chambers, l i f e unl ocks Each summer wi th the hol l yhocks.

      9、 Just Fol ks 4 Sacr ifice When he has more than he can eat To feed a strangers not a feat. When he has more than he can spend I t i snt hard to gi ve or l end. Who gi ves but what hel l never mi ss Wi l l never know what gi vi ng i s. Hel l wi n f ew prai ses f rom hi s Lord Who does but what he can afford. The wi dows mi te to heaven went Because real sacri fi ce i t meant. Just Fol ks 5 Rewar d Dont want medal s on my breast, Dont want al l the gl ory, I m not worryi ng greatl y l est The worl d wont hear my story. A chance to dream besi de a stream Where fi sh are bi ti ng free; A day or two, neath ski es of bl ue, I s j oy enough f or me. I do not ask a hoard of gol d, Nor treasures ri ch and rare; I dont want al l the j oys to hol d; I onl y want a share. Just now and then, away from men And al l thei r haunts of pri de, I f I can steal , wi th rod and reel , I wi l l be sati sfi ed. I l l gl adl y work my way

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