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    • 1、 Distributed with kind permission from the BBC The Listening Business 2012BBC RADIO 4 NEWS Monday, 5th March 2012 10.00am ELEMENTARY: CORRECT THE MISTAKE IN EACH SENTENCE1. Russias main independent policy watchdog is called Colos. 2. It says the recent presidential election was neither free nor fun. 3. The watchdogs monitors are funded largely the UN and the EU. 4. The watchdog said it had received seven reports of people being forced to vote for particular candidates. 5. Mr Putin has insisted i

      2、t was an open and honest result.6. The deputy prime minister is Mick Clegg. 7. The Government is considering changes to its plans to scrap child benefit for lower rate taxpayers. 8. Under the proposals, families where one parent earns just under 42,000 would lose the benefit. 9. Mr Clegg acknowledged the plans sew up anomalies. 10. There is just over a month to go before the Budget. 11. Mr Clegg said Were leaving in difficult times. 12. He said asking people who earn much more money than others

      3、to give up child benefit was a foolish thing to do.13. The next story is about a pilot project which would enable people to find out if their fathers have a known history of domestic violence. 14. The project is beginning in four police areas of England. 15. Its the result of a campaign by Michael Black. 16. His daughter was killed by her former husband.17. Shares in BT have risen sharply. 18. The company has settled private claims arising from the Gulf of Mexico chemical spill. 19. The companys

      4、 shares were up 2p in early trading in London.20. Westminster Abbey saw a surge in job applications following the marriage of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge last April. 21. 1.9 million people went through its accounts in 2011. 22. Visitor numbers were up more than 50% in 2011 compared to Distributed with kind permission from the BBC The Listening Business 2012BBC RADIO 4 NEWS Monday, 5th March 2012 10.00am ELEMENTARY: ANSWERS1. Russias main independent policy watchdog is called Colos. Golos 2

      5、. It says the recent presidential election was neither free nor fun. neither free nor fair 3. The watchdogs monitors are funded largely the UN and the EU. by the United States and the EU 4. The watchdog said it had received seven reports of people being forced to vote for particular candidates. several reports, not seven reports 5. Mr Putin has insisted it was an open and honest result. an open and honest fight6. The deputy prime minister is Mick Clegg. Nick Clegg 7. The Government is considerin

      6、g changes to its plans to scrap child benefit for lower rate taxpayers. for higher rate taxpayers 8. Under the proposals, families where one parent earns just under 42,000 would lose the benefit. just over 42,000 9. Mr Clegg acknowledged the plans sew up anomalies. threw up anomalies 10. There is just over a month to go before the Budget. with just over two weeks to go before the Budget 11. Mr Clegg said Were leaving in difficult times. Were living in difficult times. 12. He said asking people w

      7、ho earn much more money than others to give up child benefit was a foolish thing to do. a fair thing to do13. The next story is about a pilot project which would enable people to find out if their fathers have a known history of domestic violence. if their partners have a known history of domestic violence 14. The project is beginning in four police areas of England. four police areas of England and Wales 15. Its the result of a campaign by Michael Black. Michael Brown 16. His daughter was kille

      8、d by her former husband. by a former boyfriend17. Shares in BT have risen sharply. BP 18. The company has settled private claims arising from the Gulf of Mexico chemical spill. the Gulf of Mexico oil spill 19. The companys shares were up 2p in early trading in London. 2%20. Westminster Abbey saw a surge in job applications following the marriage of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge last April. It saw a surge in visitors. 21. 1.9 million people went through its accounts in 2011. went through its

      9、doors 22. Visitor numbers were up more than 50% in 2011 compared to 2010. up more than a third on the previous Distributed with kind permission from the BBC The Listening Business 2012BBC RADIO 4 NEWS Monday, 5th March 2012 10.00am INTERMEDIATE: GAP-FILL1. Russias main independent polling _ is called Golos. 2. Vladimir Putin has just won the presidential _. 3. Golos described the election as _ _ _ _. 4. Golos monitors are funded _ by the USA and the _. 5. Golos said there _ _ state interference. 6. It also said it had received _ reports of people _ forced to vote for particular candidates. 7. Mr Putin sai


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