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  • 上传时间:2021-04-25
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    • 1、英语口语问答整理一. 自我介绍:please introduce yourself/could you briefly describe yourself ?1)英文准备Dear professors, I feel so glad to meet all of you here. My name is Wu fei fei , 22 years old, and Im a local in Lian yun gang.Now I study in Jiang Su Normal University Ke wen College and will be graduated in July this year.During the four years in college, I have been studying hard and won scholarships and the title of Merit Student for many times. In addition, I once served as the president of the literature c

      2、lub and organized many interesting campus activities, such as the story drifting competition and essay calling activities. In life, I am a person who is brave in challenges. I will actively complete the course assignments, balance the time between club activities and study, and take advantage of holidays to travel and relax myself. During the four years in college, I gained the most from it: knowing myself and learning how to plan.I have two reasons why I apply for the major of Linguistics and A

      3、pplied Linguistics in Jiangsu Normal University. First of all, through learning professional knowledge and reading relevant materials, I found that I love this major and want to know more about it. Secondly, I had the honor to spend two years in Jiangsu Normal University and was deeply touched by the learning atmosphere on campus. I want to continue to do what I like here.Thats all about my self-introduction , thanks for listening , and I sincerely hope I could be a student of Jiangsu Normal Uni

      4、versity in the near future.二.个人信息1)兴趣爱好do you have any hobbies/what are you interested in ?I am a big fan of hard pen calligraphy since I was a child. I often write in my spare time, in the process of writing, I get the whole body relax, at the same time, my heart is calm down. I think practicing calligraphy is helpful to cultivate good character such as calmness, patience and so on. Besides, I plan to use online videos to learn Chinese calligraphy recently. I believe learning calligraphy will b

      5、ring me a lot of fun.2)最敬佩的人Who do you admire/respect most ? The person I admire most is my father. He is a kind, upright and hard-working man. He always works diligently and contributes himself to our family. What I admire most about him is his emphasis on details. He is always very prudent about his work and seldom makes mistakes. I often see him checking files carefully even if its late at night, which motivates me to learn from him. In my future study and life ,I will always remind myself th

      6、at I should be detail-oriented , treat my study seriously as my father do to his work.3)最想去的地方Where do you want to go most ?My dream place is Paris .Paris is a beautiful and romantic city with many attractive scenic spots. I have seen many movies about Paris, for example, Amelie. This movie shows us many beautiful scenes of Paris, which really fascinate me. Besides, the famous Eiffel Tower is in Paris too and I want to see this magnificent building with my own eyes, I believe it must be spectacu

      7、lar! If everything goes well, I plan to go to Paris for traveling next year, to see the beautiful scenery ,experience its local customs, and fulfill my wish!4)优点What are you strengths/ What advantages do you have?I think I have several advantages, such as kindness, honesty and confidence, just like many of my friends, but the most helpful one to me is carefulness. I have always been a detail-oriented person and deal with everything carefully. During the period of preparing for the postgraduate e

      8、ntrance examination, it is also my carefulness that made me noticed and solved a lot of so-called trap questions, so that I got a decent score in the preliminary test. In the future, I will continue to keep this good habit, treat everything carefully, and strive for greater progress.5)缺点 What are you weaknesses/Do you have any disadvantages? Im a short-tempered person. Sometimes I tend to excessively pursue speed in study and work, however, it often leads to poor quality of results and I have to

      9、 spend more time to improve it. For example, when I was preparing for the postgraduate entrance examination, I always try to review materials as fast as I can but forget what are in them quickly, and then I have to spend more time to repeat from the beginning. As far as Im concerned, if I could be more steady when I study for the first time. I would spend less time later. In the future, I will try my best to get rid of this weakness, work and study steadfastly.6)最重要的选择What the most important choice /decision youve ever have ?The most important choice I have ever made is taking the postgraduate entrance examination. In my junior year, I was faced with two choices: one was to find a job , the other was to get further study. At that time, many of my classmates chose to take internships in order to prepare for job- seeking, but I resolutely chose to study further. I believe this decision will change my entire life because postgraduate


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